Devs: "We're making Brig an actual support"; People who love abusing OP characters: *riot*

I’ve seen nerf zen discord on the forum because he was meta from dive up until end of grab dragon. Zen’s been critized for begin one of the few meta heros to never receive a sever nerf.

Probably because he doesn’t deserve any nerf. He requires skill and has no mobility, let him have his strong points.

Not in EVERY situation, but you can see where I’m coming from, can you not?

Maybe but I wonder if anyone is safe.

As zen main im fine with him not begin nerf. That’s just my zen bias if anything granted im biased towards support in general.

You are saying

That simply isn’t true for any hero, not DPS, not tank, nor support.
I know what you’re saying.

If a character needs change, they will be changed. Zen does not.

I love how people think everyone who defends brig are people “abusing” a hero who is balanced.
Which is false. I’ve got maybe 1 hour on brig from when she first came out.
Yet I defend her because I am not biased and only looking at a side that favors me.
In fact her getting nerfed would just help me destroy her even more.
Brig is fine as she is now, and these nerfs are uncalled for.

-468 Hour Junkrat OTP


Junkrat is one of her counters. Every person in a game sees the game from a different perspective, I guess.

You say that now. Who knows what will happen.

You are just being needlessly paranoid at this point.

Begin a meta hero general puts that hero on the heat seat. Do you leave that character alone and maybe that fall out of the meta or begin extremely good on ladder. Or do you added counter to lower that heroes effectiveness.

I’ve been playing for a long time and seen many characters changed. It’s not paranoia when you’ve seen it happen.

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Junkrat despite being as Trash tier as he is, completely dumpsters Brig.
She doesn’t need a nerf, what does need to happen is for this community to realize they are going to have to adapt/improve if they want to get better, because as of right now those players would rather just complain until they get a hero nerfed sinve they would rather not put effort into countering and easily shutdown hero.

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I don’t think you read what I said at all. I stated that the character will be changed if they’re too meta.

Like I said. Everyone has different perspectives in any game. You yourself could take her down easily as Junkrat, but she’s such a hassle for a lot of the other characters in the game to shut down. A character who allows people to climb from gold to high masters in one season is not balanced, and never will be.

Hm. I don’t really think you have much of a say on a hero you’ve spent 1 hour on. And about Junk, he can be suppressing in the right hands with and against the right team-comp. Can’t say the same about Brig.

Yet bastion only spent two weeks’s as a good hero before. Nerf back to f tier. He wasn’t meta either.

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new brigitte is just worse lucio

Any character can be viable, it just depends on the situation. And no, he wasn’t only good for “two weeks”. Learn what you’re talking about.