Defense Matrix – Removing Cheaters from Overwatch 2

Good Start. C- For Effort.

If you would like to bump that score up to a B+, you will need to go back in and start charging money for the game again.

A solid price of 45 dollars to purchase an Overwatch account and never put it on sale AGAIN. EVER.

That is a wholly unrealistic and unreasonable request, not to mention solving nothing for console player base.

F for added rudeness.

Very cool!

Seems like that “Defense Matrix” system is working! Get those cheaters out of OW2! :grin:

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I use it to say gg. And to politely ask for counters. Haven’t been banned yet. :man_shrugging:t6:

Depends on rank platform timing region modes etc eitherway I’m not risking chatting.

I had a alt suspended like a year ago for gg and told you so stuff cause a mercy duo reported with false stuff .

They were wanting to swap me off hanzo and go hitscan cause enemy ran pharmacy.

I told them I will get pharah and did.

You can believe it or not after that i generally have chat off, unless i feel the match is interesting and or friendly, then i lurk to see before talking.

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it hasnt gotten all of them yet

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Who knows how many there are total/unbanned. But 500K sounds like about the number Id expect in 100 Million.

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ive seen many suspicious people today heck they was even playing the known picks by cheaters (76)

I love that you announced things as if they’re about to come and then throw in the ‘in future seasons’ sneakily. :joy:

Good that streamer mode will be more restricted; imo it’s badly implemented due to it being hard to even work out who you were trying to report/avoid etc, (also it’s confusing af; imo you should be able to know without memorising the potential names if a person is using it to stay anonymous, so as not to sow confusion in future games) but that’s another story. Limiting newer accounts from using it is certainly a positive step.

Not only that, but a spin botter getting repeatedly reported for cheating over multiple days when having been caught on streams and still being able to play days later is an insanely common occurrence.

Half a million (+40 thousand) accounts banned for cheating? Yikes. RIP to the false positives for having to deal with Blizzard CS in the upcoming days! :headstone:

Some statistics using Blizzard official numbers

  • Assuming 100 million active players always playing (there is not)
  • Assuming there were 540 thousand cheaters always playing (there are likely more, ignoring false positives)

That means approximately 1 in every 185 players is a cheater!

Assuming the number of cheaters is spread out equally throughout the globe and throughout the day, yours odds of encountering cheaters in your games would be:

  • In 100 games (~20–30 hours played),
    • 39.4% chance of encountering at least 1 cheater.
    • 8.98% chance of encountering at least 2 cheaters.
    • 1.41% chance of encountering at least 3 cheaters.
  • In 1000 games (~200–300 hours played),
    • 99.34% chance of encountering at least 1 cheater.
    • 56.00% chance of encountering at least 5 cheaters.
    • 3.147% chance of encountering at least 10 cheaters.
  • In 10,000 games (~2,000–3,000 hours played),
    • 98.40% chance of encountering at least 35 cheaters.
    • 51.90% chance of encountering at least 50 cheaters.
    • 2.332% chance of encountering at least 65 cheaters.

Absolutely it is reasonable. Nothing in the world is free. and telling people to work at a game studio for free without pay is unreasonable?

It is most certainly not “Unreasonable” to charge someone money for a service.

The last I checked we live in a society that requires people to pay for goods and services. And those that don’t are thieves and shoplifters.

Also, Nothing rude about telling someone that their game is being over-run with rowdy people because they dont charge admissions entry fees and because they don’t, it lacks a major deterrent that was once this game’s primary leverage against unruly people.

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its crazy right! steam says about 30,000 plays are online right now for Overwatch. So about 530,000 accounts we have here and that means 94% of the players are cheating??

Im kinda confused on their numbers and what actual reporting there is tbh.

Because where really is the truth? We dont know how many throw-away accounts are being created daily and if that is the actual number of players banned. Thats insane. Especially alt-accounts.

if So. I guess I have solidified my statement that Free Accounts need to go.

You banned 500,000 cheaters?

With what? You don’t even have an anticheat.


Now I’m curious how many of those banned players were victims of false reports.

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They do have inhouse anti cheat , it’s better imo than other invasive stuff like riot.

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Blizzard gave us their lifetime total player count with that 100 mil value, a figure that makes for great marketing, but in reality is generally meaningless for discussion because it includes:

  • People that tried the game and then quit because it wasn’t for them.
    • I don’t remember, but it’s possible this may include OW1 players that even quit altogether before OW2.
  • People that played the game religiously but are now taking a break from it.
  • People that played the game and lost account access (forgotten credentials, hacked, banned).
  • Alt/smurf accounts.
  • Active players i.e., the people we care about… but, then, philosophically speaking, what players would we really like mean when we say “active”? Are they players that have:
    • Played in the last 24 hours? And if so, have they…
      • Played at least just 1 game? (What about “minimum qualifying” game modes? Quick play? Arcade? Workshop? Vs AI? Practice room? Just logging in??)
      • Played for at least 30 minutes?
      • Played for at least 1 hour?
    • Played in the last week?
      • Played at least just 1 game?
      • Played for at least 1 hour?
      • Played for at least 5 hours?
    • Played in the last month? Played this season? Played in the last six months??
      • etc.

To be fair, when discussing numbers of accounts as a population count, you cannot know how many players are using shared accounts, either which could be abiding by the rules set forth by the TOS (shared computer under same household), or breaking them (geographically distant, unrelated).

I treat their banned players statistic similarly to their total player count figure, that is, to also mean total banned players to date. Which, since they discuss this as their “Defense Matrix Initiative”, might only mean their OW2 ban figures and not their OW1 bans. Personally, I’m not sure, but again, since Blizzard likes to puff their chests and talk with big marketing speak using impressive-sounding numbers, I’ll assume they likewise mean the more meaningless total ban count that counts OW1 as well.

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Streamer protect was good for streamers who rarely play overwatch. They will probably never reach that many wins to unlock it. I watched a bunch of hololive overwatch streams, and the stream sniping and one sided matches felt like they went down after streamer protect. I don’t think any of those streamers will be able to use the feature ever in this state.

players who attempt to use an unapproved peripheral will now lose access to Competitive Play and will be relegated to the PC input pool for all unranked game modes.

Can’t we just get a proper input based matchmaking, instead of separating pools to PC and Console? Let both select whether they want to use controller or k&m and just enable/disable aim assist based on that, then ban those who dare ximming. The game’s borderline unplayable on devices like Steam Deck in handheld mode and some console players just prefer k&m over controller but just can’t afford to buy a gaming rig, so wouldn’t that be a better option?


Absolutely not, Overwatch has best in class cross-platform play.

Look how hated your suggestion is in other games that use it such as Call of Duty. People on consoles tend to like the more consistent factors that come with closed platforms plus the lack of rampant cheat software that comes on PC, especially when cheaters hide low fov aimbots and the like behind “aim assist”. It’s a reason why you can use a controller on PC Overwatch now but you won’t have aim assist with it. The system is currently working well. Ximmers are now less common and console players prefer to deal with those over actual aimbots, ESP and the like.

i personally would rather pay $45 for Overwatch again, if they bring the old reward system back in return.

They can still keep the shop and the battlepass system, but give the people without money the option to at least grind the game.

Imagine if for every 2nd or 3rd Battlepass level up (even past level 80 and level 200) we would get a legacy lootbox that only contains random legacy cosmetics. With duplication avoidance it would take a long while to get the duplicates for a lot of people for a long while. And once people finally do get duplicates, you could give out coins for them. 1 coins for common, 10 coin for rare, 25 coins for epic and 50 coin for legendary duplicates.

False reporting definitely needed to be easier! Said literally no human, living or dead, from past present or future. Can’t wait for all those new mid-match kneejerk reports just because someone died and blames you for not healing enough, or you killed someone as a hero they dislike.

I’d say Blizzard didn’t think this one fully through, but that would imply that some amount of thought occurred at all.