Did footstep audio range change?

I dont know if its only placebo and i just have sh*tty self awareness lately, but even with headphones volume on max i dont get to hear enemies unless they are right at hugging distance.

Is it only me?


Always had trouble hearing footsteps in OW properly.
But in other games it works perfectly.


Used to rely on footstepaudio, but now it’s barely hearable


Its been reported in bugs numerous times. Its definitely a problem and your not imagining things.


No, it’s broken. That’s why Mei and Reaper are OP. I’ve tested many times with me flanking with Zarya. Takes 4 seconds for people to realize I’m behind them. They will respond immediately when I say hi. If 3 people are firing (including you), all back audio is blocked. Some sounds are worse. Mei’s gun sound won’t be heard at all. Even while looking at her.


It’s broken. A rein flanked us with Earthshatter and killed us and nobody heard him. I saw the killcam and he wasn’t crouching at all. He made no sound at all.


Audio in OW has always been broken, it just comes and goes in terms of how severe. There have been so many complaints about not hearing footsteps, voicelines not playing, sound effects not going off, etc., heck at one point I managed a megathread on these issues, but nothing, literally nothing has ever come of it, no response or addressing of the issue whatsoever by Blizzard.

You can see my megathread here, it has videos and comments and everything, you can post your experience there if you like, not that it matters anyways since Blizzard has done nothing about this issue:

Don’t hold your breath because they’re not going to do anything about it, or if they do you’ll never know.


The only way to force them to figure out a way to fix it. Is if they nerf Reaper/Mei, and have all those people yell at them forever.

I think it’s not working correctly.

Sometimes I hear Mercy’s „clack clack“ footsteps very loudly, while I can’t hear Reaper even tho she is pocketing him and they are both at the same distance to me. I thought the most „dangerous“ heroes have the loudest footsteps and I consider Reaper to be pretty dangerous.

Maybe they should put high heels on every hero.


I wonder how much the meta would shift, if they fixed the audio.


It seems OW is riddled with audio issues. I’ve lost count the amount of audio bugs pop up it’s so frequent. From ults not saying their lines, to when right click was stupidly loud and made Lucio hurt to play when you booped, to when audio de-synced and wasn’t fixed for almost a week after the “Remaster patch”, to when people saying “Hello” / using the command wheel caused major lag spikes and made the game unplayable, these are just recent ones I can remember.


That one’s a tricky one, since the game is prioritizing audio based on what it thinks is the biggest threat to you.

Problem is that this can often lead to a Junkrat tire or Highnoon, waaaay off in the distance, getting muffled.

Because the RIPTire was activated a split second after another ultimate going off nearby you.

That’s fair, but the other bugs were still a very annoying issue especially as two happened during events. I think one was the Winter event, and the most recent one was the Halloween event.

Give everyone the KILL LA KILL heel click


I have very sensitive hearing and have always relied on footprints but to me they have gotten louder but i turned off the in game music

i mean technically the meta makers (orisa and sigma) don’t really benefit from the buggy footstep audio since they’re always in sight and in front of you

the opposite happened to me :confused: i used to listen at a lower volume and could hear the audio cues nicely but now even if i max it out i can’t hear the footsteps properly any more

It’s been like this for months now, I have no clue why the team didn’t fix such an important aspect of the game yet.


Good, then I’m not the only one who’s been wondering about this.


No recently a lot of the footsteps have been bugged most noticeably Reaper.
But Mei, McCree also,


I’m like 99% certain that Roadhog doesn’t have footsteps anymore.

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