Deflect buff is TERRIBLE

Yeah but remember Genji has enough counters in order to make this change less problematic…
With Reaper the change is more problematic since Reaper’s wrath for is really 100% avoiding everything.
For genji you got at least 2 counters from each role that ignore the deflect or at least just don’t give him damage.

Just an example for a full composition that doesn’t care for deflect.

Abilities usually need to be a positive thing and not a punish and Genji’s deflect usually just felt like a trap most of the times because of the amount of things that can through it.

I agree every ability should have a counter play but if an ability gets countered by so much of the game, I think it’s fair to let the player decide when the ability is good to use and when it’s not.
Besides it’s already an option to cancel deflect midway by dash or wall climb…
So letting him do it manually just helps him in awkward positions like when dueling a sniper or getting into a fight no one shoots at…
Unlike other heroes he’s burst potential ain’t that high so it’s a forgivable situation…


It blocks everything bar stuns and beam type weapons

What I want to know is why he can react instantly after using it and why it can block melee

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And I want to know why it can’t deflect a rock

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Uhm, not everything. he can´tblock beams from Zarya or Sym, Winston´s primary, Moira´s grasp, shield bash from Brig, some ults and fer other things…

IKR??? EVERYTHING in the game except Ana nade explosion, ashe nade explosion, shield bash, rocket punch, seismic slam, rising uppercut, echo beam, genji dash, junkrat mine explosion, lucio boop, flashbang when used by a person with a brain, mei primary, moira secondary, rein charge, sigma rock, sigma ult, sombra hack, sombra ult, symmetra primary, symmetra turrets, winston jump, winston primary, wreckingball slam, wreckingball swing, and zarya primary.


I think they need to change it to a channeled ability with resource meter so that a toddler can use it without risk - because that seems to be the intent here.


you also have to think about the state of genji right now, Genji is simply dog excrement. Any CC and he’s doomed anyways. Especially brig. So despite his nerf you can still delete him at will essentially

Which are most genjis posting in this forum apparently

Make your account public then we can talk

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You inference is that this change will negatively impact characters that are already susceptible to Genji. While you are correct(ish) on that matter, it’s also a team game, and even with 2-2-2, Genji still has the most counters. Playing Zen getting wrecked by Genji? Start talking to your Zarya, Mei, Pharah, Sym, Moira, Winston, Brig, Doomfist, Hog, Echo, Ana, Sigma, McRee or swap to one of those characters and counter play yourself.

This is a buff/nerf though. Most low ranking Genjis that I see usually spam the secondary fire because they have poor aim with the primary. Reducing this spread means they’ll be dealing less damage by spamming it over primary, but will be consistently hitting less “wide” shots, making his skill floor just a bit higher, while turning his damage into a more sustainable dps.

The biggest problem I see with Genji’s Deflect ability is that it is counter play intuitive, like Zarya’s bubbles. You have to shoot at Genji while he’s deflecting for him to get any value out of it at all, if any. He’s always been able to cancel it, so that shouldn’t be part of the argument at all.

Personally, I’d like to see his deflect go back to the way it was pre-nerf, where McRee actually had a hard counter.

I don’t mind telling you that I’m plat, but I think even a bronze player could list all the things Genji can’t deflect.

Haha yeah even with the buffs Genji will be useless to you so idc anymore.

looks like you’re a barely scraping diamond. are you really rank shaming people one rank below you?

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i got like a 92% wr on my diamond account with genji. Is he busted? or am i just that much better than 3k players. Noone will ever know. Except the people in GM since 97% of what i do in 3k and lower. I could never get away with in masters+

I’ve seen EU and US servers competitive play. It aint the same here brother. US plat essentialy means gold and below here

you’ve transcended rank shaming, you’re now continent shaming. unbelievable. you should just stop responding to me, you’re too good with those EU genes. gonna hurt my feelings.

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Genji need a casting time on his dash like 0.5 seconds or less

This is why some of these posts are rubbish. Deflect gets trashed on by heroes like Zarya, Mei, Moira, Sym, Torb turret tons of things. I wonder how long defense matrix lasts… hmmmm

Most players will still be horrible at landing those shurikens and most players will still use this deflect at wrong time or too early and most players will dash INTO teams at WRONG TIMES. All these posts are considering the ideal Masters/GM level play where Genji players know exactly when to deflect, and more importantly when NOT to deflect, when to dash and when NOT TO DASH, etc.

Genji will still get clowned on with heroes like Zar, Mei, even Sym and Torb at most tiers (except probs diamond and up)

Mei is trash nwo so is symm, you can deflect torb turret, moira has been nerfed, so the last hero to counter you is zarya. I saw the lucio on my team get comboed in a one tap by genji, I really felt his pain.

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