Taking a look back at previous tank changes, early learnings from S11, and a look ahead at future balance changes
This is good actually.
But like if yall look at all this why have yall left lifeweaver trash for so long, like why you’ve had soooooo much time you’ve had time and time and time again and y’all just leave him trash.
I know this article is tank focused, but like knowing yall actually do factor in like everything about all the heros, absolutely nothing about Lifeweaver would tell you that man dosen’t need IMMEDIATE help.
At least if tanks get fixed he’ll also be better at healing and killing but Im tired of this simply being a hero who the game just like “Has” the world’s moving around this character and he just “Sometimes” gets lucky (and after season 8 he drew the shortest straw possible).
I want something for “Him” not just the game pushing forward and changing with him just hoping and praying he may or may NOT fit into whatever weird changes yall got cooking up.
Sojourn WR
Well, interesting read. Not 100% on board with what they are aiming for, but appreciate that there’s a direction in mind.
Mauga and Orisa can already sometimes feel unkillable hell even hog (Rarely), the other tanks only feel less tanky now because of the dps passive being what it is.
So I can’t exactly effectively heal my tank with anyone this like they said limiting my options and theres.
O.o I don’t get it is Mei in a good spot or bad spot or just simply in a spot is it a cool spot? Does she even like 7up?
What was I talking about again?
I worry that focusing on buffing individual tank’s abilities will just lead to an even stronger focus on countering. Tanks as heroes are already exceptionally strong, and can already straight out-stat any other player in the game which is a big part of why players rely so much on countering to deal with them.
Ball is the best example of this. He is completely unkillable unless you start picking his counters so that you can stop him long enough to punish him. At that point, Ball is no longer having fun.
They really do not have a clue.
Hack says screw his fun.
We’re discussing limited versions of the former, for instance we’re looking at reduced versions of the Damage role passive. However, we’d like to do more of the latter.
Sooooo… are we gonna use that focus retroactively and get rid of the DPS passive that blanket-nerfs all supports and nerf the problematic ones instead?
Nice joke devs, more powers to TANKS, go!! Raids bosses every season.
Remove DPS passive, game fixed.
Inb4 the changes are something like:
Barrier HP increased by 25 points.
Dev Note: According to our metrics, Reinhardt’s barrier lasts too briefly under sustained fire; we expect this change to allow him to hold back the tide for just a little while longer.
Are they factoring in character combos?
Like with the right combo of heroes Mei can be pretty deadly.
Like she can trap someone in with her and a hidden Sombra.
Sombra EMP plus Mei’s Blizzard can be hard to deal with.
That’s exactly what it’s going to do. We saw it when Hog became really strong after the recent changes. You buff them - “giga buff” them - make them into a “raid boss” - whatever you want to call it…it makes counter swapping even more mandatory.
There was a tweet from Eskay a while back about this exact situation. And I wholeheartedly agreed with it.
I’m just getting fed up at this point.
Sojourn’s winrate of 44% is not surprising. She is awful right now.
Please listen to actual tank players!!! WE WANT
, 5v5 IS THE MAIN REASON TANKING FEELS AWFUL, it doesnt matter youre a gigaboss when you get neutered by the enemy just pressing H at spawn, COUNTERSWAPPING IS NOT FUN
So we gave up on fixing counter picking, and now we’re giving up on making all tanks competitively viable just because “they’re annoying to play against”? I thought the reworks were supposed to fix this? What’s even the point of 5v5 if it’s seemingly harder to balance than 6v6?
No one talks about how frustrating it is to play against an unkillable rein that just walks into your team and gets away with murder without dying in Diamond and below.
(I acknowledge this is totally a team issue but let’s not act like low ranks know or WANT to counter hammer man all the time)
Yeah I get it, Hog is annoying for the exact same reason. But let’s not act like a Rein is this sweet little hero that can’t possibly be too strong given enough buffs…
Yall (Blizzard) annoy me so bad. Who cares. Talk about Lifeweaver.