Director's Take: Talking tanks and upcoming hero balance changes

speaking to all of you will continue to be a priority for the team.

Yeah, no. You’re talking but refuse to listen to anyone but your twitch/youtube content creators. You base everything off of their feedback and numbers when you should base everything off of the feedback you get from the majority of players, aka everyone below gm5.

In order for this game to actually thrive, we need to bring back 6v6, because 5v5 in and of itself proved that it was never because of the 6v6 format that the queue times were so bad.

Queue times and especially match quality, are objectively worse now for all ranks in competitive. On my silver/gold account i get between 5-10 minute queues on DPS or longer during peak hours, which is roughly the same my friends in higher ranks had OW1 and still have in higher ranks in OW2. This is proof that the matchmaker ‘tweaks’ are just plain horrible and never even did what they were supposed to do and instead made things worse for all ranks, but mostly for lower ranks.

You never needed to remove that one tank slot, and that’s just a sad fact. It’s like with everything else in OW2. You took an amazing game and you stripped away the things that made Overwatch fun and then came up with the worst excuses i’ve ever seen in my life to try and justify said changes…

Man up and admit you were wrong for changing the format to 5v5, reintroduce 6v6 and work on tweaking the heroes that aren’t tuned for 6v6, because the majority of the OG heroes are still tuned for the 6v6 format, which is yet another fact that you keep on ignoring, just like you keep ignoring the majority of your player base.


You misunderstood. They’d like to speak to all of us, just not about those issues that people actually care about. Not only will they not speak about them, they will tell content creators in interviews not to bring it up.

I hope my insight was helpful, please leave a review so my Fiverr career can continue :slight_smile:


When are y’all gonna remove the Invulnerability from Suzu? It’s incredibly easy to hit cooldown, provides a free get out of jail free card to kiriko, and allows her to counter almost every offensive ult no skill involved. It feels awful having your ult completely disabled by kiriko using her Suzu to nullify it. It feels even worse soloing someone out of position with your ult, and kiriko teleports to them from across the map and uses suzu instantly, saving the person who was out of position and would otherwise die to the ultimate or some other high commitment option like venture comboing.

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Let’s see what this is

Blizzard, I’m concerned over how disjointed the games systems have become. And more concerned you’ve decided to push further in that direction.

OW use to be elegant. Easy to learn, hard to master. But with all these compensation systems you’ve added for 5v5 it’s a muddled mess. If I’m interacting with another hero in OW2 I need to consider what role they are, the DPS passive, what type of gun I’m using, cc resilience, armor, hitbox size and so on. All these things and more affect the actual #'s I put up and it’s tough to mentally crunch it all from moment to moment. It’s frustrating.

And now you’re saying each tank might be affected be each of these things to varying degrees? That just makes counterpicking even MORE necessary. And enjoying the game more complicated.


pharah has 58% winrate combined with the 3x times more picked this season :skull: the worst season since hanzo and widow were most used on QP


Reinhardt mains are eating better than Hog in canon. Thanks for the love. I wish I played this hero before. It FEEELS GOOOD!!1!

We don’t need to bring back 6v6.

Please explain how queue times could be good if 222 managed to return, when there clearly has never been as many dedicated tank players as there are DPS/Support players

The math doesn’t add up

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Whats good about them saying they liked the S9 changes, and the headshot reduction change?

Nothing theyve done for the entire duration of Overwatch 2 is worth liking or being proud of.

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Bring back 6v6.

Remove 5v5 open queue replace it with 6v6 open queue, done and dusted. Even GreyFalcon agrees with it.


I’m fine with it


don’t forget about other game modes when you do this please….one juggernaut is already bad enough….when you can have more it becomes an enormous problem


Ngl as a hitscan dps main, I tried out mercy and she does NOT heal well through the dps passive. I can only imagine how other supports feel (not Ana).

I would love for them to actually remove the dps passive and give us back the faster reload on eliminations, or something else that rewards eliminations; rather then a blanket anti heal for hitting one bullet. Do that and see how the game feels after that.

Kinda sad the OW team can’t admit an L when it’s on their forehead, they’ve gone through reworking the entire game than to admit they’re wrong.


Mr Keller, quit the position, put someone with more fresh ideas and take back 6v6, since the launch of ow2 you showed great incompetence and that you have no idea how to balance the game, only overpricing the skins and giving excuses when all content is cancelled


Given that their goal is to make tanks tankier, removing an ability that prevents them from being melted doesn’t make a lot of sense. :stuck_out_tongue:

The que times were literally fine 6v6 wdym. Use your brain, how do you think it would affect q times? Having another tank to relieve the pressure off another one would early make the game more enjoyable and playable. For EVERYONE. Having one super buffed tank as a raid boss isn’t fixing anything now is it?

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I’m so down for a comprehensive pass on every tank and trying to address each of their unique pain points, but then I’m iffy on the mentioned buff to Rein’s shield. I don’t think the shield is much a pain point for Reinhardt as much as it is a pain point for everyone else that hates shooting at massive shields. Please don’t buff Rein’s shield. For what it’s worth, I hear a lot of people say that charge should deal 300 damage but I also don’t think that will make him feel much better as much it’d make the squishier tanks (JQ, Doom, Zarya) feel terrible to play into Rein. I’d much rather see Rein get better gap-closing options, or if charge damage does get buffed to kill Reaper/Mei, maybe consider treating it as critical damage and let it be reduced by the tank passive?

Also you mentioned potentially reducing the damage passive. It was reduced before, then reverted. What’s the goal with it? I like it in concept, it feels nice to have my damage be “stickier” with DPS heroes, but is there data showing that it squeezes tanks and/or healers too much? Are you considering only reducing it for tanks?

Blizz unfortunately doesn’t understand this pretty basic logic

They will just keep buffing tanks until eventually even their counters suck against them and no one but the tank has fun. We have literally already been down this road multiple times at this point with release mauga, giga orisa & hog, ow2 launch zarya etc.


im just gonna say, tldr my guy

Im not talking about the director take, im just being first to comment on this thread to prevent a certain forum user from claiming being the first at every official posts.

I must be forgotten to put “/s” on my original post.

Keller, leave your pride behind and bring 6v6 back. Wtf are you doing man.