DEVS about MERCY's role in the game

This is the feeling I get when I hear Mercy players say they have already discussed making Valkyrie a good ultimate, and single rez feel fun.

no complainign moira heals more than mercy is like complaining reinhardt does more damage than mccree, which is completely true if he hits multiple people with one swing

context matters

who do you think heals more in a game with full dive, dva winston zen tracer genji

moira or mercy?

or who heals more in goats, rein zarya dva lucio zen/ana

moira or mercy?

We’ve seen Valkyrie as a good ultimate and single res feeling fun already. It was overpowered. There have been endless threads and megathread posts suggesting everything from making Valkyrie beams more powerful but single target, to turning it into some kind of Dragonblade-style ult where Mercy flies around to all the corpses individually resurrecting them.

I’m also fairly certain that you read and responded to quite a few of them yourself, which makes me think that you’re just trolling now.

Did the devs nerfed McCree saying they want him to outdamage Rein while this is not true?

Can you show me an attempt at a fun and balanced version of Valkyrie ultimate and Single Rez?

It’s very unlikely that I can show you anything that I would consider fun and balanced that you would agree with, because you seem to think that Mercy should be the worst support in the game.


do you know that word?

no hurr durr let’s take everything literally and then complain about it because it’s not true!111!!1

I think that it’s very difficult to make it so that the top 5% will favor a difficult support over an easy support if they are equally powerful.

This was not an analogy; was a no-sense random sample just to enjoy flame.

The sun is yellow so Mercy nerf is right!!1!2!2

Difficult is relative. It’s a whole lot easier to duel a flanker with Ana than it is with Mercy, which prior to the GA hop being a thing was a huge disadvantage for Mercy in high ranked games. It used to be a lot harder to stay alive for Mercy than it was for Ana.

Aim isn’t the only thing in the game that’s difficult. And for the record? I’m part of that top 5% (my career high was top <2%), and I got there by picking both Ana and Mercy depending on which side of what map I was on.

The best support for the task at hand is what the best players choose, whether or not they are difficult to play. The key isn’t to make Mercy and Ana equally powerful in all situations, but rather to make Ana stronger than Mercy in the same number of situations as Mercy is stronger than Ana.

At present, Ana is the better pick in nearly all situations in high-rank play. That’s not balanced.

But it is a lot more balanced than this.

That looks like pretty old data. It’s certainly not from just before the last Mercy nerf.

It’s from 8/6/2018.

And the balance changes were announced 8/17/2018.

We’re not against balance. I was the first claiming a nerf when she was truly OP. Just try again Bliz, 50HPs are not the way.

Mercy’s win rate dropped on August 10th, based on Overbuff trends. Her pick rate fell at the same time.

So something is wrong with your image and/or dates.

Okay, so if you could go back one patch.

What would be the most minor change you could do, to drop Mercy pickrate down to somewhere near her current levels.

Pick rate is not a measure of power. It is a measure of popularity, which is correlated with power but cannot be used alone to determine a hero’s power level.

The goal of reducing a hero’s pick rate just for the sake of reducing pick rate is a terrible goal.

Firstly I would have removed Rez, or moved it into her Ultimate or made it an earnable Ability (kinda Torb’s armours). Lots of 3D opened by Mercy mains out there suggesting nice and creative solutions, involving the dumb state of Valk and the on-fire bug aswell.

I would argue pickrate is the goal.

And that if you had the proper data, one should be using power level to aim for higher variety in character picks.

The new Mercy’s role is…A MINION. Because she is useless :smiley:
Thanks Blizzard!

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