A team game were they could adjust the balance so plays more smoothly with 3 or 4 dps.
But they went with slapping a band-aid on the problem and will just give away skins to get people to play the game just like watching OWL. People won’t care about skins if they are bored of the game.
2/2/2 won’t change anything. People will still be crying “We got stomped because or tanks was playing Hammond instead of Osirisa GG our comp sucks”
And sure… I suppose they could have balanced the game around 1 tank and 1 healer instead but that heavily favors only one style of play, regardless if it’s the most popular and it would make the tank and healer players want to quit even more by being tossed aside as not as important and inferior.
That’s true, but good players are also the minority while casual players who just want to play Hanzo/Genji/Widow are much more common. It makes sense to me.
You can still play whatever you want bro nothings stopping you. If all you wanna do is DPS do some push ups or something while you wait in queue. It isn’t the end of the world nor preventing you from how you wanna play.
They already said DPS could be waiting up to 20 mins. If nothing changes. They are praying that giving away skins helps that queue. But again paying people to play stuff they don’t want to play is not a long term plan
What they should have done is fix the balance so solo tank and solo healer is more viable.
This is fearmongering. No one knows, not even Jeff. This is just a guess. Let’s see how it is live first, yes? That would be rational and then complain once we know in a week or two of it being live if it’s unacceptable to people.
And again, if they balanced only 1 healer or 1 tank the game isn’t a team game anymore it’s more blitzkreig DPS playing with some utility / support sprinkled in. It’s not the way the devs want the game to be played.
No JEFF said that in a Dev update when talking about Roll queue a long time.
What do you think would happen when almost every game you play is 4 or 6 DPS and you going down to 2 slots??
That means your going to have to wait for full games to complete for tanks and supports to get back into the queue again so the extra DPS can play this time
And Jeff doesn’t know it’s a guess. He shouldn’t have said anything when they have had no way to test this with a large player base. All he did was stoke fear for people like yourselves to be concerned with something before it’s even here. It’s not a super great PR statement that he did to promote an upcoming system. He has said that for over the course of the year btw, not just the dev video. Jeff was clearly against this system from the start like I mentioned earlier so it’s a bit silly to see how they are sold on it now so late in the game.
It’s still fearmongering and not being realistic when you speak without data to back you up. We live in an era of fearmongering on the global sphere in real life, surely we can identify it when talked about it in such a manner in a video game?
Even as low as mid-masters, the difference between a team where everyone is playing their main, or at least a hero/role they’re comfortable with and a game where you’ve got a Healer or DPS with maybe half a dozen hours on Reinhardt try and compete against a team that actually has a Reinhardt main is night and day.
So this “math” you speak of without any formula to plug in based on stats you have, just theory, has established a certain hypothesis for you. Let’s be clear right here and now, you at best have a theory of what will happen and are afraid based on this, which is ok, but calling it a fact without actual facts to go with it is not something we can all hail as 100% correct without… data to go with it.
This doesn’t exist. They don’t have this information as they have never utilized us as a playerbase in this manner. Why do you think this next season is called a “beta season”? They are covering their butts in all fashions in case things are grossly inadequate.
Listen, I’m gonna stop replying since we going back and forth in a circle. If you wanna be scared of the future you can certainly do so but I’m trying to convey you have no actual facts to be worried over, just worries or concerns that are erupting within you to be passionately upset in preperation for a fear you hope isn’t true. It might even be found to be true!.. but we cannot assume it to be true without seeing it in motion. What if the game loses so many people that DPS queue is actually only a few minutes like we queue now? Who knows, you don’t know, I don’t know, Jeff doesn’t know. Too many variables guys and gals but you do want you want and how you wanna deal with it.
Perfect example that the forum doesn’t speak for the whole community at all. The general opinion is that it’s fine while the forum thinks that everything is on fire.