Dear Toxic Ana Players/Supporters

Comments i dug up minutes after you posted this. From ‘Top posts.’
I’m sure there are a lot more out there.

The last quote, I agree with.


Literally only 2 of those is toxic, and 1 is from a mercy main


I never acted like “there aren’t toxic Mercy supporters.”

I’ll quote my exact words for you:

“toxic Mercy players and supporters.” I never denied they don’t exist.

I’ll just take it that, you missed those words when you read my post.

you realize that she got those buffs before the mercy nerf right?

she was still garbage in comparison

I don’t understand why i am quoted but ok.

And yes, praising balance “good” because Mercy is trash and Ana is a must pick… I simply don’t agree it °L°

she got the nano buff at the same time mercy got her healing nerf. Which is why I’m using that. Not the 14 bullets. 14 ammo clip did very little. It made her reload a little less, that’s about it.

I said before that nano was weak, I’m going to walk back on that a little. Nano in it’s buffs was quite formidable. 50% damage boost and 50% damage resistance was nothing to sneeze at. The only thing holding back Nano was its tendency to be used on someone at half health and then they died right away. Now with the buff it’s used as a clutch heal, nearly guarantees the stat buffs use, and in some ways is comparable to mercy’s rez.


Oh, right oops. I misinterpreted it for a second. Yep, agreed.

No problem. Maybe i would add a second /s for the second statement. Anyway quoting those comments, bring people to see another thread on “Wow, now because mercy is trash, all is better, wow”

Yes, and more of the same toxic people like you who thinks diminishing views of players who are passionate about Mercy is correct.

Please, read my post as it addresses you.

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Dear, it’s not about silencing.
It’s about education. It’s about respect for the community which you simply don’t have. And I’m tired of your crying.
Mercy is not gonna be changed. Get over it.

Spamming the forums won’t solve anything and only puts the devs even more away from us! They don’t even come here anymore.
It’s not because of the general community, its because of you. You’re ruining this game because of a hero, the amazing dev to player relationship is ruined. And you’re too stubborn to realize that.

But no “we will continue until they change Mercy”. Well, guess this way the only feedback we’re gonna have from them are the developer updates and patch notes.


You know nothing about Ana if you don’t think that put her over the top. Ana has more shots and more utility. Lmfao k.

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I really don’t. And I’m not saying this maliciously, but I was active on the forums and I never really saw more than one isolated incident of an Ana player waving the “my hero is actually useless and unviable so get over it” card. Every other one was, “I get what that feels like because my hero is useless. I really hope Mercy becomes fun and balanced”.


The ones currently are mixed between, “I like that my hero is valuable now but I also wish Mercy was, too” and “I hate that my hero is becoming a must pick. Help.” Lol


the game is the most balanced it’s been in a long… long time. i’ve won games with mercy, moira, and ana as the main support.

before the nerf, mercy could solo heal triple tank. what a joke. before the nerf, if you played anything but mercy you were throwing.

now, you can play so many support combos.

the fact is mercy mains dont want a balanced game. they dont want ana or moira to be viable.

if ana and moira are viable, you need to accept that sometimes you are going to lose because the other healer is better than you. in mercy meta, you only lost if the other team’s DPS were better than the DPS you were pocketing. In the current balanced meta, tanks and healers can carry again.


Chalk me up to both of those xD

In fact, I think I’m going to make a post about those statements.

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This post has good intentions but is entirely unnecessary

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last time I checked /s means sarcasm.
I do agree those that every hero has toxic players

Lol I love playing Ana. I don’t main her and I’m pretty scared to use her in comp cause I have some frequent games where my aim is garbage town. But, man…even when I was playing Mercy and she was mandatory, I just didn’t like it! I don’t know what it is…maybe it’s because I feel like I lost the freedom of choice because I had to play her to win :frowning:

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Back when Ana was a throw I actually got to play her. :sob:

And then on the opposite, now I can’t play Mercy without someone having a fit (if we don’t have Ana).


If you’ve read my post. You’ll notice nowhere that, I didn’t ask for Mercy to get changed.

I just held a mirror up to toxic players and hopefully made them realise.

Sorry, please quote my post where i was talking about “silencing.”

Also, “spam” really? Spam’s definition is repeated messages from the same sender.
Please quote my posts, where I address the same group of toxic players.

And you know what? I’ve only looked at your last 10 recent posts. And guess what? Most of them were about Mercy! Based on your definition, you also parttake in this so called “spam” that is driving the devs and community away! Oh dear, right! Who knows how much “spam” you have in your over 600+ posts compared to my over 50+ posts!

Please stop spreading your misinformation and desperate attempts to shutdown a comment just because you dont agree with it, in the forums.

Martinho, dear, please take a seat.

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Yes it does. I’m sorry but Mercy does not take any special skills to use. I mained her when I first started playing and stopped playing her because of how easy she is. I honestly don’t think she should impact the game as much as Ana because she is so much easier than Ana.

What skill do you need for Mercy that is not needed for Ana? Watching your back? Seeing who to heal first? Theres a lot of skill that you need for Ana that isn’t needed for Mercy though.

These two have to aim.

He isn’t as viable as the other dps characters in higher levels of play. This is fine since a big part of his kit is ai based. No hero who has an ai do their job for them should be as viable as heroes who don’t. Overwatch is a competitive game and that would be a spit in the face to people who have skill if someone who let a computer do their job was just as good and effective as someone else who required a lot of practice and skill to do well with.

Has to aim.

Picked for their shield and Winston’s ability to shoot through barriers and get in/out quickly. Also, Winston takes way more skill than Mercy and so does Rein with his shield.

Mercy doesn’t have to worry about recharging anything, she has a small hitbox,she doesn’t get punished as hard as Zen and Ana when out of position because of guardian angel, and she has the most powerful ability in the game which is Rez because that one person she brings back could have an ult that wipes your team and if you traded kills that 5v5 is now a 6v5 in her team’s favor.

Also, fun is subjective. Some of you may not like Mercy and instead of learning a new character after all this time, you continue to complain on the forums about how she isn’t fun and how she is useless yet in-game,she seems to be doing fine. Believe it or not, some people find her fun to play and just because a vocal minority doesn’t, doesn’t mean she should be changed. If you really hate playing her that much, learn another support until they add one you like or even learn a new class. Nobody is forcing you to play Mercy.

I’m also sick of Mercy mains feeling like nobody can say anything about them or their character on here. Tbh,this post shows just how less toxic Ana mains are because if this was any other post but about Mercy instead of Ana and how Mercy shouldn’t be as viable, it would have been flagged and hidden already with the first 30 or so replies from angry Mercy mains. and Mercy mains have been known to have a mob mentality on the forums where you can’t say anything about their character and I’m sick of it. They don’t listen to facts or logic either so civil discussions with them lead to nowhere. I will say this, though. It’s not all of them and some are civil and open-minded. However, somehow, others have unfairly cast a negative shadow on the groups as a whole.

You know the saying; “One bad apple ruins the bunch.”

To those rational Mercy mains; I understand you want her to be fun but there are other heroes who need to be looked at before going back to Mercy.

Okay, bye,muting this thread.