Decrease Orisa pull range from 7 M to 5 M

this will make it more fair


That’s a good start.


I’m not sure I agree with the mentality of “nerf it because it’s meta”


Delete junkrat?? …


Ok, but make it more consistent and disable the use of mobility abilities if it’s affecting you to make sure it’s not garbage


Seriously, the amount of times it clearly shows the line for a target on the edge of Halt’s radius and yet it doesn’t work the range might as well be 5m anyway.


now im a tank main right

i love tanking

but Orisa is completely boring and isnt engaging

all you do is shield off cd, halt near your hog and get a free kill

im ready to nerf her

the only counterplay to halt/hook is matrix which got heavy nerfs and can hardly do its job anymore


I just don’t understand why the moment any new Meta comes to be the immediate reaction is to hit it with a sledgehammer


60% winrate and 2nd most picked hero in gm btw

no ones winrate has EVER been that high, not even mercy was that high during moth meta


The main problem is that she’s such a pubstomper. You take her into a solo queue comp game at any level and she’ll dominate. At least with dive and GOATs, it was hard to get value on ladder.

Simple. We are creatures of habit. Trying something different is incredibly hard and scary. So we barely want to leave our comfort zone.

I remember months back when people were using statistics to claim she needed buffs.

Look where we are now.


orisa never needed a buff, i said it from the start that once the did all those changes to tanks a while back when they tried to kill goats that orisa would be meta and look where we are now.

orisa is busted now because shes been buffed

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Idk what you’re talking about, I already can’t get it to pull people into a pit they have their toes on the edge of.

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her pull range is 7 meters

I’m not saying she did or didn’t.

I’m saying that the people who said she needs buffs were using the exact same statistics that you are (not the values, but the statistics themselves)

Pickrates and winrates are not the “end all be all” of what makes a hero OP or not.

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But I don’t want to play in matches where the rest of my team says we are playing bunker because it wins. And it’s hard to argue against numbers.

Which feels like nothing when you have to predict where the center of that 7 meter pull will be several seconds later in relation to targets that are moving, and all that in relation to map geometry.

Ignore them and play what you are comfortable with and what will help the team.

Use numbers against them. Show them that you do not perform on the hero they are asking you to go using your profile

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Mercy was never very high on win rate at all, but I’m pretty sure I recall Brigitte maintaining a steady 62-65% for her first few months, which is vastly superior to Orisa’s 56%—especially considering the average in GM is around 54%.

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