Defense Matrix Area is nerfed by over 70%

With a range of 15 m she was potentially able to reach an area of ~14000 m³ around her with the Defense Matrix.
When you reduce the range to 10 m the area is reduced to ~4000 m³.

Basically the area her Defense Matrix can affect is reduced to less than 30% of it’s former size!

Here is the math:

4/3 x 15³ x π = 14137,167
4/3 x 10³ x π = 4188,79


laughs in egyptian finally.


I’m really confused about numbers, but it sounds awful.


Waiting for someone to upload a video or something of actual gameplay of before and after to see what exactly the difference, can’t find one.


Because Ana with her busted bio nade desperately needed that buff :stuck_out_tongue:


And yet there are people arguing with entirely straight faces that nobody would’ve noticed that reduction if it wasn’t mentioned. :thinking:


Exactly the same as with the doubled cooldown time.
People were claiming that it would barely affect her at all.

Too bad that all the heroes you could DM flick before say otherwise.
Before you could flick 3 of Tracers magazines in a row, now she can one-clip your Zen with the second one because DM will be on cooldown or easily charge her ult on you all day long :frowning:

Same goes for a lot of spam damage like Pharah rockets, Zarya nades, Hanzo arrows and so on.


Isn’t the matrix a cylinder (with a different base shape) and a length? A.k.a surface of the base * range, not the formula you described?

I had no idea the range was so long in the first place. I feel like one main reason they wanted to make this change wasn’t to nerf, but to avoid visual clutter. Now they made it so you can actually see it, 15m range on that huge cone all game long would be really annoying.


The Matrix itself is a cylinder indeed.
But you can use it in all directions around her which leaves you with a spherical area in which it can be used.

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You say area, but I can’t help but think you mean volume?

I get you mean area colloquially, but it just hurts me to see ~14000 m³ be described as ‘area’


Junkrat says: Hello, Welcome to the club! crazy laugh

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Ohhh that’s what you meant. But I still think that it’s more correct to measure the volume of the shape in one direction than in all. Which means it’s reduced by a third.

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furthermore…if all they did was reduce the overall length of said cylinder by 1/3rd…is that 70% less area? cause the volume would only decrease by 1/3rd as well…

somethings off

Even accounting for the increase in diameter as it extends outwards, I doubt it would be 70%.

OP included area DM was covering, if player is turning around.


So you’ll just have to get a little closer… big whoop. It’s not a huge change. The numbers are being exaggerated for shock effect.


i mean thats some number influencing addition/liberty taking being done there…just talk about what it actually covers…


The volume of a cylinder is directly proportional to the height. So, if the radius stays the same, then reducing the height by 1/3 should reduce the volume by 1/3. So it would be 2/3rds the size it was originally

yeah thats what i was saying…it would be 33% smaller…not 70…but apparantly OP went to lengths (pun intended) to make it sound way worse than it is