As a 2007 on up Blizzard WoW player this game has a terrible history of repeating bad habits from other departments. (Thinking world of warcraft).
What really needs to be done, is to have Leadership whom wants to start with LOGICAL decisions on cleaning up the insufferable problems that plague this game we Call “Overwatch” that make it a meme on the internet for being a toxic waste dump requiring an EPA clean-up.
That clean-up is; ditching this IQ5000 idea of “Free 2 play” . Didn’t you learn a single thing that Free accounts leads to nothing but problems already in WoW? Think of the K4G ORCS that slammed trade chat and exploited game files in order to solicit in YOUR game. All because you chose to allow free account creation in hopes of inflating your numbers and attracting players.
When instead it brought in a few new players, but mostly those with ill intent and that wasn’t playing WoW. Got news for you. its here too, and not just WoW.
People wanting to go play Overwatch can go buy a game account like we’ve done since World of Warcraft. Nothing’s free. they can get over it and pay. 50 bucks. for an account.
This game literally sucks because countless level 1 accounts are created, they filter into Overwatch, you provide them front-of-line treatment to find quick matches, and yet you take into absolutely ZERO consideration about the people that maintain a singular account and force us to play the game with people we have literally no match records on.
Most of that group of new accounts, just seams to be people that you have banned in the past for bad behavior, rage hacking, cheating or some other dishonest form of gaming. They aren’t actual new customers.
Take the first step in securing your job and that is securing the FAN BASE, your loyal fans. The people that are willing to love the game, the company and admire the work. Whom are willing to foot the cash for Merch and support your jobs.
Stop thinking that Freemium will pay off. It wont. they dont care about what you do, they only care about playing some game to pass the time on, and exploiting it to feel good about themselves.
Leaver penalties need to go. Let people in Quickplay reap the rewards of how their actions effect outcomes. If they dont want to play the game in the spirit of Overwatch. Let the lobbies clear out on them and let them deal with their actions.
All penalties do is put the true fans in the position having to deal with a very broken system where all people can do is give up on the Match and we all have to wait until the lobby finishes.
We can have penalties. but it should not be in place until cash required gate keeping is done for account creation. it brings accountability back to the game. instead of making everyone else pay for the bad actors that come here every day and ruin this game by creating new accounts repeatedly, only trying to play out of their rank, their mmr or skill rating or to test out that new cheat.
Please Support your fans. Take the pledge to us, not to the scumbag that only profits their ego and creates alternative accounts.