Dev update 2-2-2 has 32k likes and 2.4k dislikes

Even a Battle Mercy heals her teammates.

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k. Hope the system see it your way. :slight_smile: Remember you dont have to convince me that your not throwing… I am just a player. Players that want to sabotage the system will do what they do. But just remember everything has consequences.

Maybe I am wrong and you will do l33t damage and awesome healing, but you kinda sounded like you were wanting to do less than optimal to maybe sabotage a couple games. Maybe I am just reading the post wrong and not getting your true sentiment in context.

I wouldn’t sabotage a game but I’m also not an elite player.

They’ll get what I’m capable of giving.

But I’m willing to compromise:

I can play Battle Mercy —

— or never draw my weapon — even if I’m the only one capable of reaching a sniper —

— even to save my own life.

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Here’s what I disagree with - I’ve ran into way too many people who just shout that anyone who disagrees with 2-2-2 are crybabies/boosted support/any number of insult.

There were some like that, but there were also many who had valid reasons for not wanting it, and yet they were just lumped in the same group.

Like I said you do what you do. :slight_smile: Shame you are so black and white with your “compromise”. I really think mercy is going to be a much better pick with ult charge time increasing. She has many abilities in mid fight that make her a great pick. But hey do your battle mercy. If your not trying to sabotage the new 2-2-2 system then you will be fine.

Like I said may have just read your post in wrong context. Sometimes it hard to read persons actual meaning in their words. :slight_smile:

It’s about as compromising as role queue itself.

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It’s no surprise people who like Overwatch watch Overwatch videos…

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I mean laziness and not doing anything substantial is much, MUCH worse

If you consistently ‘Battle Mercy’? Please. I’ve been here since day 1. You’ll be reported, and auto banned if you persist.

Take your pick of the report options, the important part is # of reports, not validity.

Considering what has happen to Overwatch and their balancing motto. I’ll take Apex ways.

You’re believing that story? I see it as baiting for attention and so far it’s winning.

It has and always been this way.
There’s no saving this forum.


Banned for playing as a Battle Mercy?

Blizzard hasn’t said it’s against the rules and it’s a pretty common play-style.

How about Passive Mercy?

You know — just healing and power boost. No guns at all. Is that wrong?

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As I mentioned.

  1. You are trolling here.
  2. Everyone knows if you dont play within the socially accepted construct of how OW is ‘meant to be played’ you will be reported. Blizzard’s rules are not even secondary to the rules the community has established.
  3. You know you’ll be reported. I know it. This thread knows it.
  4. Healing Mercy, is what you are supposed to do.

So — when playing as Mercy — never use a weapon.

Got it.

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Yes, thats explicitly what I said right…oh I dont see that.

There is a known difference between ‘Battle Mercy’ the meme that gets you reported, and Mercy played as intended.

Just make sure you heal people like you are supposed to.

I always do.

Because that’s my job.

So what’s the problem?

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k have fun.


I play him like a healer…in mistery heroes…chasing my teammates some times

Dev update 2-2-2 has 32k likes and 2.4k dislikes

LFG dev update last year had 31k likes and 1.2k dislikes (talk about coincidentally symmetrical)…

just saying those numbers dont really mean much :stuck_out_tongue:

That already have an algorithymn prepared for this, you will get perma banned for it.