I think the worst part is that symmetra lost her little floating shield too.
I could see her current kit being slightly better than it’s current (ABYSMAL) state if she still had the shield to protect her while she had to get into close range.
I think the worst part is that symmetra lost her little floating shield too.
I could see her current kit being slightly better than it’s current (ABYSMAL) state if she still had the shield to protect her while she had to get into close range.
Actually no, I haven’t missed your point.
I’m challenging your point directly by stating that even the players that have the best possible accuracy cannot use the ability properly.
If a pro cannot aim Sym’s beam properly, then it’s unrealistic for anyone else to be able to aim the beam. Therefore the issue is not with the player, it’s the ability, and it needs to be tuned to realistic expectations.
The beam being made easier WOULD make Sym significantly better for literally everyone, all the way up to the pros.
The few pros that use her in pugs would have a legitimate reason to use the beam weapon, which they currently never use.
I’m not a fan of lock-on, but a bigger beam, or even Mei’s beam would be vastly preferable. I shouldn’t go an entire match only using my alt fire. No hero has that.
My point is that the accuracy requirement isn’t the issue. It’s like pre-support changes Ana vs Mercy. High skill - low value vs low skill - high value. Making Ana easier to use wasn’t necessary. We just had to buff one’s effectiveness and reduce the other’s.
Pros use her right click because it outclasses the beam in everyway. Much easier to use and much higher DPS. Making Sym’s primary easier to use still means it’s got lower damage output than the right clicks (unless you’re super charged, which is a rarity)
I don’t think it should be easy to get full charge, but I think full charge should be rewarded - but Sym’s primary should be useful without full charge.
I think Sym’s gun needs to Ana/Mercy treatment. Give some of the power of the Orbs to the Beam. That would solve the issues of:
a) The more skillful weapon being less useful than the less skillful one
b) Sym Spam
funny thing is they’re doing nothing to help the change either. They’re just not that interested in that hero at all which is why Overwatch developers hardly ever tweak her. Her last tweak certainly showed how dedicated they were on making her gameplay better.
What’s her mace range though? 6M? 5?
Symm: Walking backwards walks slower than Brig walking forward
Brig: Shield bashes to close 6M instantly, 2 steps and she’s closed distance to mace to the face range.
Symm: Throws turret
Brig: Holds M1 the entire time, killing turret in mid air because it only has 1 hp
Symm: Accepts fate, tries to get as much damage in before death, so that maybe a teammate can finish her off
Brig: Kills Symm, regens 50hp or so from hitting her, goes on to rinse/repeat process on another char
So yeah, that whole “Keep Brig at range” only works if she’s just used her shield bash. If you’re lucky, you might be able to burn her down in 7 seconds, but it’s highly unlikely. I’ve seen it done though.
Sym is pretty decent with ranged abiltiries. Her beam is meant for cqc, but as noted it has problems.
Let her primary fire pierce enemies, gain charge rate off each enemy hit, and add a 15% slow.
It would lower the aim requirement, helpnher buidl charge more quickly, and present a cqc danger for the enemy.
Shield bash: 6 meters
Brigitte’s melee range: 6 meters
Nice try
Just a spit-ball idea here. What if, as Symmetra attacked an enemy barrier with her primary fire, it generated a small self barrier (similar in shape to the old Bastion mini-barrier) in front of her? And it could decay at the same rate as the ramp up of her primary fire.
Level 3 needs to be able to pierce shields
I can agree to this concept because she’ll be used often on barrier comps.
I just want 15 meters. And maybe a bit more ammo.
It’s frustrating cuz shes so close to being fine. Just make her fine Blizz!
Honestly they need to forego this whole “stability through ability” gag with Symmetra.
She either becomes a full-fledged DPS or she will not be meta ever. Drop the turrets and the memes and make her into something useful.
A simple way to increase her maximum damage output potential without straight up buffing its damage would be to allow it to pierce multiple enemies.
This change benefited Mei a LOT and I know it would help Symmetra too.
Otherwise they need to adjust the tick rate on it so it isn’t completely gutted by armor HP.
Also ffs revert the magazine size back to 100 I don’t know why they thought that was necessary but we’re just reloading ×2 as often now especially if there are NO barriers around.
The OP Isn’t saying that. They listed it as ONE problem and specifically said that it isn’t the main problem that needs fixed.
^ The issue that needs to be addressed.
^ Issues that effect it but are not the issues OP thinks necessarily need fixed.
^ Confirming that the aim requirement is fine.
Does this clear things up? SandyK1LL, if I also interpreted you wrong, please correct me, but I’m pretty sure this is the point you’re trying to get across.
As for the actual discussion topic, I think it’s absurd to have such a clunky mechanic on a weapon that you have to aim. I’ve said this many times before, that it’s purely punishing and feels terrible, etc etc. I think it would be better as a constant, set damage around 150. This will be so much more consistent and useful. But even more than that, I would prefer an entirely new weapon that isn’t close-range.
Idunno I still really think this whole “Damage” Symmetra is not right and being forced.
If Blizzard doesn’t make some substantial changes to Photon Projector as well as fix her laundry list of bugs and inconsistencies then they might as well revert her to 2.0
Idk if this is allowed but I created a topic for a rework combining aspects of 2.0 and 3.0 to make Symmetra a utilitarian, non-healing support hero with less of an emphasis on damage. I’d appreciate it if you guys could check it out and bump it with discussion as it’s already been forgotten in the annals of time lol:
But back to the subject at hand, I wouldn’t actually mind if her current photon projector had a fixed damage level much like the lightning guns from Quake. The ramp up time is what is holding it back.
Turrets have 35 hp. I think brig hits for 30, so it’ll take 2 swings to kill it.
I’m not arguing whether brig counters sym or vice versa. I’m just giving you accurate numbers.
No problem aiming with her. It’s the fact it does hardly any damage unless you’ve precharged it.
I agree with the sentiment. I think it would be best if her weapon was made MUCH stronger, while taking some of the DPS output of the turrets away. This would put more power into your direct control, and keep turrets as a supplement / used for their slowing, and not a main damage outputter of her kit. This would also improve her community perception.
How hilarious that you say this after giving inaccurate numbers. Turrets have 30 HP and Brig hits for 35.
Oh my bad, you’re right. I apologize for giving misinformation.
However, if you place the turrets properly, its beam can hit Brig but she can’t hit them back.