Do people actually want Bastion viable?

People have been saying this for Sombra, but Bastion is just as garbage. Actually he has his own team comp that works so he’s better than Sombra. Anyways, last time Bastion was viable he was a must pick and one change to his iron clad made him go from “picked every map, every team comp every match” to “payload? bastion” I don’t want him viable, it was awful. People want a rework but don’t realize he would need to lose a lot to get the changes they want.


Bastion is a mix bag just like symmetra. He is useless in high elo and is hard to deal with in low elo.

I want to see him changed cuz his gameplay just sux now but I am afraid he will stuck in some awkward position as symmetra 3.0 if they do that.


#OmnicLivesMatter #BuffBastion


he’s hella annoying to against and has such a horrible, un-fun kit design. praying he stays being trash. :pray: i know enemies aren’t supposed to be fun to play against, obviously, but bastion just takes it to a whole new level.


If you dont want a hero to be viable then your selfish

One thing is not liking a hero and other is not wanting em to be viable


Bastion has always either been OP or garbage only used in a cheese comp. The way he is now i don’t want viable. I’m assuming a lot of other people don’t want this either.


Whoever doesnt want a hero to be viable is stupid
.all heroes should be viable,

I despise hanzo yet im happy he was finally buffed


Personally, I want every hero to be viable. That said, we have to be extremely careful when dealing with Bastion. He has the best DPS potential in the game and if you tweak him to be too viable in too many situations it starts to become extemely oppressive, especially for tanks. He is the type of hero that needs to have a niche that he is really good at, and then only be played in those situations. The problem is he kind of lacks that niche.

I know a lot of people hate hearing this but he is supposed to be a situational hero as opposed to one you pick every game. The problem is that he lacks a situation where he is better than the other DPS.


He needs a major rework like Symmetra so he can be viable on all ranks and not just the lowest tiers


Hanzo is OP, insulting me proves everything I think of when I see “MagyTheMage replied to your post”


Sorry for insulting

I just cant come to think that someone doesnt want all heroes to be viable, thats sad, other people enjoy those heroes and not wanting them to be able to enjoy them pissess


<be blizzard balance team
<People want Bastion buffed, they say “he’s consistently been the worst hero since launch”.
<we buff bastion in a way that makes him viable in high ranks but fair in low ranks
<now everyone says “he’s unfun to play against”, “why would you buff a no skill hero???”, and “THIS GAME IS DYING, I’M LEAVING FOR FORTNITE”


All heroes will never be viable at any moment. The devs purposely change heroes to they will need more changes down the road. It keeps the game alive with constant changes.


Atleast have all heroes be viable in most situations,

Having heroes that act like first point defense only on certain maps and others that furfill that.role even better than them id unaccepteable


Having all the heroes viable in ‘most situations’ will kill this game faster than toxicity. Games need constant changes or it will die. Devs know this.

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I low key don’t want Mei, Bastion, and Junkrat viable but I’ll acknowledge that they (maybe not junkrat, I just hate playing against him) need changes. My personal disdain playing them won’t make me fight people who want them buffed because they are underpowered


Having all heroes viable in most situation increases variety,

How is that killing the game?

If you can play a lot of different heroes it makes the game more diverse

You encourage metas as welcome but reject diversity


The same thing every match, no more hero changes, no more exciting new abilities. Game dead in a month if that ever happened. True balance should never happen and anyone who wants it is… ‘stupid’.

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With a Rein or Orisa to shield him and armour packs from Torb, Bastion is really good.


Metas are the same every match

A diverse hero pool means you will never see the same thing or its highly unlikely

Having 6 heroes viable at all timed and the rest 22 is good but having all 28 be good in most situations is bad?

People who want true balance are stupid? So you prefer a set group of heroes to overshadow the rest rather than all have their moment to shine?