Deflect buff is TERRIBLE

I never said this buff was bad, I said I don’t see how zen or other heroes like him are going to win encounters like this unless genji messes something up.

And with the secondary fire spread reduced, and the fire rate buffs he got before, and the primary fire damage increased, and deflect lasting longer and being able to be cancelled whenever, this is a very significant change.

And a good direction for you doesn’t mean a good direction over all. That’s subjective obviously.

Genji needed a buff so I’m willing to see this change out, but that doesn’t mean that what I said was false. Moving around can only help you so much when genji can get up close and still beat you.


He could already do that before this experimental card with this order: dash -> shurikens -> melee. Genji already can cancel deflect with dash or climbing walls, it’s not that new. Although he could add another set of shurikens in the first as well, so again its up to debate. It could do without the shuriken spread buff tbh.

Zen isn’t a dps, unfortunately this is a game where your team has to help you and lower elos don’t understand tgat. But if you get to masters or beyond you will see zens naturally setting themselves up in better positions, like sitting under a doorway in the back of their team so a doom can’t uppercut them after slamming onto them and will be discombobulates about the shot after the uppercut, or playing on a box to avoid being slammed on,

Trust me, if you are good at zen, you will be fine.

Im aware he could do it before, but he has a much larger room for error now


They already were.

Zen seriously need a legitimate survivability buff, even if it’s simply a minor tweaking to his hitbox.


Can confirm that this is incredibly inconsistent as, just like Earthshatter, Seismic Slam is very buggy. And sitting on a box doesn’t stop Uppercut from hitting you; that’s all a Doomfist needs to land on a Zen in order tosecure the kill unless he literally can’t handle the most basic aiming.

I can link images on maps of where zens can and should play, and I didn’t say uppercutting off a box I said slamming onto a box. There are boxes that can’t be slammed on

Seismic Slam is almost always followed up by an Uppercut. Sitting on a box so you can’t be slammed is inconsistent as the ability itself is inconsistent, as I already said. And even if you do prevent the slam damage, it doesn’t matter, because the inevitable uppercut will connect, at which point the zenyatta is a free kill for the doomfist. Other heroes have problematic interactions with zen, though. I think they should just do something to his hitbox, or at least test that first.

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You need to go into Tryhard ffas and watch some of these zens outplay dooms. Or just rank up.

It’s possible. People just won’t let it enter their mind that it is

I’m sure jjonak is crying about doom and genji right now

Ya this is the last straw for me. As a hitscan main, I refuse to deal with this. Mccree/soldier is a free kill now for any average genji player. Not to mention flashbang is basically useless now, especially against blade. Good thing valorant is coming out soonish. Imma head out.


K see you in two weeks when u get tired of csgo kids edition

It will sadly. People like watching Genji and for this reason he’s their favourite hero. No matter how overpowered he is and will be.

This genji buff is completely unwarranted and grossly overdone. Its absurd. Have fun playing comp with the “who has the better genji” and dying to blade every other team fight… maybe even every team fight. That’s not my idea of fun.


These buffs basically removed all the counterplay it had it. This trash better not go live


Instead of 14 nanoblade kills in quickplay, it’ll become 20 nanoblade kills since they never toned down the ulti charge he can get. Fun clownfest of watching which nanoblade is better.


Frankly, i dont mind the deflect buff and his shuriken buff

the problem with genji is that he is a hero with a very strong ult, and a very weak kit,

it may seem unfair what genji can do, but considering him compared with other flankers, who can straight up one shot you / one clip you out of nowhere, or disable all your abilities it really isnt that bad

although id give more buffs to his kit myself, and exchange it to tone down his ult a tad

the extra 2 damage on those shurikens might cause his ult gain to become increasingly high though

Oh wow I didn’t know they removed beat and zen ult.

But in all seriousness I’m surprised it’s still f genji after this nearly 2 year long war on fun, fluidity, and flankers.

Was brig, or as o like to call her, the fun police not enough for you guys?? Why don’t you just create a custom game where it’s just brig and moira are the only available heroes and let the rest of the game enjoy the challenge of aiming and mobility and mechanics then .

A mccree main sad that they are gonna have to learn a new matchup and a new timing on deflect. My heart bleeds

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They don’t need to remove transcendence, it’s enough that they’ve practically removed zenyatta lol.

How are you supposed to farm a counterulti when you’re dead?

Besides genji will blade 3 times to every 1 transcendence you will be able to farm, that’s still many fights lost.


Deflect cancel is great, infact it was already possible prior to the experimental card by doing some obscure wallclimbing, which lets be honest is horrible game design.

I agree that genji needed buffs but i think perhaps they went abit too crazy with this one? With shuriken spread + dmg buff you can literally shuriken headshot + melee to instagib 200hp heroes assuming all 3 headshots, and you can dash 2 shuriken headshot + melee aswell.

Perhaps deflect ”fix” + moira nerf (indirect genji buff tbh) wouldve been a better start?

Sadly, they still havent fixed his deflect bug so we can still count on flashes going through deflect!

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