Decrease Orisa pull range from 7 M to 5 M

Wrong nerf, I don’t think halt is a problem.

We’ve never had a fun and engaging meta did we?
Probably the reason why everyone always asks for nerfs to stop the dullness that comes with every meta.

Pull has needed a change since before she was meta.

It’s BrOkEn.

And let’s not forget the classic: “CC, CC, CC, CC, and CC”

If dps powercreeps also get a nerf.

bastion should more strong for countering her.

I don’t hate this meta, but I would much rather play D’va or Zarya instead of Hog.

Really all I want is to be able to choose a tank based off utility and it’s got a fair shake.

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You shouldn’t be able to be pull hooked when behind a shield, there’s so little counterplay to it.

Meta stands for “Most effective tactic available”. I definitely disagree with your statement. A tiny delta in composition’s effectiveness can cause a new meta, while not being OP at all.

Nerfing anything" 'cuz it’s meta" and " 'cuz it had buffs" is insane. Imagine Reinhardt being directly nerfed during GOATS? He’d be further unplayable at >3k SR.

Not to mention that it fails to catch the halt 50% of the time. I’ve even watched Top 500 D.VA players staring at a halt with DM up and actually going, “Uh Hello, catch the Halt.”

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Rein was the only Anchor tank when the game released! of course he was “OP” we was the only tank with a persistent shield. Orisa does so much sustained damage that a Rein +anything else combo without an Orisa will never break an Orisa shield fast enough to matter and the Orisa’s team will deplete Rein’s shield significantly faster BECAUSE of Orisa’s Damage. Bump Rein Shield regen all of a sudden he is actually viable.

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LOL! Yes don’t be behind your shield tank… You are joking right?

Again, yes Don’t position behind the shield and shield tank… Great plan.

We’re not talking about shields ops complaining about halt.

nah dude even more make it 3 or 4M. or remove it all together and add a new ability to her or leave her without an E ability like oldschool mercy/dva. im sick of seeing orisa hog and nothing u can do about being hooked. Dva after all her nerfs doesnt simply work as a counter anymore

You don’t get it do you? If there is a shield, you should be behind it. halt pulls above the shield. Hog hooks, game over. The only true counter to that is Rein and even then because of the damage that Orisa does in combo with her team Rein just simply doesn’t have enough shield health. And then you have D.VA, assuming 2-2-2 you either A, play Orisa and D.VA and hope you can catch every halt and no one plays out of position or B. You play Orisa and Hog and try to hook and trade. It’s a cancerous meta and honestly I feel something should be done about it. however OP’s suggestion won’t fix it.

AND kill momentum. (20 stupid character limit)

They need to develop technology that tracks when people call for Orisa nerfs

and when those people play matches against an Orisa her halt turns into a heat seeking missile that finds these people and succs them into the nearest pit.


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No. Delete Overwatch. From existence.

But the armor and knockback change hit her just as hard as it hit rein o_o Shes been nerfed alonside all of them. She received a QoL change that she ought to have had on release (How does reloading one arm, with its own independent mechanisms get interrupted by the other arm deploying a shield? /logic).

Lets remove Orisa from the equation entirely, and look at what becomes problematic next when shes gone lmao because metas are definitely not at all a reaction to something else. Nope, metas are never about certain characters they render ineffective, that when viable, are monsters.

Where were you 2 years ago? I’ve been handing out fresh hot a** whoopings with Orisa since she went live, took me ages to master her Pull, it definitely isn’t the issue here, ask them to buff the DPS that hard counter her like Junkrat and Pharah instead of nerfing someone just because you’re not used to them being meta.