Developer Update | Symmetra Short Story and Challenge | Overwatch

Priority Pass sounds awesome!

And then you get mass reported by your team for throwing and suspended


I see! I guess they are aware of potential throwers and want to make it a separate mode at first as to not ruin QP or Comp? Otherwise, I suppose it would have just be on normal QP, Comp?

The only concern to me is that Priority Pass is something that can be earned if you lose a Flex game. Now while you can win more priority pass by earning wins in the flex games, depending on how much is gained, I do worry that game quality may be reduced overall by those playing roles would not put effort into.


Problem: Support and especially Tanks just dont feel good right now

Solution: Add a complete new system for DPS players so that they queue faster

I laugh so hard after he said “For all impacted roles” like DPS in just one of them while it is the ONLY one xD

True, true.

Which brings up another thing. I have noticed that when a thrower leaves, they are no longer in the “recent” tab making it hard for me to search for them to report. I don’t know if it is like this for PC but console has this issue. I wish they they would just keep the person’s gamertag there in the section instead of me needing to find them among a bunch of others…

They are taking literally what I said in my thread.
I only mentioned Wins to gain those tickets or passes.

For reference (told ya so guys):

PS: This was before Priority queues existed If I remember correctly.

I think this update was recorded over a year ago. Jeff has no beard and looks younger.


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I see it daily actually, usually the wild Rein player, the unending supply of Hogs, and the DPS Anas and Moira’s.

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It’s also gonna depend on how much it will cost to queue with priority.

Like, let’s say that you need 30 points to queue and it grants 10 points per win and 5 for loss, it means winning 3 games will grant you priority and losing 6 games will give you priority.

All I’m thinking is that the priority queue will just have poorer matchmaking system because queue will be faster.

All I want is better matchmaking…

And if it’s not rewarded for also those who lose, flex players (tanks and supports basically) will become incredibly toxic towards their team when they perceive them as the reason they lose the game (and thus their priority queue tickets). And will probably leave games early as result and create backfilling problems.

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I keep saying for those who cannot wait - allow them to queue in both RQ and OQ simultaneously.

I can see it as another bandaid.

You and me both. I mean if the result is faster queuing, then they need to tighten the MMR system in QP. Comp is unchanged, but QP is really, really bad now.

Then they won’t get the pass cause you have to actually win the game

This is a great thread and all but nobody’s asked the real question yet:

Why is one of Jeff’s sideburns a full inch lower than the other?

Good to know. That’ll keep me from using it. Even on a role I have a positive winrate(support), I wouldn’t play it just for a 60% chance of priority queue. Best to just stick with what I find most enjoyable and a longer queue time.

Jeff said that you get some even if you lose, though.

sounds like a console bug. on pc, even if players leave ai and pve, they are still listed in recent player list, yet alone arcade and other modes.

Can you guys add proper subtitles to your videos? :face_with_monocle: Eh, guess I’ll just watch it with sound when I get home tonight…