Developer Update | Symmetra Short Story and Challenge | Overwatch

I think they decided on awarding some passes (less than a win) on a loss because otherwise nobody would use the system.

“Why should I play a role I’m not good at? I’ll just lose a lot and waste my time since losses don’t give me passes! No point in using this system grrr”.

The way they’re doing it keeps the system relevant, but you’re right about what that might imply…


So where is the new Sym novel? Or anything related to her new ingame challenge?
That was pretty much the only interested from that dev video…

Do you mean the short story “Stone By Stone”? That’s this-a-way :point_down:t6:


Yes, that is true too!

Ahh, but I forgot what Jeff said. Is this a whole seperate mode to win tickets in or is it with the quick play and comp matches?

Jeff said you get many more passes for winning games. That’s called an incentive to win

QP and Comp of course

Depends how the reward to loss ratio is handled but I can see the priority pass working.

Kinda wish it was the same with rewards like coins.

Still want the option to purchase player icons but that’s another topic for another day.

Most likely they are keeping things unwrap before Blizconlive.

He talked about there being a flex queue, so it’ll be an option right next to the standard tank/DPS/support queue options, I imagine.


That has never worked before. Arcade has some incentive to win each week and Challenge events and the weekly challenges during Holiday/Events have incentives.

Those do not work. You still get many many many throwers banking on their team to carry them so they can put in as minimal effort as possible.

Basically queuing for all 3 roles at the same time

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That’s also accurate to my experience.

Managed to finish my support placements then tanks and with 1 game on dps.

The beard! Jeff got nerfed!

So in other words, I can play Tank and Support to get my game sense up to upper gold, where I am in Damage now. And use the passes to play and try to reach my goal with Damage.

Cool, I’ll play my butt off and try to do 5% better with each role each season like I wanted to. And it still adds up and means something.

“Many more” can be debatable and is a bit open to interpretation as to what “many more” means to them.

Say you get 15 passes for winning and 5 for loosing. To some people, this is still a lot for loosing despite the winners having a fairly large chunk and may still throw since 5 passes to some could be a decent amount to farm with by loosing as opposed to winning. In other words, 3 game throws can get you 15 passes within the same time or more as a winning team getting 15 passes.

Ahh, I think they will know what to do though in terms of this though. At least I hope anyways.

Priority Pass sounds awesome!

And then you get mass reported by your team for throwing and suspended


I see! I guess they are aware of potential throwers and want to make it a separate mode at first as to not ruin QP or Comp? Otherwise, I suppose it would have just be on normal QP, Comp?

The only concern to me is that Priority Pass is something that can be earned if you lose a Flex game. Now while you can win more priority pass by earning wins in the flex games, depending on how much is gained, I do worry that game quality may be reduced overall by those playing roles would not put effort into.


Problem: Support and especially Tanks just dont feel good right now

Solution: Add a complete new system for DPS players so that they queue faster

I laugh so hard after he said “For all impacted roles” like DPS in just one of them while it is the ONLY one xD

True, true.

Which brings up another thing. I have noticed that when a thrower leaves, they are no longer in the “recent” tab making it hard for me to search for them to report. I don’t know if it is like this for PC but console has this issue. I wish they they would just keep the person’s gamertag there in the section instead of me needing to find them among a bunch of others…

They are taking literally what I said in my thread.
I only mentioned Wins to gain those tickets or passes.

For reference (told ya so guys):

PS: This was before Priority queues existed If I remember correctly.