Devs: "We're making Brig an actual support"; People who love abusing OP characters: *riot*

The only characters in the game she could instakill combo was Tracer and out of her mech. is usless against it yeah but she is almost dead for sure anyways. Meanwhile the “high skill” Tracers never even thought on baiting it out. You know how she baits out the other CC in the game.


Moira sacrifices her burst healing potential to do damage. And even then, if you have few team mates around, you can easily soak the orb.

Like I’ve said before. Good Tracers know well enough to avoid Brigitte entirely, but the threat of being one-shot is used as a deterrent. Not to mention Tracers can’t do anything against the amount of armour now.

I think making her movement speed slower and make her armor slowly decay would go a long way in making her actually balanced. These little baby nerfs they put on her won’t actually change anything, Brigitte is a character that needs the hammer.

Yup, without a doubt.

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I don’t know what to say in rebuttal. It’s just so dumb that anyone would think that.

From what I’m seeing…

Is false. A hard counter is just a counter that does very well against a certain hero. An example I found is hitscan vs Pharah.

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Okay brig has counter play. The real question is now how effective is she going to be on ladder. Is she going to go from 3.5 to 5 average to say 1.o to 2.0 pickrate.

A Pharah could just play around corners or behind cover. There should always be an option for counter-play. Sure, it would make the Pharah’s job harder, but it’s entirely doable.

But whenever she is in the team fight, she will be shut down if the counter is competent. You would need to switch out of Pharah.

That’s fair, context says a lot. I just hope your words don’t lead to bad repercussions for other characters.

Then it just comes down to “how much trouble does it take for the hard-counter to actually defeat the one they’re countering?” For Brigitte, it doesn’t take much.

Thanks. I’m sure they’re listening and they won’t touch Zen anytime soon, they didn’t back when they re-balanced all Supports, so I highly doubt they (or anyone in the community) think there’s anything wrong with Zen.

Hard counters don’t take much at all to get the job done.
If Mccree can aim, he will kill Pharah. That’s competence. If he can’t aim, then he won’t perform well. That’s incompetence.

Zen is pretty balanced in a lot of people’s eyes. I think it’s fair to say he won’t be touched for a long time.

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I’m the rare support player that truly thinks brig’s ability to 1v1 anything in the game is bs…
Now it may be balanced but it could also make her unplayable. The problem is with her kit. When a hero has received literally NOTHING but nerfs in the months she’s been out (how many is it again?) you should know that her kit is broken.

Exactly, but a Brigitte does well no matter how much effort they put in. If the hitscan is good, they will kill the Pharah. If they’re not, the Pharah will kill them first.

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I don’t know if I’m getting my point across or I’m getting it across well at all. I’m not very good with words so thank you for being patient, I guess?

“Contrary to popular belief”, she isn’t good in every situation.

But it also has more range than Brigs stun and a lower cooldown. Though he stun was not super balanced (mainly in the case of Tracer) it does have draw backs, like range, cooldown and the fact that if used too aggressively it will leaver her in a bad spot with not mobility.

Balancing the game is not as easy as comparing one hero to the others, otherwise there would be no gameplay diversity. I do think the dev are making the right choices, but I hope (for the sake of Zen and Ana players) they don’t let the flankers have too much sugar.