Defense Matrix – Removing Cheaters from Overwatch 2

I bet TrihardFist actually said this. Not even trying to joke. Like, I would bet money on it. Legit.

It already happens to me. They always apologize, but, like, I just wanted to not be false reported to begin with…


Chill, PlumRaven. You W I L D thang!

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“Players who are not pinned will be taken off of your Avoid as Teammate list after a total of seven days.”

Whyyyyyy? I was looking forward to the improvements to this feature but this has ruined it for me. If I decide I want to avoid someone as a teammate, it’s because they have been toxic. I think it’s rather unlikely that they will magically become a nice player in 7 days.

500,000 players?

Didnt they say they have 10 million players? so ONE IN TWENTY are cheating?!!?!?

Hey guess what happened next? 500,000 New accounts were made. GG BLIZZ.

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Hi, i am concerned about the number of people that will report other playesr for no reason, under the rage, since it will be even easier after. ( example, being beaten by enemy = report )

500.000 accounts ban in 1 year means nothing.
Accounts are free, the cheaters just make new ones, they don’t care and continue on.

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Reported for using my deadname!!! :triumph:

Sorry for the report. I didn’t mean it. I was just upset that I can’t play Black Myth because of work. :pensive:

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Hey alls I’m saying is when the little brats get pwned on the first round and turn on their chests only to get banned mid match……

This is a RREALLY good thing :slight_smile:

Translation: we let 500,000 people cheat and have a blast ruining the game for everyone else for a year. Now they’ll pay a yearly fee to do it again for another year, which to them is worth the $$ to have a blast cheating for a year knowing bliz won’t ban them for quite some time.

Worth the $$.


I wouldn’t get angry at people in quickplay and call them out for cheating and being a little ya know, if i could just leave. You need to either solve the cheating problem, or realize that people need to be able to leave Quickplay, why should anyone be forced to play against a cheater in the uncompetitive for fun and giggles game mode.

They shouldn’t, no one should be forced to play against a cheater, but at least in comp people ((sometimes)) draw the game, realize homies being a little ya know, and force them to loose, in quickplay no one cares, and you need to accept transparency on this, because you’re literally ruining peoples experience by forcing them to stay in the fun game mode.

Was it 500k cheater accounts banned in a single day or was it just “today marks the day in which 500k cheaters have been banned from overwatch”? I don’t understand your super bad wording here.

I noticed theres a new slang term for IDing cheaters. Its at the end of the match, one or both of the teams will say “sombra diff” even when no Sombra’s played in the match.


As a 2007 on up Blizzard WoW player this game has a terrible history of repeating bad habits from other departments. (Thinking world of warcraft).

What really needs to be done, is to have Leadership whom wants to start with LOGICAL decisions on cleaning up the insufferable problems that plague this game we Call “Overwatch” that make it a meme on the internet for being a toxic waste dump requiring an EPA clean-up.

That clean-up is; ditching this IQ5000 idea of “Free 2 play” . Didn’t you learn a single thing that Free accounts leads to nothing but problems already in WoW? Think of the K4G ORCS that slammed trade chat and exploited game files in order to solicit in YOUR game. All because you chose to allow free account creation in hopes of inflating your numbers and attracting players.

When instead it brought in a few new players, but mostly those with ill intent and that wasn’t playing WoW. Got news for you. its here too, and not just WoW.

People wanting to go play Overwatch can go buy a game account like we’ve done since World of Warcraft. Nothing’s free. they can get over it and pay. 50 bucks. for an account.

This game literally sucks because countless level 1 accounts are created, they filter into Overwatch, you provide them front-of-line treatment to find quick matches, and yet you take into absolutely ZERO consideration about the people that maintain a singular account and force us to play the game with people we have literally no match records on.

Most of that group of new accounts, just seams to be people that you have banned in the past for bad behavior, rage hacking, cheating or some other dishonest form of gaming. They aren’t actual new customers.

Take the first step in securing your job and that is securing the FAN BASE, your loyal fans. The people that are willing to love the game, the company and admire the work. Whom are willing to foot the cash for Merch and support your jobs.

Stop thinking that Freemium will pay off. It wont. they dont care about what you do, they only care about playing some game to pass the time on, and exploiting it to feel good about themselves.

Leaver penalties need to go. Let people in Quickplay reap the rewards of how their actions effect outcomes. If they dont want to play the game in the spirit of Overwatch. Let the lobbies clear out on them and let them deal with their actions.

All penalties do is put the true fans in the position having to deal with a very broken system where all people can do is give up on the Match and we all have to wait until the lobby finishes.

We can have penalties. but it should not be in place until cash required gate keeping is done for account creation. it brings accountability back to the game. instead of making everyone else pay for the bad actors that come here every day and ruin this game by creating new accounts repeatedly, only trying to play out of their rank, their mmr or skill rating or to test out that new cheat.

Please Support your fans. Take the pledge to us, not to the scumbag that only profits their ego and creates alternative accounts.


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Still rampant cheaters, soft locks, wallhacks and more. Just do hardware bans so then they need to buy whole new PC

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Yeah, well they already have a thing called spoofer that wipes their hardware id clean after a ban. Some cheats already come with a spoofer.

They didn’t catch them all it seems

I still see my ex wife in my comp games who ruined our marriage by going for our 24 year old neighbour

Seems there’s always a few cheaters that slip through the cracks

This was soooo effective :roll_eyes:

They’ll probably never make Overwatch a paid upfront game ever again. That era has ended, now it’s free to play or your game is dead on arrival. Fact is that free to play games generate more revenue (on average) per player even though the base game is free. Companies wouldn’t do this unless it was more profitable, and lower risk than having a $40 game (see Concord) that will just fumble. Granted, my Concord example may be unique in that it’s a trash game you wouldn’t download even if it was free, but if it was free you bet it would have at least 10x-20x the amount of players that would at least try it. Free to play is unfortunately impossible to beat, it draws in more players that keep lobbies full and even though fewer players actually pay for stuff it adds up to a greater amount of revenue. It just does, the filthy casuals who dump hundreds or housands of buckaroos into the game are more than compensating for all the people who don’t pay a single dime and then some. Cheaters are expensive to deal with so unless Microsoft makes some sort of advanced anticheat baked into Windows there’s no chance cheating will be reduced. I actually think it’s gotten more popular than ever and it’s only going to become more popular as cheat makers are hard to shut down and their stuff is too accessible and too easy to hide by closet cheaters worldwide.

TLDR: Companies nowadays don’t care about cheaters since most players can only tell rage hackers when they see them. Also, the business model of free to play is much less risky and brings in more money. At the most you’ll have some sort of subscription but that is either something like a battle pass which is optional or Game Pass which lumps multiplayer and single player games into an all you can eat buffet.

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Until Blizz starts perma-banning player hardware instead of their accounts, nothing really changes. Cheaters often use disposable accounts, and if that one gets banned, they just create or buy a new account and resume game play.

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