Diversity in Overwatch: Hero concept suggestions

Mama Hong is mostly a meme as far as I can tell - hardly a serious idea. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually the name made me thought of a new shimada and I would love to see anzo and genji grandma going on the field to yell at her boy for being too loud.

As serious and meme as hammond is

No I don’t know what you mean.

From Africa? Because Egypt is in Africa.

Or are the women on the roster not dark enough for your liking? Is their status as black women invalidated because they’re not the particular shade you’d prefer? I’m trying to understand.

Because it sounds like you’re drawing a line in the sand on what is or isn’t black enough.

jesus christ.

So we literally have a character named like John Jack.

And here I was, thinking that we’d actually be getting some discussion on mechanically diverse characters…

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Googling it does show some people named that.

I guess it’s a Paul Ryan situation - it looks ridiculous, but it’s actually a thing.

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Use google next time.

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If you start hatjng lgbt people bc of innocent threads on forums, it says more about your character than it does about the OP.


She’d be my main lol.

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Neat OP! I especially like the middle eastern character and the bi Genji (Im Arab and bi so :D)

That trans woman hero also sounds cool, the spray would be an organic and smooth reveal.

I don’t know if I’ll read the replies bc I’m getting tired of seeing the same offensive bs “forced rep boohoo where is my straight white pride” but I just wanted to show you my support.


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Thanks, I’m glad you like it!

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The us alone unless the numbers have increased its still 1-2% of the population of the world. I have no problems with LGBT character, tracer is actually one of my favorite characters in the game. It just should not be a focus, which is why asking for LGBT characters is wrong. Forcing diversity is a false narrative and you’re doing it for the wrong reason.

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Why exactly is it “wrong” to come up with such characters?

They’re gay to be gay. Wanting gay characters isn’t wrong. Wanting characters to be gay just so you feel better about yourself is.

I’m afraid I don’t follow.

No, we need Trigglypuff

Overwatch is already diverse game and don’t need any more “diversity”, after reading this topic it’s clear to me that you have little to no knowledge about this stuff, dodging questions and sending people to Wiki makes your points really weak.

PS: too much female heroes added - game needs another white male from EU CIS region.

I didnt know this meme, so I imagine a Jiglipuff evolution before looking for this…

No, it means that vocal minority pushing their agenda to much that they’re starting to annoy people. People starting to believe that all LGBT people are like this - screaming, demanding, arrogant, etc. Those “innocent threads on forums” hurting LGBT community much more than anyone else.

What about more Omnics? Not everyone on the current roster is human, you know.