Do people still think Bobby Kotick was the only problem?

Microsoft just swooped in and cancelled a new IP from Blizzard that was in development for 6 years and fired 2k employees.

Bobby Kotick cancels some crappy PVE mode in OW2 that only a dozen people were hyped for and people pretend he’s the devil.

Literally nobody thought Bobby was the only problem.

Plenty of people did.

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That is not remotely true. The amount of people who swore up and down that the removal of Bobby was the key to making everything better is pretty high. I couldn’t give you solid numbers or anything but I can comfortably say it was a lot more than literally nobody.

Well, I’d say like to ask, if the merger deal fell apart, and Blizzard felt the full effects of the stock market backlash, going into all these companies doing layoffs.

Does anybody think for a second that the layoffs at Blizzard wouldn’t be more brutal?


When Bobby Kotick cancelled a project he usually re-assigned the employees to something else. At least they still had jobs. 2k layoffs is insane.

I don’t see anything wrong with that just business as normal when a take over happens or are you deluded enough to think that firings where not going to happen? I actually see this as a good sign.

Geez, do we really need 5-10 of these threads every week from the same guy?

If I recall correctly you made a thread using this same strawman, so there’s not really much more to be said.

You don’t remember when they fired 800 employees some years ago?

lol checkmate, I guess :roll_eyes:

Literally no one has said it! Not a one, no!

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The problem has always been the community constantly whining about one mechanic/hero or another, and the devs responding by reworking/ruining that hero. We are now left with half the rooster no longer as fun to play as they were.

In OW1 you could switch to any hero and they were fun and unique. They were so unique it felt almost like you were playing an entirely different game when you switched. That uniqueness has been slowly syphoned away from one hero after another to appease ‘‘It’s unfun! Remove it!’’ whiners.

For example, old Mei could be a little bit annoying, but she was a ton of fun to play so who cares. The community however constantly exaggerated about her, saying ‘‘When you go against an enemy Mei you literally can’t even play the game!!!’’ and other hysterical, over the top, assorted crap. Constantly exaggerating. So the devs ruined Mei. This is just one example, this has happened to like half the rooster. And once your main is ruined, that is basically the whole game ruined for you, since someone’s main pretty much IS the game for that individual. The gameplay of the person’s main IS the gameplay of Overwatch for that person. So when it’s ruined, the whole game is ruined for them.

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Given Blizzards track record in recent years, honestly canceling a project isn’t the wrong thing to do. Look at all the time and money they wasted on OW2, especially the whole PVE thing.

Pretty obvious Blizzard failed to produce anything and yet couldn’t be bothered to cancel the project until after several extensions in where they still failed to produce anything.

Yes I hate seeing projects canceled, but I hate games released in a trash state that should of been canceled more. It’s not just a blizzard problem but nearly all of gaming lately can’t seem to finish games properly. They either take months after release to patch it, or never fix the broken game at all.

Not to mention lies about what they can achieve are so rampant listening anything a Dev says prior to release is futile.

I don’t know about you but I don’t feel like going around in circles with a whole “yes it is” “no it’s not” “yes it is” routine. So yeah, not much more to be said to that.

Did you even read those examples? One of them is literally a bot thread… :skull:

But anyways, if you’re gonna get so caught up on my use of the word “literally” as if you thought I “literally” meant there wasn’t a single human being on the entire planet who believed that, then fine. I’ll concede there. You win. There is a small minority of people uninformed enough to believe Bobby was the only problem at Blizzard. If only the amount of those people wasn’t so negligible, then you and the OP’s argument wouldn’t still be such a dumb strawman.

Lol I didn’t look all that closely, no, but I did find 4 examples that are good enough in about 20 seconds and could find more. It’s a common enough topic but if you just want to flail and say I’m wrong and dumb then do that I guess.