Diversity in Overwatch: Hero concept suggestions

she is great representation for those demanding more diversity, lgbt and other PC stuff

Someone actually brought omnics up before!

I didn’t mention it in this thread at first, but I had long hoped for a Null Sector hero - a villain character, resentful towards humans, obsessed with efficiency.

That being said, over a year has passed since Uprising, and it doesn’t look like Null Sector is going to be expanded on any time soon.

Welp… I opened this thread expecting some discussion about a new hero with new gameplay mechanics and all i got is ‘‘MUH REPRESENTATION’’.


Feel free to leave. Your comment wasn’t necessary, or useful.

Just like this thread, but don’t worry i won’t bother with this anymore. Good luck on your ‘‘fight’’.

It’s not a fight. I’ve simply posted some ideas.

Diversity and representation are part of Overwatch’s design philosophy. It IS constructive to suggest some suitable ways to expand on that.

“hero concept” : “make them trans bi lgbt complient” , k
i’ m kinda getting tired of these lgbt requests, it s getting out of hand, i mean the archeologist and the black girl are cool ideas, i like it, but then you had to talk about sexual preference.
Just let the story writer do his thing ok ?
You can create your own story with bis and trans and all that nps.
Also , tracer is lesbian , thats not enough for you ?

you know how this “Muh diversity” works, right? You give them one thing they ask and they gonna complain and ask more immediatly.

Again, these are just ideas.

Just like Tracer being a lesbian started out as simply an idea, so did my suggestions. There’s little difference in the actual conceptualization process.

Is there any particular reason why two more LGBTQ characters would be an issues?

So you want diversity of only things you thing matter, like gender, race and sexuality. But when religion, something that far larger groups and those with far worse treatment/history than the lgbt community are effected by, is suggested, you dismiss it.

Just so you know, spirituality doesnt necessarily mean religion. Meditation and finding zen dont have to be apart of a organised religion. The fact that you think a bland “mention” as sufficient just shows that you are biased and not as open to true diversity. If they are focusing on culture first, why should we even consider sexual orientation at all, after all, 84% of the world has a faith/religion, whereas only 2-11% are lgbt. And religion is a fair less sensitive subject world wide than lgbt, So blizzard would have less political hurdles to jump through.

Dog tags have no religious symbolism attached, merely that they often list religious preference along with other personal details. Id suggest speaking from information you know is true, not a half truth thats convenient. Why do you presume a soldier is religious just because of dog tags? reyes, if he was in the armed forces, would also have worn dog tags, yet you automatically assume he has no religious preference. Maybe hes embraced his dead state and has become a worshiper of the dark lord Satan, i mean that would be diverse. You automatically assume a middle eastern person to be Muslim. There are over 11 religious majorities on the middle east. there are Christians in the middle east.

You generalize on subjects you dont think are important, but specifically request a trans hero voiced by a trans va. are you saying if they added a trans hero voiced by a regular person, that would effect the diversity of the hero in the game? heck, why are you so specific in a male to female trans person? There have been far more female heros added lately, a female to male trans makes way more sense at the moment. Would you have preferred a black female character instead of doomfist? Is it just that you prefer female based heros? why is brown not enough, why does it have to be black? isnt a person of colour enough, or does diversity need to cover many bases just because? That again points to a personal bias, you arent interested in diversity, youre interested in things that represent you.

You say were over complicating it. We arent, we see through your thin veil of virtue, and see the motivation behind it all. its not diversity, its just what you want. Youre arguement now would be “why not, it doesnt hurt to include them, stop being hateful”. People like you, so shallow in their motivation, its not even satisfying picking apart your reasoning/logic.


yeah , and you are right , overwatch does indeed represent diversity already , more than most other games out there. but you gotta be subtile also when you write a story and it s world.
There s a point where stuff arent needed or wont make much sense anyway.

I also happen to see through the thin veil used by all the rabid kneejerkers in this thread. It’s bigotry, plain and simple.

You shudder at the idea of having any more LGBTQ characters in the game, so you try hard to find some reasons to argue against it, shut any such ideas down. It’s incredibly blatant.

so far biggest “bigot” here is you, it’s funny that you can’t see it.


I dont. Not at all. I shudder at the thought that they would add a hero just to appease people like you. That fact that this is the only part in the whole comment i made that you can even comment on shows how little you know about the subjects youre talking about


The game got MONKEYS AND ROBOTS. How much diverse do you want it?

Cyclical argument.

We’re talking about offering greater representation for actual human beings. I’ve already made that clear, long time ago.

No there is no particular reason why it would be an issue, not for me at least.
But it s also not an issue that they arent there.
Just like, they made symmetra autistic, which is cool , so we know autism is represented in the game , but i dont think we absolutly need more characters who are autistic. we could focus on other stuff, like the black lady , why not !
or the middle eastern archeologist , that s cool i think.

I think the problem is not with having LGBTQ characters, it’s with having the LQBTQ being the character. If you want to see more diverse characters, make them interesting, fun to play, have a purpose. Then make them LGBTQ. I don’t care if every character is a straight white male, if they’re good characters, the same goes for every gender, race etc. The best way to normalise LGBTQ is to not make it a main character trait. If they are LGBTQ, thats fine. what’s not fine is if the only reason that they’re a character is that they’re LGBTQ.

yes, i am still here… waiting for any serious ideas
while ignoring people who say:

‘omg he has his own opinion, dont listen to him’

“omg he dont like my politics, hes literally a bigot almost a Mazi”


Please re-read the first post.

I’ve made it a point, numerous times, that I do not disregard any other aspects of character design. You’re arguing against a problem that doesn’t exist.