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Not saying they cant help, just saying Dps have the least responsability mid fight compare to say supp or tank so they have the higest chance on dealing with the pharmercy in midfight.

Most of the time the healer and tanks are busy trying to stay alive and protecting the team amd cant deal with a pharmecy.

Probably because they would get trashed in those other FPS games. In Overwatch they can use hero counters and support/tanks as a crutch. Can’t hit anything? Shoot the tank and you can feel like you’re doing something. Getting outskilled by enemy DPS? No worries, stay behind big rectangle man and have Mercy giving you a second chance. No wonder DPS players are so quick to tell support/tank what to play and how to play… while simultaneously complaining loudly every time an enemy support/tank is “too strong”… and then they complain how their own tanks/support aren’t able to help them better. -sigh-

I mean, I stopped playing OW months ago (and stopped playing tanks even before) but the last time I did… even then in 2020 there were DPS players who expected tanks to babysit them. Like this one McCree standing out in the open, then complaining how I’m not shielding him as Sigma. I did, the shield just exploded in a second. Like, bruh, you even realize all tank barriers got trashed and you need to learn to use natural cover?
I bet when these type of players go play a traditional FPS with no tanks or supports, where it all comes down to their own mechanical skill, reaction time and positioning… well, they’ll get very well acquainted with the spawn room.


You dirty DPS players took EVERYTHING from me. My wife, kids, even my transgender ideology. But seriously, there’s no shortage of DPS players so what do you expect? Of course you guys are held to a higher standard. I wouldn’t mind if some of ya’ll just fell off the face of the earth so I can get faster que times.

See I feel the same exact way about the genji screaming in chat to go kill myself because I didn’t nano his blade. And obviously, I don’t deny all DPS heals since maybe 1 out of 10 matches I don’t have the gold card for heals. But I will not chase out of position DPS screaming for heals who then turn abusive because I prioritized the tank that was 1v4 trying to hold point while that out of position dps player is trying to be a hero. They aren’t “denied” heals they aren’t in position to be healed there’s a difference. They are not at anytime my priority. I’m not there to be your pocket it is, after all a team game. There are other people there with you, Learn how to play the game, what your role is and how to be part of that team you’re on. And do understand I am using you in the general not YOU specifically. If it makes you feel any better, I feel the exact same way about the auto lock DVA’s that are constantly spamming “Need Healing” over and over.


I really don’t think people understand how absolutely horrible an argument this is.

The overwatch team has consistently proved that once they screw something up, there’s probably no going back. They just pretend it’s been that way forever.

I don’t have to wait to see the rest of the changes to know the direction they’re trying to go, and I will not “wait” to Express my displeasure.


Because they are too busy running around the map and “looking cool”.

No, they would say “just as planned” and continue in same direction. No matter what actual result would be.


Nerfed two of my main Heroes into the ground to the point they have to be completely reworked.

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its a broken record really with blizzard and its games. i heard these same arguments like in the past 15 years with world of warcraft. basically its the archetype trinity that is flawed, since no way will they ever be equal in popularity. over the years it has been proven again and again that dps is what people want to play yet game developers still dont learn or have any idea about how to attract people to the other roles or just not use the archetype to begin with. i kind of want to see that meeting were they decided that they wanted to lock roles, you think someone in that meeting would be like… remember world of warcraft and how that ended up?

This is not a ‘dps thing’. This is a toxic player and toxic players exist in all roles.

I get that. But why is this is statement so skewed in favor of tanks?

So often tanks are doing some ego play off on a flank for no good reason and then flame supports when they feed.

My point is this is a symptom of a bad/toxic players. Not a role that is bad/toxic. Bad players that constantly make poor decisions exist in every role. Toxic players that flame exist in every role as well. So far and by far the most toxic players I have come across are mercy and DVA one tricks. Not pointing fingers, just an observation.

You can’t refuse to pocket and then quote “team game” as an excuse. Pocketing is a very strong teamplay mechanic can often determine a win or a loss. I don’t know how many times games have been lost because our 1 trick mercy refuses to pocket a good pharah or echo but would rather pocket their feeding hog duo.

Yall literally destroyed the game.


Did someone hurt you?

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This requires a little perspective to understand. I don’t see Tanks and Supports playing badly, I see them getting little value.

Most of them I see are playing well but nothing is happening. What I do see, however, is DPS players who COMPLETELY lack any sort of skill outside of mechanical aim. Below Diamond, there’s never any peeling, communication, awareness, positioning, etc. from DPS players. They’re constantly 800+SR out of their rank because of how inflated aim-value has become.


Why is it when a tank or support does this its all of them flameming on the dps players but when a dps does it its just the toxic person?


2 DPS…Released Echo and Sojourn is a DPS, the only hero we know is coming with OW2.

Wow… :roll_eyes:
I make a post relevant to the topic and my statement warranted this pathetic assault on my character. You should take your own advice if a topic asking why there’s negative outlook on a particular class would set you off so much you have to have to put on this display.

Next time I’ll use smiles in my statements if that will make you feel better. You should have been the better person but I guess you’re not.

Agreed. I’ve been lurking around the forums for a while now and the sheer generalization of dps players, along with the constant reaffirmation said generalizations get is pretty alarming. Its toxic to dps for obvious reasons but it also can harm supports by making them jump to blaming dps instead of eveluating themselves from time to time.

This video does a better job detailing why this mentality is bad:

Sometimes I find annoying getting a kill than it gets rez back than again you can get another kill or better kill involving the Mercy Rezing a DPS. Mostly people don’t even shot at the Mercy even if she in front of them

DPS routinely witch hunt Tanks and Support heroes and get them nerfed, it didn’t come from the void of nothingness


Well both are equally bad. No role and its players should be generalized to this extent. That said, two wrongs don’t make a right. Even if others are being toxic/fallacious in their rhetoric, its not gonna make anything better by responding back the same way.

It’s better to acknowledge there’s a problem than to sweep it under the rug. We have had 5 years of recognizing this problem and if it repeats for OW2 the games long term health may be in danger.

Look at how alienated the non-FPS crowd has been, look at the queue times. This stuff has consequences.