Defense Matrix Area is nerfed by over 70%

We’re almost due for the “Ana/Doomfist/Hammond(I think it was Hammond at least)” hero release of the year.

But I still think it’s beyond dumb to compensate that early, given some of the heroes that get pushed to PTR without player testing. Or even after player testing

Wait, again? Will they ever learn to not screw things up by adding new hero, when balance of existing ones still leaves much to be desired? :no_good_woman:t2:

that doesn

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I would love to see a Blue comment on this thread.

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Why did you use pi to calculate the volume of a prism? And is DM 15/10 m high and 15/10 m wide? These calculations are wrong! Let me try to fix them.
So, prism value is calculated simply: multiply area of its base (S) on a distance between bases (height, h). Base wasn’t affected, so let’s focus on height: before nerf - 15, after nerf - 10 meters. So, due to proportion, volume changed by 100 - 10/(15/100) = ~33%, or a third to make it easier.
Yeah, it is still a major DM volume nerf, but not a 70% one you’re talking about.

You’re acting like defense matrix was spherical when it quite clearly is not. And the term you want is “volume”, not “area”.


I can finnaly high noon in peace. ( and ur calculations are wrong btw)

that is not true though?

dva controls an area in front of her not like lucio in a circle, she got nerfed at where she points at not in a circle

that would make sense if lucio was the one that got nerfed in range, its like if mccree got nerfed in his range, you would use this math to say he got nerfed in a circle?

Made a thread in which I try to be a bit clearer to pin down what exactly we are talking about:

The size of her defense matrix is reduced by 33,3%
The size of the space that she can potentially reach with it (which is a 30 or now 20 diameter sphere arround her) is reduced by over 70%

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its true if you make it seem like that

but since when can dva reach 100% of her space around her? unless she constantly spins no dva is able to control 360 degree space at all times so its misleading either way hence my lucio example

Math is VERY misleading in my Opinion.

like are we saying Rein Shield goes right around his whole body because he can spin with it up too??

Since when is 100% of the space around her filled with projectiles?
You mainly use Defense Matrix to delete priority targets like Ults and Ana nades.
And the space in which you can do that is reduced by 70%

again thats misleading

if roadhog hook got nerfed the same way, its very misleading to say “the space in which you can hook got reduced by 70%”

Potentially. But i don’t think she will ever need to cover all that space in a single matrix, because it is a direct prism, not a sphere, and thus it limits the space it covers to that in front of her mech’ cabin.

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That’s actually a pretty good example, because the 70% also apply here.
He can also use his hook in all directions.

Flying or jumping targets like Pharah, D.Va, or Winston, targets on high or low ground.

The space that you could reach with the hook would be 70% smaller.
It doesn’t matter that the hook isn’t going into all directions at the same time.

yes it does matter thats why its misleading

if you can’t reach that space 100% of the time then its misleading, only lucio is able to do that then its correct that its a direct nerf to how much space he affects

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No, it doesn’t.
The space in which your hook is a threat is becoming 70% smaller, just like the space in which you can catch ultimates with your defense matrix.
The hitbox of the hook or the volume of the Defense Matrix itself are completely irrelevant for this value.

the space in which you can reach is reduced only at where he or she points points at, that is the nerf not in how much space around they can potentially reach. if matrix and hook was a circle that affected around them then its 70% smaller but its not

lucio is the only hero that you can apply this logic

Defense Matrix isn’t a stationary object you can move it around and since tehre is no cap to mouse movement speed in Overwatch you can do so nearly instantly.

That means you can aim at any trajectory of a projectile crossing the sphere around you, which has a radius which equals the length of your Defense Matrix.

The 33,3% only apply if you refuse to use your mouse to turn into any other direction than the one, that you are looking into.

I mean…oddly enough the science made to make every science in the world work…can be confusing at all times