Dev update 2-2-2 has 32k likes and 2.4k dislikes

Yeah, they still haven’t really fixed pathfinders hitbox either. For a game that has much fewer characters, more homogeneous characters, and less combination of characters to worry about on a team i’m not sure you could call apex legends the pinnacle of balance lol. The best gun in the game was a pistol you could snipe people with for quite a while, and last time I launched the game the alternator with disruptor rounds was actually the best weapon in the game because of how fast it melted shields (im guessing they fixed this because of how terrible it was but I havent checked).
… Not to mention the fact that the game is still riddled with cheaters
Its called easy anti cheat for a reason i guess… lol

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If people didn’t like it, the dislikes would outnumber the likes, just look at the wow store mount vids. (latest one 3k likes vs. 14.5k dislikes)

Any relations when comparing the quality between both games, but I know how loyal Overwatach fans are.

Did they make a rework on a character and made it worst? I’ll wait. I mean support Overwatch you like. I will still down talk it until they improve.

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I’m not even that much of a fan of the game, and only recently came back to check out the whole role q fiasco. I’ve played quite a bit of apex myself since launch.

its removing the ability to chose what you want to play in game which is really bad considering some people cant support on certain maps or are better tanks on other ones but no lets ignore that because 2-2-2 fixes everything right?.

So having no role lock is a lot better than these small issues compared to 4+DPS mess?
You Sir, must be very masochistic if you like the current state

Well yeah, it benefits one-tricks and disadvantages flex players. We all know who makes up the majority of OW.

No one arguing against role queue thought they were right because of majority rule.

She’s right, and I hate 2-2-2. No, I will not uninstall, but I will be sad about the lost creativity in OW.

You mean this lil’ ol’ insular microcosm we got going on?

You’ll be reported, and the automated system will take its course. Please, dont try and troll, we have all been here long enough.

Those dislikes come from dps one tricks that are going to be in the long qs.

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They actively have a system that is looking for players that are throwing on purpose to try to ruin the new system. It is like everyone forgets the Mercy revolt and what the devs learned about the community during it.

I had mixed feelings about 2/2/2 at first but after playing a lot on the PTR and then going back to live I can see why 2/2/2 is necessary.
Forced 2/2/2 is far less frustrating and more fun to play than 1/1/4 (4 DPS)

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I keep seeing people say “they used 2-2-2 to stop goats.” During the update Jeff addressed this. Goats was on its way out there was nothing to stop.

Jeff: stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff Quickplay Classic…

Me: QPC? Sweet. All I needed to know.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.

Why do you come to the conclusion that I’m throwing?

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Reported for what exactly?

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A healer that doesn’t heal… thinking thinking :man_shrugging: guess your right that isn’t throwing at all… But again as I said it isn’t really whether or not I think your throwing. However if the system that is comparing your previous data to your current data thinks your throwing, well… guess we’ll see what happens.

It’s always a dumpster fire here