I was waiting for proof of 2-2-2. But, I don’t care that 2-2-2 coming to comp. Now I don’t have to carry 5 Dps comp as Mercy.
Ok? But you’ll be placed in bronze if not banned :l
They have an algorithm — for an accepted play-style?
Am I getting that right?
So you just want Mercy to be a healbot — is that accurate?
We have to wait to see how it goes.
If DPS players are waiting 10 mins for a match. Those likes are going to be dislikes real fast.
People THINK games are instantly going to be more competitive and because of 2/2/2. But the reality is people will still pick heroes you don’t like games will still be stomps
What exactly is ‘Battle Mercy’ to you. Because to most, its a meme meaning Blaster Only, no healing.
If thats what you mean, no it is not accepted, and yes, Healbot is.
Oh no!
How ever will I survive?
No blizzard does.
With 2/2/2 you ARE the HEALER if you pick support. The other 4 players can’t switch to make up for your DPS mercy anymore
In my view, a Battle Mercy is a Mercy that is played with a more aggressive play-style.
She is not DPS nor is she a Healer.
She is a Hybrid play-style. Any Battle Mercy with half a brain knows to keep her team alive — through healing.
She is simply more pro-active.
I’m sorry — say that again?
Then you’ll probably dodge the bans, however its possible with 2-2-2 that people will be less ‘oh thank god we have a healer’ and more ‘wait why am I not getting heals’.
Blizzard has changed it so you now pick your roll before the match. DPS/TANK/HEALER
Blizzard now expects you to do the role you picked because someone who picked DPS can’t switch to healing mid match anymore.
So if you pick support Blizzard expects you to be Supporting now
As a Support, you hear that complaint all the time.
Just recently, I received a complaint from a Pharah who said:
“You suck, Mercy. You didn’t heal me the whole match.”
My reply was:
“You were shooting at the enemy team from the back and using health packs. I was a little busy with the three people on the front-lines eating bullets.”
Cant help stupid, I suppose.
I’m against it but never said I was leaving or had any intention to.
No, you can’t.
And there are a lot of them.
Its why I quit.
I’m positive that those that are against 2-2-2 are generally the selfish type that always played 1-2 heroes anyways in the comp scene while demanding others to play X hero as support and Y hero as tank. A tired and true demand I’d see ever 1 in 3 games.
No, Ashe, don’t run ahead of — dammit.
Reinhardt, I know you’re the tank, but wait for — dammit.
Genji, I’m not following you into that cluster of enemies — dammit.
It more about basic logic.
We know MOST of the player base wants to play DPS. So lets force only 33 percent of the spots to be open to the class everyone wants to play???..just seems like a bad idea
They already know they will need to bribe players to play tanks and supports cause they are forcing players onto rolls they don’t want to play.
But it’s a team game. The game literally since day 1 has only felt good if you played ina 6v6 organized environment. 2-2-2 is the attempt at pushing the game into an environment where you can get more of a feeling of how the game was meant to be played when you still solo queue.
Solo queue experience in competitive has destroyed everyone I know from playing this game since it came out. Some died out in year 1, others died out in year 3 along with me. I don’t know if 2-2-2 will bring people back to the game because it’s coming so late but I know this is exactly what needed to be done a year or two ago.
The main problem people have with balancing in this game is since OW takes so long to do anything with balance people get very used to playing in a certain manner. Whether it’s how your heroes play or how a system works like say competitve that when they do change something so drastic it feels like night and day for people (which it is in some cases) and the knee jerk reactions are everywhere because there will always be people who like the current status quo and others that absolutely despise it. This track record has presented itself every single time to the community and every single time it’s eventually died down and people have accepted it / left the game. Nothing different once 2-2-2 gets deilvered incoming for us… but they absolutely should have considered this much sooner so it isn’t such a shock to people like I said earlier.
I mean… for those that remember… Season 1 of Overwatch had multiple copies of the same hero allowed. It absolutely SUCKED for balance and was a terrible idea. Jeff at the time wasn’t sure they should remove it but they did and ever since S2 and onward we have had 1 hero limits. Imagine if that stayed in place until 2-2-2 just came out… the backlash over what was considered core to the game and the expectations to go with it would be intense. Which is ironic especially when Jeff said no hero limits was a core mechanic and “part of the spirit of the game”. Jeff also said 2-2-2 breaks the fundamentals of the “spirit of the game” a year ago and now he’s accepted that we need it… so you the player be the judge of what makes sense / what to be excited about when nothing is set in stone for this game.