gatekeeping basic anonymity features from new players is disgusting
gatekeeping is disgusting
blizzard failed to prevent half a million people from cheating…
gatekeeping basic anonymity features from new players is disgusting
gatekeeping is disgusting
blizzard failed to prevent half a million people from cheating…
You’ll also have a quick two-click button to file an instant report for any disruptive player in your match. These new features are tailored especially around console players to make it easy to quickly stop and find each action with just a few button presses while the match is in progress. Stay tuned to see these social and reporting features in a future season coming soon!
what about the fact that, allegedly, mass reporting regardless of proof leading to bans?
if this thing that allegedly happens, is true, it would mean that a situation like this appears more often.
Pretty good improvements overall.
Very nice
As a console player thank yall so much for cracking down on ximmers! This is very very very appreciated.
I will say yall NEED to revoke that hard stance on the no swearing thing, all that is doing is letting people abuse yalls report system, hell accounts have been banned permanently that didn’t even know this was a thing in the first place because it was just like such a none issue in ow1 and the response we got was a heartless and disconnected “Should of read the Tos”
All my accounts are fine and stuff, but I’m a shot caller and this is just like how people talk people don’t even swear that maliciously its usually… other words I here.
Like the fact I can report someone for pissing me off or some other thing and with enough people they can get banned for the the thing I hell wasn’t even reporting them for.
Oh you made to many people angry one day by hard locking ball and we found swearing in your account way bacccj in like 2021 soooooo good bye to your account.
I appreciate everything yall are doing and am glad the parts of the defense matrix both yall work hard on and the community likes are working as intended.
But yall have your player base scared to talk in a team game, your frightening your players because anyone can think there all find and dandy and joking with there team but 1 slip up or if the enemy team dosen’t like how there playing or something, boom account gone.
Like yall NEED to address this stop sweeping it under the rug and stop punishing players and using the ToS to avoid bringing it up.
There is an abuse of your system happening and action needs to be taken.
Yesss, even more ways to abuse the report system. How lovely.
Using foul language should not end up in a ban but being muted for 5 min.
Imma presume it’s at most ~100k unique players since they stated it’s “accounts”. It’s still a good number but nowhere as impressive as it is stated to be.
What makes me happy is the >40k accounts banned that intentionally constantly group up with cheaters. Long overdue.
holy moly its true and its 110% easiest to get new accounts banned with few amounts of reports.
its very easy to test and find out for yourself.
step 1. Download steam and overwatch 2 on steam
step 2. obtain 10 accounts
step 3. download AVAST anti virus with sandbox important
step 4. make it so u launch steam with sandbox
step 5. launch 10 copies of overwatch and rezise windows properly
step 6. go search for games in open role or role que mostly open role because i assume all accounts fresh
step7. report account of your choice with other accounts
step8. get banned
same method used for vertigo boosting in CSGO
u can make bat file to launch accounts easier with auto login etc
newer accounts have lowest threshold for reports meaning lower amount needed for ban
old accounts are sometimes a hit and miss but usually they withstand alot better, but easy to flag them if changed password + email or more like most less gifted do on cracked ow1 accounts
this report system is a joke and its easy to find out just how much of a joke it is
but shhh its totally a secret
A bit sad they didn’t take this opportunity to address the flaws in their reporting system–where players get banned with 0 actual review from real people and 0 chance to appeal it with a real person.
Finally new update to defense matrix. I’m tired of many hanzos aimbotting almost every match.
”You’ll also have a quick two-click button to file an instant report for any disruptive player in your match”
Cool, we have a speed dial to abuse the already broken report system.
When are you going to actually look at bans/reports instead of sticking to this automated system that has gotten several innocent accounts terminated?
Long, long time coming. Finally.
I hear you but this is probably for players that are actively and obviously griefing games, cheating, being hateful for no reason. So you can do it on the spot.
On console especially, reporting tends to be forgotten about as you have to go to the menu.
Most people requeue and “forget” who it was.
But yes, it can also lead to some hot headed unfair reports.
That is a fair point for people do actually do that, but don’t forget people can literally report you for ANYTHING, so if someones being obnoxious and they get mad at you nobody wins, you and said person get reported
Has anyone ever reached Champion 1 yet?
Ah I wonder why.
Maybe its because some “Defense Matrix” is a thing and wont ban smurfs, therefore the champion update was completely useless.
Champion 5 people sitting in Q for 20-30min because all the other supposed champions are playing in silver-plat.
Cant even imagine how long someone in Champion 1 would take to play 1, one, ONE game.
Lol this little kid compares not being mean to people online to orwell.
Also maybe they could look into adding an optional filter for voice, like they have with text chat. Technology is always improving, so it might be possible. Filters make it possible for people to coexist in peace when some people just can’t help themselves. Some people treat it like a violation of their human rights when they’re told they can’t go dropping random f-bombs in a certain space, and treat it like a joke when told it might make some people very uncomfortable. Cue the automatic sterotypical insults about who might not want to put up with that
And IMO I think regular profanity (not slurs) should only be punishable if someone bypasses the filter and/or it’s directed at someone else in a hostile way. If it’s not part of an attack, and not a slur, then people who don’t want to see it just keep their filters on. Everyone’s happy
Rare Overwatch dub. Even if I’m skeptical on the measures being taken for cheaters, the QoL changes to chat is actually a game changer for especially me, an individual who likes to blast music in OQ. It’s a win-win for everyone.
Console Player here.
Are those Xim-Players only getting banned for comp tho? What about banning them COMPLETE. I know some in person and I knew they couldnt play ranked anymore but they used it to talk trash and stomp players in qp. So, it seems like in QP they’re still there what makes playing with friends absolutely unfun.
Oh, this is the guy in the other thread who couldn’t make an argument over anything and just says “lol, [smug comment]” to everything.