Look, before the inevitable kneejerk reaction, I would like to preface this by saying that this is not a demand; these are just hero concepts that I would love to see in the game.
I think these concepts, as unnecessary or trivial they may seem to some, would expand on the game’s diversity, offer representation to a wider range of people.
And, I might not have all the details on gameplay mechanics or characters’ backgrounds and personalities figured out yet - but that doesn’t mean I think they aren’t important. I trust Blizzard to make their heroes fun and compelling, no different than how Tracer being a lesbian is just another aspect of her character.
So, now that I got that out of the way, let’s get to it.
Suggestion 1: Hamid Faisal, middle eastern archeologist
The concept has been around since Petra release, and the character of Hamid Faisal is prominently featured in the emails displayed on Petra’s electronic equipment.
We already know that he’s an archeologist working for Oasis, and I fully expect to see some references to pop culture’ treasure hunters in his design.
This isn’t really anything new, but I feel it was fitting to mention him here.
Suggestion 2: Black female hero from Haiti
Yes, I know, we already have Orisa and Efi. But to some people I’ve talked with, that doesn’t really cut it.
Orisa is a robot, and Efi is a non-playable background character. So, yeah.
We don’t really have any playable black women in the roster yet, and I think it would be neat if we had.
That being said, I think we’ve seen enough from Africa - two heroes from the Sub-Saharan region, two heroes from Egypt… It would begin to feel redundant.
So, how about Haiti instead?
I think it would be interesting to see a Caribbean hero, explore Caribbean culture. Much like how other heroes take a lot after the cultures they come from, this hero would have a lot of Caribbean themes implemented in her design.
It definitely would be something new.
Suggestion 3: Genji revealed as bi?
If I recall correctly, Chu has said that there are other LGBTQ heroes who are already in the game. Personally, I think the most likely candidate is Genji.
It wouldn’t take much to confirm him as such. All you would need to do was include a flashback to his playboy days, before he became a cyborg. Show him going out with men and women alike, and there you have it.
It wouldn’t really get in the way of any potential relationship, either. It’s not like a bi person can’t settle down eventually, be it with someone of opposite gender or not.
Suggestion 4: Trans hero!?
Okay, look, this one will probably need to wait for a better time, I get that. I seriously wouldn’t expect such a hero to see the light of day until 2020, maybe 2021.
The way I thought such a hero would be implemented, would be to begin by introducing them as just another female hero (I conceptualize them as MtF), without mentioning their prior background. Maybe leave behind some hints, but nothing that could explicitly confirm it.
Then, wait for the next Archives event to release a spray of them a child.
That’s it. No making a big deal out of it, just a detail from the character’s past.
It would spark a controversy nonetheless, kinda like some people still found a way to get upset about Tracer being revealed as a lesbian. But I think that handling it right could make a huge positive impact, just like Tracer had.
So, there you have it. Tell me whether you like these ideas, and whether you have any of your own. Meanwhile, I’ll go hide in my bunker.