Devs: “we’ll see how Sym’s beam plays out”

Oh yes, let her run around with 150 (?) DPS casually

150 DPS on a close-range aiming weapon without headshot potential on a squishy hero with no escapes / defences is a reasonable number, if anything a bit low, but I’m pretty sure the poster was referring to how slow the chargeup was, not it existing at all. 1 second per level would be more appropriate with the current damage values, which are 60/120/180.


Maybe start the beam at 70 and lower the ramp up by .5?

I still find it laughable that Symm, a DPS(Well, supposed to be anyways) has lower damage and range than a Zarya with no charge, a Tank.

And that she keeps her short AF range while losing lock-on AND the only survivability she had. Balance team what are you doing…


dont you dare
i had killed countless ulting pharah’s and deny so many ultimates with it even annoy the heck of the widows and not to mention baited dps to come forward only for them to be melted with my autolock bunnyhop skills.nothing is more satisfying than to look at hogs hook getting blocked or mccrees flash wasted.

the question is can you proactively do that with her new barrier? nope, i would rather chose this ‘piddly little parachute barrier’ anyday!


I would just make the beam half as wide as Moira’s beam (The soft-lock is just an animation effect, I think.) and charge to second stage in half the time, then third stage in the same time it took to go from 2 to 3 before.

Or don’t increase the charge rate, but make it restore Sym’s shields based on damage dealt.

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At this point I’d take old Photon Barrier over this trash primary any day(Make the orbs her primary and Photon Barrier her Right Clock), would make her way more effective than her toothpick beam.

Not even top tier pros have enough accuracy to be able to do more damage with her current bream than they could with the old beam.


Because the weapon takes forever to charge, not because of its aiming requirements. If it took her much shorter time to go level 2/3 they’d use it far more. And if she didn’t have level 1 on her beam at all u know they’ll always use m1 in close combat

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I like Sym 3 more than Sym 2. If it helps, why not just think of her secondary as her primary. You could even change the key binding.

I find the new beam to be very enjoyable when there is a Rein or a Winston in particular. I’m not sure whether or not it needs tweaks… perhaps. But I do feel the gameplay is enjoyable and with a little foresight you actually have escape abilities. Not to mention the shenanigans you can do with a team that is cooperative.

I do feel that playing her still requires a lot of foresight. You have to be able to read what the enemy team wants to do and adjust accordingly before it happens.

If you’re facing a briggs, no need to reload, using it against barriers doesn’t use ammo C:

No you misunderstand. The turrets need to go away. It’s the only crutch to her kit being stronger.

Or they could address beam length.

the problem with the beam is , you could sit there and level it up on a barror for 6 months , or you can just use right click for great damage.

I’d rather they just nerf the beems damage and make it level up faster , i find by the time i have max beem , we’re allready rolling the team.

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As interesting as the idea of regaining ammo from hitting barriers with the beam is, Symm’s beam is still largely underwhelming IMO. Any sensible Reinhardt will put his shield away and take advantage of the increased mobility to move away or just start hammering Symm. Winstons are very capable of jumping elsewhere to wait for Symm to lose strength due to the short lifespan of projected barrier. Orisas are generally the only source of reliable barriers to charge on thanks to how long they last, but they’re low-mobility enough that 2 meters of extra range doesn’t make much difference.

I think Symmetra’s biggest issue is that her damage per second is highly variable. It depends on the number of turrets she has near the enemy, how long she’s been lasering the enemy or how long she’s charged a right-click… I think at the very least she can benefit from more determinism, like maybe a straight 90 damage/second laser that doesn’t ramp up in damage.

If not those, then a more “continuous” spectrum of damage and energy readout (ala Zarya) would be quite nice-that is, you don’t make a sudden jump from 60 dmg/s to 120, there’s a gradual buildup as the laser gets thicker, kind of like Zarya’s.


The devs also said if the Mercy rework didn’t sit well/work with people they’d go back and try again.
I wouldn’t listen to the devs when they say things like that.

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Please more love for the beam. It has potential to be great. Fix the tickrate first though please and thank you.

I think in Grandmaster level, even Zarya players top at about 40-60% accuracy. Some of that may be lowered by orb grenade spam, so if we kick that up we might get a more realistic average 70% accuracy with Zarya’s beam at the highest skill level of the game. Which translates to about a 30% reduction in her actual damage.

I think on average, even good Symmetra’s with really good tracking, you’re going to have less damage than on paper.

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You need an average of 66% accuracy to match the damage output of her old weapon without factoring in things like the longer charger time and the horrendrous effect armor has on its damage.

Even top tier Zarya players rarely, if ever, have that kind of accuracy. So for like 99% of the player base, and probably leaning towards 100% since 66% accuracy is an insane number, Symmetra’s current primary deals less damage than her old one.

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they did that already.