Do people actually want Bastion viable?

Recon does 1 more damage than Soldier, but has 1 less bullet per second, giving him a slightly lower DPS than Soldier. Recon has 160, Soldier has 171.

I agree on the Sentry revert thing, that would be nice. I don’t think buffs should focus on Recon mode though. Recon is really good where it’s at. Recon isn’t meant to be his primary mode, Soldier is better all around than Recon mode. Sentry should be his main focus, but he shouldn’t be encouraged to just sit in Sentry the whole match like he is now with Ironclad. A lot of the time, it’s better to stay in Sentry mode repairing rather than going to Recon mode to escape, and that shouldn’t be the case…

I’m playing some Bastion in comp and it seems to be pretty oppressive to at least gold players. Idk if it would be healthy if he was good at GM with his current design unless it was very niche uses. He is a cheese comp hero that needs to be shut down by coordination. If even GM players couldn’t do that consistently on most maps I’d think that would get tiring really quickly. So up to what tier should he be good at? Or do people want a redesign to not make him so simple.

We want him usable at all tiers. He doesn’t need to be meta, most Bastion mains don’t want him meta, but we want him to be usable.

Right now, his spread is really bad, making his damage output really bad at range. His Ironclad also strongly encourages “protect the president” comps because it’s much easier to heal Bastion than it is for the enemy to damage him. It also encourages staying in Sentry for most of the game, which isn’t good.

We want that changed. Remove Ironclad (or tie it to repair so that whenever he repairs, he gets damage resistance kinda like roadhog), give Sentry it’s accuracy and headshots back. He’ll require more skill to play, making him harder to use at lower ranks but more viable in higher ranks.

If they want to go the rework route, I would really like to see a Tank on E rework. I would still like the Sentry stuff in that, but maybe not quite as much damage as he used to have. It’s detailed more in that link.

Because his positioning is limited and the comps that work with him are limited the only way I see him being playable at top level is either being a niche pick (like Junkertown payload thing) or being oppressive. Otherwise his sitting duck nature is gonna get outplayed by the best players. I like the idea of E being a weaker tank form, but I wonder if it wouldn’t just be used to get back from spawn faster and then turret up again.

Spread tightness and headshots… I just don’t know. Vs gold I’m apparently getting 42k damage/10 min in comp according to the forum profile thing. Is damage really the problem? I don’t think he’s ever gonna be someone who has consistently good performance without a comp and team working with him but he really doesn’t feel too bad to me if you have that. I think especially with Brig available to make Tracer not wanna pulse bomb him and to spot heal if he’s flanked he’s pretty tough to take out for the average mid tier team. With tighter spread and headshots wouldn’t he be an absolute menace until top tiers? And even with more damage wouldn’t he still get instant countered by combos like Mei hook in those top tiers? Though I guess Brig can block that too if she sits on him.

I admit I don’t have a ton of experience with the game but he feels like someone who would be really tough to balance into viability at top tiers without destroying the game everywhere below it. At least without substantial rework.

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Tank isn’t really going to get you to the point much quicker, it’s basically all vertical mobility, it doesn’t really do anything for horizontal…

I’m gonna go ahead and say that’s a bug… Mine says I have an average damage per ten minutes of 11 (not 11 thousand, 11 damage)… I don’t think that page, the official blizzard stats page, is really reliable…

I mean, he had better spread and headshots before his rework, and he was still f-tier…

They think they do, but as soon as it happens they’ll cry “OP plz nerf Bastion is killing this game!!!1!”

My mistake I thought he traveled faster horizontally in tank.

I think it shows numbers in thousands. When I said 41K I meant it just says 41 or something.

Was he F tier in mid tiers before the rework? If so that’s pretty interesting. What exactly happened in the rework I wasn’t here then… :l
To me it feels like the kit itself will be hard to balance for high tiers because he’s so stationary regardless of a damage increase. If tank mode doesn’t have faster mobility to reposition with I’m not sure it’d help out that much. You want it so that he can land direct hits on stuff beyond his effective range right? That might make a good deal of difference.

Nah, I kind of want him to be subpar.

He’s really not fun to play against. He’s a stationary turret that just mows you down in a second. That is not enjoyable gameplay. Maybe if he was changed in a way so that he played differently.

Honestly no, I don’t want Bastion to succeed too much. It’s not fun at all to battle someone who’s able to survive stationary like a brain dead lump on a log.

Well, I also have 0 kills, 0 crits, 0 time spent on fire, 0 objective time…

Oh yeah, he was still f-tier before… But he was better than he is now.

Here’s his rework… I think this is everything anyway…

  • Sentry mode
    • Increased spread by 50%
    • Increased ammo to 300
    • Removed headshots
    • Always at maximum spread
  • Recon mode
    • Decreased spread by 25%
  • Repair
    • Can now use repair while moving
    • Damage no longer stops repair
    • Added a resource meter
  • Ironclad (new passive)
    • Gives passice damage resistance of 35% (later reduced to 20%)
  • Tank mode
    • No longer gives 150 armor

Here’s a rework for you. Takes away Ironclad as a passive so he can’t just sit there and face tank stuff, puts Tank mode on E for different gameplay.

Fair enough. I checked in game and have 25K if that’s accurate which is extremely lower than 41K so they definitely got something weird going on.

Old Bastion does sound better. If they had given him the repair change and did nothing else he’d probably be in a bit better spot. If he was F tier mid ranks why’d they change him anyways? Did they think those changes were a net buff?

That’s better… still fairly high for an average, but somewhat reasonable… maybe you haven’t played too many games this season?

All he really needed was the repair change and the recon change… Recon was pretty trash before the rework. And also maybe the transform time buffs, those are kinda important since the game has sped up so much since then…

Oh, and I did forget that his transformation times were changed. Going from Recon to Sentry was changed from 1.5 seconds to 1 second, and going from Sentry to Recon was changed from 1 second to 0.5 seconds.

I don’t like it… feels OP and the ult is just ‘moar power’ which I feel is unimaginative (and would just make him super OP).

Well, I mean, the idea of Doomfist being able to one shot people on a 4 second cooldown seems pretty OP too, yet here we are…

It’s an ult, it’s meant to be powerful… and it doesn’t even really do much, just bumps Sentry’s fire rate to 35, and restores Tank mode to what it is currently… It’s basically the same as Molten Core, only it makes more sense, because Bastion is a robot…

Well for whatever it’s worth, I don’t really like Doomfist either.

I don’t like fast TTK heroes. Fights that take time are fun. Just being instagibbed is not. Bastion’s stupidly fast TTK is not fun to play into, and to be honest, turrets just kind of ruin games in general. The only way Bastion could be made fun is just to make him into Soldier 76 #2, which isn’t great either.

I honestly think Bastion is just another faliure of a character design that is too flawed to be considered for meta play. He should stay a niche hero.

Have you ever played vs a Bastion or cheese comp and actually enjoyed the experience?

Cause I never have.

I like slower paced games too, I really liked triple tank/death ball all those seasons ago. Bastion (as he is now) doesn’t really have a very good TTK though, I have a thread on that too.

We’re trying to get rid of the cheese comps… The only real reason they exist is because that’s the only way to play Bastion. He’s just way too weak on his own to be viable without half his team babysitting him, which makes a cheese comp.

I’ve definitely enjoyed games against Bastion’s normally though, it forces you to work with your team, which is a good thing, the game needs more of that.

Reverse that. High level triple barrier Bastion Pirate Ships end up becoming a match of who can kill everyone in the first teamfight the fastest on Offense. They don’t so much deal with him as do him better.