Deflect buff is TERRIBLE

i dont mind the duration at all but cancel at will means genji can throw his buffed shurikens and dash in your face WITHOUT any time to react. When you buff things you should remember that -despite owl playing on lan- we play with latency and its not possible to react to things like this. Like reaper who can shoot canceling his own wraith (Geoff said he didn’t want this buff specifically because of the latency issue) and blast you in the face, genji can do the same with m1+dash every time he wants after using his defensive ability that blocks EVERYTHING.
Every move should have counterplay considering latency. this is a big no from me.

edit1: playing as genji feels like there is a delay before you can shoot. playing as his opponent this window of opportunity is so minimal you cant really react.


A thing to note is that Deflect has no cast or cancel time. Have fun reacting to an insta-cast ability.


They ought to give it both. I know it makes sense for a ninja cyborg assassin to have snappy reflexes, but a good Genji should be able to strafe during the half second of cast time, and same thing for cancel. It wouldn’t be unfair, especially to the better Genjis out there.


This I believe is the problem with Genji’s deflect. It just has no drawbacks if you use it incorrectly and it brings to mind the character Zhin from Paladins. Zhin has an ability called Counter that works in a similar way. He uses his sword to block an attack and counters the attack with a fire wave. The difference is that after his counter ends, there is a small window of time where he is unable to attack or use his other abilities. It gives him counterplay, and I think Deflect should work in the exact same way.


Just want to say that deflect doesn’t block everything…


Still, this is a video game. You should have time to react to things, the game should at least try to be fair. It’s why Uppercut self-stun time was increased a bit, it’s why EMP cast time was increased, same for Gravitic Flux. Count in latency and you’ve got a huge advantage by using just one ability, making some heroes against Genji as mandatory as in case of Widow or Doomfist.


Big F for Zenyatta players, you guys are getting farmed now.


i really hope this wont go to live.


I feel it leaves too much room for chance. If none of your abilities go through deflect he basically gets immunity from your damage for 2 seconds, and he can choose to cancel it anytime immediately



He could always cancel his deflect by dashing, and instashurikens should be not that much of an issue, since there’s a 99,9% probability that will happen with a Genji up to your face.

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Usually Genji players dash combo before using deflect when they want to kill you iirc.


No, I think Genji should be able to instantly use it. It still has a cooldown, right? So it shouldn’t be hard to predict when a genji’s about to use it.

Are you shooting the genji?

If yes: he’s probably going to use it.

If no: he’s probably not going to use it.

Because of that, you can make him waste it and then shoot him with impunity. I’m absolutely not afraid of a Genji with an instant cast, instant cancel reflect ability; it’s just not that intimidating.


The sound effect did not change either, it was not made longer to make up for the 2s, it’s awful for people that use the sound it makes to define if it ended or not


thats gonna be fixed if it goes through i guess. its impossible to play against it without the sound que.


I mean, making a Genji waste his cooldown due to him messing up his deflect was good for balance as it punished the bad Genjis. He can now cancel while keeping his cooldown intact. Now, is this change too much? I haven’t played it so couldn’t say, but it’s certainly made him far more forgiving.


Pls don’t speak on good genjis. The game is past the point where mccrees are missing in higher elos. This will be fine. It will just be another mind game of waiting out the deflect with mccree stun now. It won’t change anything Besides quality of life


The problem is that if you’re playing someone like zenyatta, what would happen is
Genji jumps you and spams his newly 30 damage primary fire and his reduced spread secondary fire.
Zen shoots back but genji deflects all his attacks.
before, you could charge a small volley while he was deflecting
Genji instantly cancels his deflect and finishes off zen with the secondary fire headshot + dash + melee combo.

I just don’t see how zen is supposed to win an interaction like this unless the genji makes a mistake.


You’re acting as if it’s moira levels of a beam. You can still strafe and position to lower your chances of dying . You guys react so badly to blizz trying to put the game back into a good direction . Just stop for 5 mins

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[quote=“OJay-11345, post:17, topic:510281”]
I just don’t see how zen is supposed to win an interaction like this unless the genji makes a mistake
[/quote]like step on a trap or jump off the map. thats all of zen’s win conditions.


Which Zenyatta player?
They are already dead, killed by DF and Ball