Decrease Orisa pull range from 7 M to 5 M

For you.

I think she is more fun to play than Reinhardt, Roadhog, Winston, Dva or any other tank.

Now what?
I guess fun is subjective :man_shrugging:


But… but… my boops… :cry:

Is anyone ever really that mad when they get halt hooked? If its close, you shouldnt have been there. If its max range hook then its kind of funny

How does a character get a win rate that high? Shouldnt most popular characters be close to 50%?

A very high spike in pickrate will often skew the winrates

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Construction Worker Reinhardt skin when???


where you getting 60% from? Junes data mayhaps?

currently she sits at 55%-56.5% from diamond and up. It goin down so calm down, by the end of July it very likely it will match anas then no one can use this statistic which is greatly bloated and skewed in way we have seen or experienced so stop freaking out about it.

Because the situations where players would put her in is specific enough that she isn’t getting put up against another Orisa. She’s niche. She’s been this way since she went live.

Rein was popular enough that you always find him in both teams.


Its better than “Buff everything to its level”

That wont nerf the halt-hook combo when people get used to the range you’re only gonna have to aim it better. Once people get used to it there will be no change. I would say decrease hogs pull range or increase halt or hooks cd.

You forgot about the movement speed while shooting buff and the reload not being interrupted by shield thing.

Now please tell me more about how Orisa had “nothing happen to her recently,” sir.

Orisa is fine.

MB, I wasn’t playing at the time and missed that patch. you’re right

She’s the same as she was back when everyone thought she was bad. She’s just great now because CC rains from the sky.

Objectively false, but ok.

How is it false? People barely even looked at her for months after she launched, well after the time she got a better shield and the other changes you mentioned.

She’s only great now because there’s so much CC in the game that playing the other main tank (rein) is basically impossible.

And let’s not forget the armor nerf that hit Orisa hardest of the tanks, since half of her health is armor.

Also, let’s not pretend that shielding while reloading is a gamebreaking buff for ORisa. It’s QOL at best, and matches with what every other tank with some form of barrier can do.

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Let’s just remove all tanks while we’re at it. They’re unfun to play against.

Rein blocked all my damage. Remove.

D.Va exists. Already been removed.

Roadhog hooked me. Remove.

Winston dived the healer for the 10th time. Remove.

Zarya killed me [Genji] and I don’t want to switch. Remove.

Orisa is the only viable barrier tank and is in every game. Remove.

No one could shoot the Hamster. Remove.

Gonna be great when forced 2/2/2 comes around because no one will actually want to play that role.

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for real…

20 characters

That’s not my point at all. My point is, if everyone is so convinced Rein wasn’t OP, then by the same metric Orisa can’t possibly be OP either.