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A DPS main broke into my house and stole all my milk now I can’t eat my cereal :sob:


Hog’s, I’ll give you. Heavily. This was far less of an issue pre-rolequeue times, in my experience. I won’t blame DPS players for this, but it does seem like rolequeue caused a bunch of DPS players to start playing Hog in their typical DPS playstyle. A kinda similar thing with Zarya, too, but far more uncommonly.

I think that’s overblown. I played Mei a lot in the earlier seasons to stop that behaviour with wall, it’s not that common anymore. Even still, that’s a single point against the whole cavalcade of DPS players’ actions.

I haven’t noticed this in any bothersome amount.

True, and letting it die frequently.

100%. I’d also put this on the first reason. I didn’t notice this much before rolequeue.

Can’t say I notice this bothersomely.

Certainly. That’s not what I mean to do.

No. I’m saying it’s given far less value.

Agreed, but rarely at the same level as DPS players. There are issues with mechanical aim, but it’s obviously magnified by the ‘mechanical aim’ class.

Oh, yes, and Symmetra was even more egregious being moved post release and given a DPS rework that was just as high effort as making her a more functional Support. And in Sombra’s case, she was released even more of a Support than in her intentional tests, they were so damn close to her working perfectly as such lol.

It also happened to Tank with Doomfist. He was hyped to high hell and would’ve been a massive draw to the role, but the second they encounter any bumps in creating these heroes, they get tossed in DPS.

Like, I doubt it’s something the devs are conscious of, but they have a seriously DPS-biased mindset when it comes to hero design and lack imagination when it comes to Support and Tank kits.


Damn, they got you too?

Because they want DPS to be center of all attention and viewers to watch killstreaks.

And it’s not that they lack imagination - they just realise, that fun of tanks/supports usually goes against fun of DPS majority.

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Sorry, either we try to get ahead of it and hope they aren’t to prideful to change things or watch the game fail.

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Im a DPS Genji flanker main that gets constantly criticized by tank main because the supports keep dying (?)

Well, you just left them unprotected, so your friendly Genji from enemy team pays them a visit.

In general, DPS can’t be trusted with protecting supports, as they tend to vanish, as soon as there any trouble, and leave you for dead. Unless, of course, you manage to vanish faster, than them.

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You’re quite possibly right, but naive though it may be, I’d like to believe the devs aren’t quite that sinister.

Like, FFXV has similar issues with Healer design especially, and DPS classes generally being the most imaginative and fun. PvP is an afterthought and balanced separately anyway, there’s no motive for bias, so why is Healer design so out of touch? Because no one on the design team mains it.

It’s simple optimisation - majority of players would be DPS, so putting resources into developing tanks and supports is at bare minimum, since most players won’t play them anyway.

There is also severe limitation - DPS should be able to overcome tank/support with ease. Which limits creativity by a lot, since you aren’t allowed to use any actually strong mechanics.

Because all you guys do is

“bohoo supports and tanks still OP/too strong blizz nerf”

“dps underpowered blizz please buf”

We constant get the biggest nerfs

and what do dps get? Little baby nerfs or heck even buffs…


Just seems like a surefire way to shoot yourself in the foot long run when happy Tanks and Supports are necessary to keep DPS queues down.

With main income coming from OWL, it’s not as concerning, as it can be.

Most failed reworks followed simple pattern - hero is considered “good” at OWL level, but later on there is too much noise about them being broken in normal game to ignore.

Only actual long-term issue would be eventual lack of new tank/support players for OWL itself, but so far there are enough players for it to not happen.


I gotta have my cereal with orange juice now.

My heart truly goes out to you. Keep your head up.

EXACTLY. Guys you have this other trash FPS with normal FPS mechanics you can just play Valorant, Apex, CS:GO…
Stop killing the tank and support playerbase because of the DPS one.


Some people just don’t understand this basic statements.

cause the other role has flunking lost a slot maybe?

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cause your hero is useless at peeling, that support that dies has to go ana to make your hero worth something but their flankers dive her while you go duel a moira cry i need healing and die.

see OW2. thats what yall did to us

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