The salient issue seems to be that the deliberate misrepresentation of the facts to advance an agenda isn’t going to gain traction, particularly when the mathematics required to calculate are as rudimentary as they are. We’re talking 6th grade math here.
More like 50-55% based on my (generous) guesstimation. If I actually did the math I could get a more precise number, buuut I’m lazy atm. However, consider that it’s not even really useful to spin your mouse around as fast as possible with DM in all directions… you’re better off just doing 180s anywho. Who cares about the area directly under you when you basically cover any incoming projectiles with one axis alone?
Depends from kinds of projectiles. Is it flying rocket/grenade, or it’s launched ult?
Obviously players won’t be launching their ults directly into’s face.
As for area right below mech - you are flying/standing on high ground, and enemy Zarya decides to put sneaky graviton underneath your feet.
no the 70% for sphere reduction is fine…i just question why we’re using that number…i dont care about the sphere…i dont point my DM straight up into the air…or down at the ground…i point it in a specific direction that i care about…that area is now 33% smaller
ngl, this thread is unnecessary. The changes are all very good. And D.Va is still too strong so she needs changes. Not in a game breaking way, but in a way that can upset the balance if paired with the right synergy.
I would rather have her with a 7.5m Matrix and 3 second duration. It’d touch on her survival problem and her balance problem simultaneously. But I suppose 2 second duration/10m distance also works. Kinda.
Math looks off. The main thing for me is that D.Va will no longer effectively be able to block damage for her team from high ground. D.Va could contest the top while DM her team below.
Now she will need to play with her team more then ever. Another attempt to kneecap GOATS.
It looks like what Blizz is hoping to accomplish is forcing D.Va to play closer to the team to make it easier to hit and shred them.
I been saying that they have several paths they can take to break GOATS. Forced 2-2-2, make an OP counter that breaks ladder play, or nerf all the GOATS hero’s into oblivion.
Yeah, but then they’re also not spinning their mouses around like crazy, either, and it’s pretty pointless to do so. Better to concentrate on what needs to be targeted with flicks accounting for other incoming projectiles so you can keep your eyes on what’s going on.
She’s a step up from Roadhog/Hammond in the protection department. Equal to Zarya (protection that comes with some very specific conditions but is very powerful for the short duration). She also gets boop-peeling things by ramming into enemies.
Really, her ally-saving powers are pretty great even with the nerf. Because unlike everyone else, if her giant-hurtbox-self dies, she still gets another chance. And the destroyed mech acts like a pseudo-shield for the 1 second it’s breaking down.
They usually do this kind of nerfs when they’re about to release a new hero that would be totally unplayable without nerfs to existing heroes … are we expecting new hero soon?