"Devs dont do anything"

They literally just announced an OWL pause like 2 days ago. And many things probably go unnoticed by the main playerbase, because at the end its the org’s job to help their players.

And if you didnt mean the proscene, changes like 2-2-2, heropools, mappools got literally introduced for the competitive playerbase, so idk about that one chief.

Compared to most triple A studios, they feel like an actual indie company with how unfrequent they update the game.

To give an example of why we’re frustrated, they decided to nerf Sombra thanks to OWL feedback. There has been mounds, mounds of threads saying why she shouldn’t be nerfed, but they didn’t listen regardless. And now shes trash, and has been.

Same goes for literally any meta hero. Sigma and Orisa, D.VA…balance is a mess, and it feels like they never test out the consequences of these choices.

…were introduced because it’s Blizzard’s desire to do nothing, all these changes are just for their own good so they don’t have to focus on balance, because these systems do it for them.

and players are leaving, huh

Okay? Theres many games that still have updates that are a 100% for free

Did you somehow manage to miss the other 80% of the comment or are you just saying things to say things at this point?

It wasnt a complicated sentence/point. Just…reread it until you understand, I guess. If you genuinely cant, then I really don’t know how to help you.

No, they really didnt. Which is why people hated it and its no longer a thing for most of the playerbase.

People asked to not have to play horizon/Paris. That is not the same thing as asking to play only 5 maps for an entire season.

This is the same garbage logic that the Devs used to justify Brig 1.0.

“Well you guys were sick of dive, so we broke that meta along with the entire rest of the game. Careful what you wish for”

Its one thing to give the community what they ask for. Its an entirely different thing to grant those wishes the same way a monkeys paw or an evil genie would.

Yeah, there’s no way that blizz/acti is only thinking about money and profit. Thats just such an outlandish idea, idk what I was thinking.

Are you trolling or are you actually being serious?

i dont understand why some ppls still 100% trust activision. The blizzard we all loved is kinda gone since Activision swalloed Blizzard, also most of the devs that created huge stuff are gone like Chris metzen. Balancing in every game from Acti is a problem, thats why i kinda left all games bcs i couldnt agree with changes that are so out of touch, blows my mind. If blizzard diddnt had such a good reputation from the older games, it would be one of the most hated companys right now with EA and Tencent. 222 was just introduced bcs they are unable to fix those metas and those metas diddnt affected most of us all. Saying that the “content” is free… well. WE have MTX aka gambling lootboxes. If they would create good Content or balance updates sold as DLC i guess many would buy them. I finally lost my hope in this company after this WC3 reforged crap…

Honestly, “Zero Hour” is pretty much the worst fan fiction I have ever seen. Pretty sure that if they had replaced Chu with a 5 year old, no one would be able to tell. I don’t think that cinematic has a single redeeming quality.


oooh tell me more about throw picks please, for me there’s no such things as ‘‘throw pick heroes’’, there’s only throw picks players.

Don’t worry, Goats is coming soon with the open competitive gamemode coming in one month.

You know that OW and OW2 will be merged into one game and that new maps and heroes will become available to every Overwatch players (even if they don’t purchase the 2). It looks like an OW1 update to me.

Damn slow updates ? We got 5 in 3 months, it’s way better than 1-2 years ago.

That’s kinda normal for a big multiplayer game, heroes don’t take one week to design, balance changes don’t take one week to think of.

Devs know that, that’s why they will include an open competitive mode in one month (I feel like nobody knows that)

If they want to structure their story on releasing heroes and big pieces of lore that couldn’t have been released without that hero, thats fine. But what they do is essentially. Release hero, release tiny piece of lore that only relates to past events, go silent for months, repeat. For people that enjoy the lore thats not enough and it keeps the game from getting more attention.

dialogue in game is plentiful but it’s certainly not, how do I put this, good. It’s mostly talk about lore we already know, heroes saying things like (Payload moving, I need healing, etc…) and quips in English and their native languages (which are usually mistranslated).

The overwatch universe is all over the place, between Hanzo and Genji’s never explained dragon magic (despite them saying OW has no magic) and the literal talking monkey, theres way too much being set up and never expanded on making the world feel incomplete.

These are such broad tasks for a job, all this means is he’ll be working with and leading a team to write the story which only makes it more insulting that we have so little released.

Aka “getting hit”, “Push payload”, “Need healing”, “Need help” and other very very obvious things that they would be saying in combat.

What narrative beats and what plot lines? Half the plot lines are just vague teasing and the other half are INCOMPLETE

Aka work with other teams hired by blizzard to make writing EASIER, so he can write MORE.

Aka “More anger, More pain, Happier this time, Good next line” and giving general context to make the voice lines come out better


Apparently NONE OF IT can be seen by the community.

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Yes? Do you know that the main content of OW2 is a single player “campaign” and not just normal patch content?

It was literally just, heroes send call to unite :smiley:, Half of them no show :(, Oh no heroes in danger against big threat :scream:, But wait other half of heroes here now! :star_struck:, Hero team is officially back!! :partying_face:

Literally half of the games roster still has NOTHING TO DO with Overwatch itself and have never even had direct contact with one another.

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There’s plenty of players waiting in the wings, as well as Contenders, Path to Pro, and other such initiatives.

Overwatch League isn’t going anywhere for a good long while.

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In what regard? Aside from bug fixes, what change to the game could not be questioned? You can’t criticize them for making “questionable” changes when any given individual or group of players could consider any given change “questionable” for a variety of reasons. This game attracts all different kinds of players who want very different things from the game.

Well that’s the thing, if the devs listened to the players about Doomfist, he’d have been dumpstered a long time ago. Even when the CC nerfs came, there were a bunch of complaints about how Doomfist’s CC was left untouched, despite the fact he’s mediocre at best right now and was already nerfed not too long ago.

And again, most of the changes on experimental end up going through unless they are radical changes to the way the game is played or they are massively OP or UP.

Releasing a paid DLC disguised as a 2nd game that will finally move the plot forward when it should’ve been moving since 2016… sounds like a cash grab preying on those who are desperate for lore tbh.

keep lying to yourself, 5dps 1tank was actually rare you simply focus on the negative times and on top of that 2-2-2 was released because the devs couldn’t kill GOATS not because they actually cared about anyone below masters enjoying the game

After people had begged for it, It should’ve been an option since 2-2-2 was revealed and people were asking for a comp mode without it to stay in the game

I mean people were telling the devs how to fix the game and they didn’t listen and when they did it was already too late. The devs are awesome and created the best game ever but they fail to acknowledge or act upon what we are saying are the right answers. Samito who is a controversial figure told the devs how to balance double shield and mKe it not a must pick and they didn’t listen and it bring us right back into double shield meta. We had goats for more than half a month and the devs didn’t tell us about 222 and just left us thinking that the devs didn’t know how to patch their game. The devs had the ball in their court and instead of listening they wait or just ignore. That’s why the competitive side of ow is dying and already dead for the most part sadly. Content updates are fun but if the community was listened to we wouldn’t have complainers. Thank god we started listening to the pros in the last few months instead of the last few years smike.

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I’ll admit they’ve picked up the pace, but again it’s 5 years into the games life span, this should’ve been the norm since day 1.

When you have a literal private discord with the pros of the game, number changes shouldn’t take that long. And no it’s not normal for big multiplayer games to take months (even a full year in the case of dive and goats) to adjust the numbers on something that a vocal majority of the community is complaining about.

I obviously replied to them, but just dont think that those are near to valid arguments at all.

This is so ridiculous. Grow up.

Search “hero bans overwatch” on twitter and focus on a timeline before the update got released. Good luck :slight_smile:

So you still didnt understand forums right? For the vast majority of posts, they should explain the problem and then devs try to fix it in their way. They also reverted the change, so it obviously wasnt that good, thanks for poitning that out, sherlock.

Of course they do, but they dont think about it more than before and if you look at the changes they made, most of them are obviously not just to gain more money.

If you write posts about winny the pooh skins, i dont know if thats really the point to make. Also, being passive aggressive is just pretty weird and doesnt show a lot of maturity, I get that youre tilted, we all are. But please try to participate in a discussion like an actual grown-up.

Doin nothing no of course (also right now there is a virus around so everything slowed)

but they were slow as hell even before this global crisis, I mean we had blizzcon where usually we get new heroes and map, this year we just got ‘‘hey we’re working on ow 2…’’

wich we had basically zero info (of just few ones)

this cc things was talked about since ages, everything is slow as hell.

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Really goes to show how large the OW story must be :+1:

Also, those people that can’t deal with the lack of lore simply have to deal with it if there’s no way for Blizz to release it quickly. OW2 is coming. The lore will be there.

Well, that’s of course your subjective opinion of which you are entitled to. I definitely strongly disagree. The dialogue is awesome and always has been.

…No? The world is pretty concrete. It’s all science. “Magic” dragons (Which could be easily explained by the already established concept of hard light for example) and super intelligent animals are very much within the bounds of the universe they’ve created.

Do you know what nuances are?

OW2 has already been mentioned multiple times in this conversation. I suggest you go watch the Blizzcon reveal a couple more times so you can understand what OW2 is.

Ignoring your silly use of hyperbole (In that the community definitely does not see “none of it” :roll_eyes:) my point was that most of it can’t be seen by us. That was literally what I said and it’s why saying he barely did anything can’t be proven.

Ah yes, adding subtitles and colourblind options where very questionable changes

That’s the content we pay for, sure. OW2 also includes a major free content patch for the PvP game.

Doesn’t feel like OWL is dying at all, they managed to spill play during the pandemic even if they could just abandon this season.

Don’t worry, there’s a lot of people willing to play on the big scene.

5 balance patches in march-april-may

Buffs and nerfs isn’t the only way to balance the game
2-2-2 has been so useful to balance heroes because a DPS can be good against two tanks and garbage against four (which was the case with the old Open queue).
You’re litteraly complaining about Blizzard adding changes to make balance easier, what’s wrong with you ? You want 6 dps to come back so then you can complain about how balance changes do nothing ?

Yeah, I know, but people tend to be so selfish and say ‘‘Devs need to do better’’ while they’re not devs themselves and probably don’t know how big balance changes impact the game. My point was just that I didn’t pay more than 20€ to play OW, I have fun, I like competitive and I don’t see why I should be mean to the devs.

Map pools is surely in review rn, I think his/her point was to say that players weren’t happy with Horizon and Paris → They got removed from the pool and are currently reworked.

If you think that Blizzard only makes games for profit, why are you on this forum, talking about the game, advertising it and giving them money.

First : Is it bad to introduce something to help you balance the game ?
Second : 2-2-2 helped low ELO’s, playing 5 dps 1 hog was just horrible against a 2-2-2 ennemy team.

This cinematic was pretty much just hype scenes for OW2, we will get way better lore with OW2 coming.