Did footstep audio range change?

Dude - something is defnitely going on with sound, I always heard characters like Doomfist coming on a side - now I can’t hear him almost ever now. No question in my mind the sound is borked currently. I literally have had DF leap up and land beside me as Zen and not heard a thing with gaming headphones and full Dolby on.


Footstep sounds have been broken for months. If someone isn’t visible on your screen, you probably won’t hear them. Customer service claims the issue is due to a Windows update. Which I seriously doubt, as Windows isn’t on the PS4. And trust me, sounds are mess there as well.

Ult sounds and voice lines not playing correctly is new, and a bit more intermittent.

I wouldn’t hold my breath for a fix. They have bigger priorities for the foreseeable future.


Same issues with quiet footsteps here.

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The audio in general has been glitchy for a while now. Was playing Sigma last night and waved hello to a teammate. I did not hear Sigma say hello. I’ve seen reapers come out of nowhere and ult with no audio cues whatsoever.


yes it’s a shame.

this issue should not be that long in the game but as you can see a perfect example how blizzard is not even fixing this.

embarrassing small indie company.


If “Overwatch 2” is a seperate game then ohh goodie. They can barely maintain this one.

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Don’t you find funny how McCree footsteps sounds like thunder claps as he gets close but pharah is noiseless when she hovers a feet above you.

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My situational awareness has gone to pot recently and I haven’t been “hearing the game properly” if that makes any sense even though literally none of my settings have changed…I was getting stressed because I was thinking to myself “Why am I getting so bad all of a sudden???” But maybe there is a bug, so I’m glad I’m not the only one.

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Lol a character can be firing at me directly from behind and I’m looking ahead thinking “Where the f that coming from?” because I don’t hear anything behind me them bam I’m dead and “Oh, there’s Reaper treading over my corpse - WAIT A MINUTE!”

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check bug forums, lots of people are complaining about this and other sound related issues lately


Just had a game where i heard Sombras voiceline coming out of invis, but that voiceline canceled and got muted midway through. I was like wtf?

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Saw a post from back in August on the ptr bug report forums and the last time i checked there was no acknowledgement from Blizzard. Got to be frustrating for the folks who actually bother to test on the ptr.

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Pretty sure I posted about a sound issue in oct (not footsteps) and got a response.

A few sound issues.

Sadly no response on this post from August. Kinda defeats the purpose of a ptr if report issues are not responded to. At bare minimum there should have been a sticky thread posted on the ptr bug forum indicating that the devs are aware of the issue.

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I’ve been noticing an issue with footsteps for a while. I mean, it seems to stand out when I don’t hear a Roadhog flanking at all.

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I was told to do this:

in game : Turn dolby atmos for headphones on

in windows: right click the sound icon in your tray and turn windows spatial sound off.

I’m not sure if it helps. But I did sleep a reaper waiting to ult from behind us the other day.

yea there was a windows bug that would remove your sounds (behind your and above you) completely but widows fixed that but there are still issues in overwatch.

reaper, mei are hard to hear… pharah flying above you is also harder to hear.

voicelines not being correctly tuned is also happening.

for months there have been complains but the devs are not doing anything. :frowning: i made topics myself.

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yea it also happens with other voicelines in spawn.

You’re definitely not alone.

I remember watching a video on the forums so when/if I find it I’ll update my post.

Footsteps have been broken since xmas 2017 and it’s not getting any better I’m afraid.

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