Deflect buff is TERRIBLE

You could do this anyway with dash 3 headshot dash, and you get a reset on dash anyway so essentially it’s the same thing and that relies on some real bot movement

…yeah but you’d have to waste dash. If you fail, you get punished. But after the buff, lol you can try to shuri+melee oneshot all day.

If you’re dashing and unsure you’re going to get the kill that’s player error not game design

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Well I suppose we’ll just see if shuri-melee oneshots start happening (because dash shuri oneshots aren’t) then I’ll be proven right.

I mean, how is this different from Mei and Reaper being able to cancel their shift abilities at will?

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Make sure not to bot walk or stand still, a-d strafing with crouch spam is very broken in this game

-Zen isn’t played much because he dies too easily and hence his use ends up actually turning the game into a 5v6 where the 6 have free ult charge;

-Beat doesn’t do anything all that helpful if it’s a nanoblade - it simply provides about 1 second chance to get out of the way, however it’s something you can’t rely on vs DPS ults because it is such a slow charging ultimate in the first place.

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yup. rocks are not blocked.

Isn’t there a small delay and animation after wraith ends?

And after iceblock ends Mei can’t shoot instantly anyways. (Except her spray which is garbage tho.)

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Zen should just be a feeding/ult battery tank at this point and…just…just. gg/no re. . :slight_smile:

It does have a cast time similar to brigs cast time for her shield. Don’t blame you for thinking it’s an insta-cast. I agree with OP however, making it cancel whenever:

Grants convenience / Increases close range lethality

                       at the cost of

Lower skill ceiling / Limited counter play / Making the hero feel obnoxious

I love the other changes (especially the shuriken dmg buff) but they need to revert that and maybe tune back the spread buff. Keep him as a “control” hero, don’t buff him anymore.

[Coming from a Genji one trick :wink: ]


In basically every other game, you see counters have significant drawbacks.

Look at any fighting game or Smash brothers.

Counters should come out fast, but should have serious detrimental effects if baited.


Zen players should just switch to Brigitte now he just got some sweet revert, and he got a “new” hard counter now …

It actually does have a cast time. Very short and barely noticeable, but definitely significant enough to die because of it.
There are a few twitch clips out there from popular streamers, especially “unlucky” ChipSa depicting them using deflect a split second before a shot that would kill them hits, but they still die anyways because of that short cast time.
As a Genji main, it happens to me sometimes too. You’re low on health, and see that McCree looking at you, you deflect just before he shoots yet you die. After your death, you see the ability on cooldown, but that short cast time is what kills you.

I laughed way too hard this lol. I just started learning Zen and looks like I’ll have to go to vs AI now lmao

I have been asking for this change since OW came out. Put a casting animation for when he cancels the deflect! That way the opposing player has a visual cue of when they start shooting at the Genji. Make it fair.

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I’m a genji main and I really like the genji buff but I think now that you can cancel deflect without dash/wall climb, they should give it startup lag.

The timing of the buff is related to owl like every buff/nerf. They want genji in some matches because he is a hero that really makes cool things and audience loves him. Pros have top tier aim and mechanics cant do much about it. We know now why fb got nerfed. Mc could shut down doom and genji. Well now he cant. Like the pharmercy duels (pros prefer to duel pharah than counter her) genji will bring back nanoblades and pros will mirror that. Bliz wants another blade meta. Its a big shift from barriers and we also dont like double barrier. They are forcing doom/genji/tracer in owl. This will bring hammond in also. Its all about changing the meta.


that’s what they did to reaper’s shift and I don’t see him go ultra op, it just makes his gameplay more dynamic in the way that where reaper would miss an opportunity where cancelling his shift would be giving him a kill and its basically what they gave genji, not that strong…

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honestly, deflect is one of the cheesiest abilities in the game. its like the number one abilitiy i dont want to see buffed, alongside sombras hack. its already strong as it is, whats the point in making even stronger? if they are going to buff it they need to make it easier to shoot trough, or you will just be forced to switch to something that can (beams).

there is a reason every genji complains about moira. genji has abilities that somewhat “forces” out the moira, even when the healers prefer to play something else. the moment a genji is playing well the moira comes out cause everyone knows what a pain it is to deal with any halfdecent genji when he is not countered.

they should focus on tuning down the easy counters like moira if he is struggling, not give him insane buffs that will make him win duels for free. thats just going to force counterpicks even more. playing things like mccree, ana or zen against genji is going to be such a pain if this goes trough.