Do we know if 5v5 will fully release to public in 2022?

Oh that’s cool, I didn’t know it was so close to release! Good things then! :slight_smile:

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even if it wasn’t, open beta is basically release anyway cause literally everyone is able to play it.


<20 characters>

the archived github site after being taken down. look for “Overwatch 2”, its in alphabetical order

Source (reddit):

an older leak from the same database that revealed many unreleased titles, ticked if correct (and many of them are):

confirmed as real from an NVIDIA dev but stresses some titles and dates are “speculative”.

Not guaranteed if OW2 will come out then as some are “speculative” but its 7 months after closed beta starts so YMMV

That’s not happening, sorry.

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I would very much doubt that they actually know the exact release date of OW2. The devs themselves probably don’t even know exactly when they plan on full launching the game.

yeah it should be a placeholder. considering Diablo 4 was “September 2022” which is totally not happening.

to be honest … I don’t think it’s a plausible plan. the main problem of OW2 is the escape of the developers after the scandal. particularly the lack of Julia Humpreys, who was in charge of PVE balancing.

the OwL 2022 will literally be an advertising tournament of the various cycles of the Beta pvp, but nothing suggests that they will be able to ALSO complete the pve during this progression. on the contrary, I find the fact that a tournament is organized on a testing basis rather desperate in contractual terms, in respecting at all costs the agreement to let the OWL teams play. a tournament that is starting very late. a tournament that has its own savr the date BEFORE saying what the Beta will show. A tournament without a sponsor. A tournament that will show the various cycles of the beta as a new incentive to see it, not just the token league for the OwL skins. a tournament on … a game that doesn’t have a community that really knows it. it’s like saying “we organize a hockey tournament, but we have special rules. to you of the audience we only give you the information of how it works and maybe someone has the privilege of being part of this version of the game. the rest? watch and learn” . m the truth? that as of I’m Ow2 we don’t even have half the information of what this game would be:

  • the 32 have finished being reworked as doomfist and orisa?
  • HOW MANY new heroes are expected in the end?
  • kaplan (or goodman, I don’t remember) said the c2p would be retrofitted to another competitive mode (including Anubis / volskaya / hanamura. Okay, but there is literally no info on their actual fate.
  • obviously the PvE, but this also makes us wonder WHO are the enemy units, the other factions besides the talon and Null sector, or how all the talent trees have been structured;
  • hero designs still not all shown, and now also brigitte (not originally planned) has a redesign.
  • the organization of the competition for those who play at home (and not in a tournament): will there be this clan system? have they changed the way matchmaking judges? or of the rank?
  • the lootboxing system, how is it changed?
  • experience frames, what will they become?
  • what will be “on sale” and how? we are all convinced that pve will be the only paid thing, but … how? in chapters like starcraft2? with bundles? Does the basic game automatically become a free to play? How, in detail? we don’t know and the information is not 100% accurate.

in the face of ALL this, paradoxically as a percentage we know more details of Hogwards legacy in its generality than Ow2. and let’s face it: what we will see in April is only the reorganization of ow1 after too much time of silence, NOT ow2. perhaps the only noteworthy evolution will be the ping system, but the rest … is a rework. or whatever, in normal growth non-syop Ow would have had in a long time (new heroes).

there are too many delays. I find it impracticable to hypothesize December 2022, and the only buff there was to show something now … it seems more like a contractual obligation to “do esport in 2022” rather than something really ready to look like much more than a rework which had to be of Ow1, not of “2”.

I understand and agree with a lot of what you are saying. the silence since 2019 has been very worrisome. thankfully they are stepping it up this year but it’s definitely ironic that we know more about Hogwarts Legacy and hell, even Diablo 4 than the Overwatch 2 PvE.

I’ll be honest, I don’t feel its really team 4’s fault. The game is in deep development hell, amongst a scandal from team 2, Kotick forcibly scrapping so much of the work being done for the PvE.

When Microsoft and Phil Spencer becomes lead I feel development will go smoother with MS actually caring about their workplace health.

Ok…and? August is about 5 months away. Original OW1 beta testing was 6 months.

“Multiple betas” doesn’t mean anything when each is probs only gonna last like 2 weeks

I don’t want to be a bearer of bad news, but Alphabet’s (formerly Google) Gmail was in beta for almost 5 years, and 3 of them was invite-only.

While I don’t think OW2 will be nearly that long, I do think we’re looking at a minimum of 6 months to 1 year invite-only.

I think that a little “everyone” has a fault in something, not just kotick. the executive is more likely to have put particular pressure on priorities to follow, such as interest in e-sports and having removed funds and resources to study other ancillary mechanics (presumably something for the events. Kaplan often quoted that the ideas were there but not the priorities, speaking of Junkensten). BUT the organizational plan is a responsibility of team 4:

  • communication, of course. this is not just about “keeping the community updated on what’s going on” but also interfacing with them by talking about themselves. the AMAs are quite exhaustive, but they are not worth a lasting relationship with the community that was created in the forums with “the orange”. it is also due to their complete absence that we see so much degradation and abandonment in the topics. it is not enough to “observe”, but also to hold ancillary interests.
  • balance speaking, what has been bothering you a lot lately is not just the absence of something lively in the competitive house … but literally having patch notes without comments. there is still a lot of outrage over Cassidy’s somersault buff and hammond’s grappling nerd, unanimously disapproved but never commented on. well … they are too morbidly gluing OW2 making the community almost stupid to have to care about the OW1 gameplay … and it is not correct.
  • no less important: the promises of a politician. “we want to limit smurfing”, “we want to make the reports as functional as possible”, “we want to make the community very involved in the creative activities of the workshop”. results? “incorrect” smurfing (cheaters, people unhappy with the original judgment, etc.) has increased ferociously, reports are increasingly automated and devoid of human interest, and despite the creative commitment, the workshop does not emerge to give an arcade official character to better ways by giving it the right exposure (fantastic reinterpretation of having lost the help of creative folks who created the genre endow in warcraft3, you know?).

I could mention the name McCree / cassidy among the responsibilities of the team, but I think it is too sensitive as an argument. but let me tell you this: it’s a real streisand effect. because by formalizing a dismissal they made “eternal” a story impossible not to mention when you hear the name McCree. and it is perhaps a damage both for them who will hear it again, and for the community that simply saw only a name, not a developer (but now they know he better xP).

the only advantage of Microsoft’s leadership is not management but the sense of trust that the new leadership should give. enough to entice the arrival of talented people who shouldn’t be afraid of executives but be excited to be able to improve projects with their contribution. in THIS Kotick really killed Blozzard, the sense of trust above all. and the testimony of Jen o neil at the washington post is the most significant of this … “character”.

they have not started yet either, six months from april is october. and well theres going to be several

fall starts in september too

Yep, and don’t forget either - unless they have a change of heart, the PVE will still need to be done before the game launches… now, could they “launch” the PVP version, go F2P, then release the PVE expansion later? Sure, but that might seriously degrade the impact they want to make on release… I doubt they will risk that…

Most likely a release in Nov 2022 or even Dec 2022 is likely.

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Alright let me ask you this who’s your current tank main. If you say rein or dva hog. Once doomfist comes in no games will have a shield hero since doom will be moved to tank role and no tanks will have anything to do the doomfist will troll or people will be really really really bad at doomfist and rated games in PVP will be lost instantly. So in essence it’s just a a bad idea for making a 5 vs 5 game to actually punish players in rated. We can’t leave games we get penalized. we get DC we get penalized. someone leaves we don’t get replacement players we get penalized in what way is overwatch 2 going to be fun for players in rated games at all hmm. Playing overwatch 2 will literally be like being right in front of a firing squad in a prison were all going to die. I’m pretty sure the devs agent. A. - agent. G. Respectfully will probably be fired over this fiasco escapade in regards to actually appeasing it’s fan base. Company M. Won’t even be able to save it even if every mercy player on the planet worked together to resurrect the game.


They literally said in the Dev update last week that they are separating PvP from PvE :skull:

Like that’s LITERALLY the entire discourse that the game has been having this week. PvE is being pushed aside and they are focusing full force on PvP to get it out ASAP.

They are separating PVP from PVE in the Update - this means unhinging development, not the actual release of OW 2. It is unclear because AFAIK, there is no direct statement saying OW 2 will first be a PVP release for “free” then OW 2 as PVE only release. I think maybe people are reading more into it than what they said (or I am reading less in than they meant).

Well… it is what they said… OW2‘s PvP will release as OW 2.0 PvP update first and PvE will follow sometime later as OW2.

If I missed this (which is possible) then I stand corrected. This was directly stated in the dev update I take it? I watched it but missed about 1 minute of content due to distractions going on, so that must be when they said it.

„We are changing our release strategy by decoupling Overwatch 2’s PvP and PvE experiences from one another to get new PvP content into your hands sooner, while we continue to work on PvE.“ - Source: Overwatch 2 Community Update - News - Overwatch

This means that OW 2.0 PvP updates comes out before PvE sometime this year according to this article + developer update.