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Some people just don’t understand this basic statements.

cause the other role has flunking lost a slot maybe?

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cause your hero is useless at peeling, that support that dies has to go ana to make your hero worth something but their flankers dive her while you go duel a moira cry i need healing and die.

see OW2. thats what yall did to us

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DPS Mains themselves didn’t do anything to me.

It was Blizzard continually pandering to DPS mains and constantly reworking support characters, or nerfing tank/support abilities, or nerfing barriers, or constantly adding new DPS characters. And here we are with OW2 apparently catering, once again, to DPS mains by buffing DPS across the board, lowering TTK, taking a baseball bat to tank defenses and support healing.

DPS mains themselves, other than constantly whining that they have to play around things like barriers to the point where Blizzard nerfs them, didn’t do anything to me and I certainly don’t hate them. But y’all need to admit that Blizzard has been catering this game to you for the last 3 years and that’s what has driven a lot of people away.

Because if I just want a lame DPS zergfest, I have half a dozen (or more) games I could choose from.


They’ll revert role queue and we can finally have 5vs5 dps deathmatches with the occasional Mercy :joy:

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It seems to me that what they’re engineering is less of a “competitive fps” and more like a “dps power fantasy”.


Because DPS players wouldn’t stop talking about needing specific roles and updates in the game in order to be able to do their jobs and stop complaining. So the devs spent years reworking characters and are now literally changing the core of the game to please DPS players. Now tanks and healers are losing their favorite characters that they’ve practiced with for years, and are hard locked into their roles even when it’s clear being able to switch would help secure a W. Meanwhile it feels like, especially at the metal tiers, DPS still haven’t started doing their jobs and certainly haven’t stopped complaining.


Next step is 1 support. As they merely moved the problem.

Which is why they should be held to lower standard. As it’s easy to replace any DPS players, that happened to quit the game, but it would be different story for other roles.

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I think the Astro is still pretty interesting.

But like, it is one job. What is the new support one like? (has it dropped yet?)

I fear you will be right, and it won’t take long to happen either.

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If your positioning was actually good, they probably wouldn’t and you would have the potential to get a pick yourself.

If you believe that pocketing isn’t a viable strat and doesn’t win games then I guess there is no point in conversing with you.

Zen pocketing tracer, Ana pocketing Rein, Mercy pocketing Pharah… It wins games. Maybe you’ll firgure that out eventually.

Yeah, losing the unique card effects sucked but Astro is still pretty lovable.

The new healer is Sage and comes out with the expansion on November 23. Basically a shield focused healer with a bunch of flying guns. I’m slightly disappointing because I wanted Chemist and/or more edge, but eh, it looks fairly interesting.

Biggest change to healers is they’re being defined into Barrier Healers (Sage and Scholar) and Pure Healers (Astro and White Mage) and having queues split accordingly. And as such, Astro is having Nocturnal Sect removed. Otherwise, there seems to be mild improvements on ShB but nothing too mind blowing.

And of course, poor Scholar still has it’s identity in tatters.

I find it more disgusting than hilarious. Like, what is even a “DPS main”. You like some heroes, you don’t like others. Nobody says “oh hurr durr i was born a DPS main so i will ONLY play DPS”

People with no life like to put labels on everything to feel special, or part of a group

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On the grand scheme of things DPS mains did nothing wrong. Tank players wanted the same opportunity at engaging gameplay/apm as the other roles. With DPS & Support (even though most supps just healbot all game) they mostly have chances for outplay & skill expression.

Tanks deteriorated into cc sponges or shield bots and have just been swapping between the 2 since 2018/19. No strategy, no synergy- just low skill residentsleeper gamepaly. So ultimately the tank players voted with their uninstall buttons and never came back.

And instead of considering genuine feedback or looking at active playerbase numbers- they waited until it was too late and it started impacting general matchmaking. Every decision since then has been trying to wring out whatever “tanks” remain to fix q times and we see where that has gotten us.

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Because tanks and supports want opposite of what DPS want, and what is necessary for esport success.

For example, most tanks and supports want to keep their team alive against any head-on assault, that doesn’t involve taking them out. But DPS, for obvious reasons, want head-on assault to work.

Why DPS mains are hated? Because they are most “simple” role to cater to - just give players quick kills and high damage. There are multiple ways to get said kills, most of which were invented in some games before, so not much creativity is necessary.

Ideally, game has balance between damage and sustain, where they negate each other - so no brute force can prevail and game actually has complexity in it. But it also means, that there would be frequent stalemates, should attacking side refuse to get inventive, and Activision-Blizzard tried their hardest to remove any possible stalemates. And even then, literally any delay in wiping out enemy team is followed by “tanks/supports are OP pls nerf”.

I am certain, that streamers are fully aware of it, but fame already got to their heads and they truly believe, that they “deserve” to have direct influence on how developers balance game.

In general, “influencers” tend to ruin whatever game they are in. Especially if they are treated differently, than rest of players, or use their fanbase to manipulate feedback developers receive.

Both pros and streamers are interested in game being fun to watch. Both tend to play in their own, specific environment, that involves pre-made teams with long-term training.


It’s more condescending than angry. :grinning:
I made fun of them because the stereotype is they just move and shoot, even at the detriment :grinning: of their team victory and don’t bother with anything resembling intelligent play :grinning: since they complain about Turrets and easy to use abilities :rofl:

Nowhere did I wish harm or any sort of ill-will towards the DPS class. :grinning: I just mocked their low intelligence stereotype :rofl: while also stating facts about their past behaviors :grinning:

Unlike how they threatened a person who had nothing to do with game balance because they hated the character she voiced :grinning: That’s anger. :relaxed:

Sounds like a case of projection or :yum: getting personally offended for me making fun of the DPS class :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: since you are a tank player; It shouldn’t bother you.

Rock on. :call_me_hand:

Admittedly, there was some defeatist statements the end :sob: but that’s because I am not an optimist :sweat:

You know old nickname for FPS in more intelligent circles? Spinal cord games.

Why bother with intelligent play, when you got big guns?

There is saying “when you are holding a hammer, everything starts resembling the nails”. If applied to shooter, it’s “when you have a gun, everything looks like target”.

If we compare classes to IRL army, DPS are infantry, tanks are tank crew, and supports are field medics. insert joke about infantry


I dont even ask for Ana. I just use genji without being pocketed.

Supports in my games almost always play with the tanks (unless they playing lucio). The supports die while the tanks try to kill the enemy flanker, then the supports die and its all my fault that a reinhardt cant kill a feedfist