Developer Update Tomorrow!

Wasn’t that just a rendition of a suggestion of a buff? And the next hero isn’t coming out until November.

Plot Twist: They nerf everybody hero and get the game balanced by making everyone just as useless.

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That would make for an interesting plot twist!

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Hoping for the best, but expecting less… Fingers crossed!

How do you know it’s tomorrow?

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Doomfist is only prevalent because of all the Rein and Brigitte one tricks that never swap the entire game. They get cratered into a wall then go right to the forums to say how OP rocket punch is.

You know what’s truly dumb? Holding down left click and W to the point while mopping aside the entire enemy team. Shut up about doomfist already and just swap.


How would you rework him? Also why?

He needs a simple QoL change at best on his mines. It needs changed so that they apply the knockback directionally as it relates to relative position of the mine and target as apposed to always launching the affected upwards.

It would increase the skill needed to effectively move around the map by a good degree.

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I gave a suggestion and someone else had a cool idea if you scroll up. Why rework him? Because this version of Junkrat is unbalanced at a fundamental level. He’s too strong at low ranks and then he suddenly becomes useless when people realize all you have to do to invalidate him is stay aware from his spam. He’s a glorified skill check.

People want him underpowered, not because he lacks ounterplay or has a stun, but because he’s easy.

And besides, he’s a watered down Demoman.

Yes let’s put the demoman in OW.

As someone who has put the majority of his time in this game into learning how to effectively play Junkrat, I would be the first to say no to that. The demoman in tf2 plays in very different way than Junkrat.

His role might be the same but his secondary fire(the only close analog in OW being concussion mine) can act as a primary source of damage. Pills in tf2 are unreliable much like just concussion mine. Can you destroy with them if you get good enough? Absolutely but it still stands that the META(this stands for Most efficient time allowed for those that don’t know) way of playing demo is using the sticky bomb launcher.

If they gave junkrat the same ability it would be broken in this game.

Developer’s comment: Since every players feels like nerfing certain heroes and some current heroes arent that good, we felt it would be balanced that every hero should be useless so that everyone has an equal chance.

I would imagine it being passive aggressive as the forums are ahem full of complainers that probs get on the devs nerves every now and then.


I didn’t mean to literally put demoman in overwatch

Then please explain what needs changed? I have read this whole thread and the only thing I can find that actually mentions something beyond simply requesting a rework of him is my comment about fixing knockback on his mines. He could also do with a size revert on his grenades with a corresponding increase to his ultimate charge rate but I digress.

Please enlighten me. What in Junkrat’s kit is underperforming(sans his primary fire grenade size) that would require a rework?

When did they announce Junkerqueen?
I’m pretty sure shes not coming or being announced until Blizzcon

Later today or tomorrow?

Still hasn’t come out…

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It’s the way his spam works. It’s really low effort but their isn’t a lot players can do to improve with it. Same with the trap, it has a very low skill ceiling too and is also easy to deal with by being aware. Combine that with grenades slow enough to dodge and you have a hero that is oppressive at low ranks and a troll pick at high ranks.

Not to mention that even if you try to lead and aim your shots it’s more than likely your grenade will phase right through them and if that’s not the most disheartening thing to see I don’t know what it is

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Probably just a Mercy nerf to keep her in check.

Seriously, a nerf on console? You want her to be worse?