Now that the person blamed for many of the decisions that ruined Overwatch (forced to go F2P instead, forced battlepasses into the game, forced to put heroes into the battlepasses etc) can we please have some sense returned to the economy of the game?
Even if any skin would be earnable in a reasonable 2-3 weeks, instead of 8 months, there still would be plenty of players buying them instead of griding. How about returning Leveling up lootboxes (so the free rewards are random, but if you don’t want to wait for getting the skin you want by chance you would buy it with coins). Despite all the excuses I heard, even the strickest anti-lootbox country, Belgium, specifies that only the lootboxes that need to be purchased are illegal and gambling, regular ones that you earn through gameplay aren’t.
The game literally doesn’t have to paywall 60% of its content for it to be profitable and keep itself alive, you can afford to be more generous and give more incentive for players to spend time in the game. So please do it.
You don’t need to put heroes into the battlepasses. People aren’t buying battlepasses for the heroes, they buy them for the unique battlepass exclusive skins that show off that you completed that season. Nobody, not even the people that actually buy the battlepasses are happy that the heroes are in them.
You don’t need to make the PVE paywalled. Its literally dead because the few people that bought it no longer play it. Just make it a seasonal thing thats available at a time of year like the archive events were (and bring those back too!)