My God, holy hell, thank you for nerfing his hook time. Only the most horrible crappy ball players would attempt to stall point indefinitely by spinning around it constantly. I’m so happy you finally decided to weed out the crap ball players with this nerf. Keep up the good work!
OP cant hit or stun a spinning ball
On the contrary, the idiot ball players I am referring to are always on my team. They think they can keep the point by brainlessly spinning around it indefinitely and they never fail to cost us the game by being completely worthless in doing so. I’m glad Blizzard finally is finally forcing them to learn how to play properly.
So what you’re saying is that infinite grapple wasn’t a problem so there was no need for the nerf…
Wrong, it was a problem because it encouraged bad play. It’s a godsend that it’s gone. Literally the only people defending infinite grapple are terrible ball players.
You have a whole 6 minutes and 41 seconds playing ball, your opinion is pretty much meaningless because you have no context.
The fact of the matter is that there was absolutely no need for this change to ball’s gameplay. There isn’t any difference from a ball spinning on a point or a Rein standing there with his shield up, or Orisa, or DVA, or Lucio, or Mei.
CORRECTION: The one change I would make to balance it (instead of the 6 seconds) would be to remove the ability to use adaptive shields, after 2 seconds, while grappled. That is, honestly, the only thing that makes the whole “spin to win” viable.
Wrong again. I have hundreds of hours on ball. But go off this one account, by all means. Sure bud…
can’t get more horrible than players that need help dealing with spinning balls
Didn’t your mother explain to you that lying is bad?
can’t be that good of a player yourself if you think long grapple is only for spinning around point
Literally the only people praising this change are terrible players who are mad at bad teammates who didn’t counter a completely easy mechanic to stop, or counter it themselves.
we should make reinhardts shield only last for 6 seconds and have a 4s cooldown too
because bad players dont know how to shoot at it to get rid of it
everything needs to be balanced around terrible players who never play the game or FPS
Bad change, this was made because whiny players realized if they complained enough, this would happen rather than them improving or learning what a stun is.
Spin stall is lame but this kind of nerf almost always nerf the potential of legitimate, creative plays.
Stalling a point is a valid tactic.
you’re the one complaining about all the ball players just spinning in a circle not doing anything though?
so clearly you’re in a low MMR where all the hammond players do that
“I can’t deal with something with the hitbox size of 4 pharahs spinning in a predictable circle”
Nope. I also like this change.
Now I play Sonbra / Mei, so spinning wrecking balls are VERY much not a problem for me. They are super easy to deal with. (Also I play in ranks where they don’t do this)
But I know a healthy change for the game when I see one.
The downside to this is less people learning to play ball, but the upside is, the ones which do will start by learning to play them in a better way.
Forcing every low ranked player to take a cc hero to deal with this tactic is also pretty bad.
Holy hell the crap ball players are just coming out of the woodwork in this thread. Git Gud plebs.