Bastion. re-make idea(ironclad as ultimate)

1.add tank mode for “E” key skill. (reduced damage version)
2. self heal for right click
3. remove ironclad for sentry,tank mode.
4. tankmode self-damage is reduced.
5. sentry mode’s bullet spread tigher effect is removed.
6. sentry mode’s bullet spread is same as recon mode’s one.
7. ironclad as ultimate, giving 50% damage reduce in any mode.

I think I’d like more to have tank mode instead of sentry mode (weaker version) and a low mobility (like shielded Rein speed) sentry mode as ult. (So kinda like ground Pharah + hitscan combo normally and focus Whole Hog as ult).
It removes the static play style (actually Bastion gets quite mobile considering his “rocket jump”).

So basically you want Orisa’s Fortify (with the CC immunity) as a waste of an ultimate for Bastion?

No thanks. We don’t need yet another “Ultimate as a ability” reworked hero. Especially since there’s no way to actually balance Tank as a ability without making it even more crappy than it already is

I am also thinking
tank body + sentry mode gun as ultimate.