Diversity in Overwatch: Hero concept suggestions

Why did this all of a sudden become about lgbt? I thought we were talking about diversity of all humans

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If there is a good story behind them, and they’re fun, I couldn’t care less what race, sex, or what gender they’re attracted to.

That said… Pandering due to identity politics and those who get off on said virtue signaling is a huge waste of time, and will end up driving more people away from the game than you bring in.


and in division of alredy existing community

I’d like you direct your attention to this post.

Yeah suddenly you see who’s bigoted and who’s not. Terrible.

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by your standards all who might have different vision is bigot
but i am not bothered

Different vision = no icky queer people?

Yet you’re in these threads all the time. Either you’re in denial, or…

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Different vision = not forcing politics in

to make sure that there will be all sides of spectrum
as for now discussion in all of this kind of threads is meaningless and ends up in nothing

Because people like you keep derailing them, lol. It’s so bloody obvious if you’re not neck deep in denial.

Anyhow, I said my piece. Hope OP is at least having a good time with the polemics.

So, the presence of LGBTQ people is “forced politics”?

They’re annoying, but at least they keep the thread active.

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or maybe its you who is in denial, in little box?

besides - how can i derail thread that calls for distorting Genji as character? i said that i dont agree, gave my side to this story, but it was ignored 2 times alredy

it is always like that in this kind of threads - thats why i always flag em as spam or inflamatory … wether its about heterosexual ships, or other-sexual things, because
politics, religion and sexuality are things that for sake of WHOLE COMMUNITY we should keep away from Overwatch UNLESS devs deicdes that this will be important factor in developing hero

they alredy made terible chocies because of pressure

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dont worry, Blizz remember about LGBT++++++ people … just let them work

Because youre all “hive minded”. You say the same thing, regarding diversity, gender, race etc, you react the same way when people react in any way other than “yes, absolutely”, and then call other bigots because you’re thinking with your heart not your head and cant argue or even justify the narrow expansions of diversity you want to suggest.

fyi, no one is attacking the op, rather expecting a better reasoning, well anything better than “we should be inclusive of all humans (all specific examples popular in specifically the left leaning political spectrum)” or “its just a concept (I want these ones the most, others dont really interest me enough to consider them part of diversity)”

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I do let them work!

I’ve simply dropped some ideas, that they’re free to take inspiration from if they wish.

thats why i said like 15 times here - there is megathread for such ideas - we managed to agree that that mega)y) threead is nessesary to not spam forum with countless threads on the same topic … megathread is highly moderated, so they see everything there

So you are alienating aliens? What are you, an Aliencist?


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You mean this thread, right?

LGBTQ characters are only a half of my suggestions. The others would not be suitable for the megathread.

Gay aliens would be cool.

Haha, I’m not sure if aliens are going to be a thing in Overwatch lore. :sweat_smile: