Yes, helping with that would proabably involve selfhealing up to maybe half health so less healbotting is needed
In open queue that’s needed to avoid role stacking.
Role Queue doesn’t have role stacking.
bring back OG brig but keep her stuns away?
nobody wants to play counters
can you prove that by having more hours on support than DPS?
more opportunity and reaction time for saving abilities though…
not so much for the damage still have to adjust crosshair in milliseconds
right, where should I go, in front of my tank?
This is the fundamental problem. Until this is addressed, supports will never not be the priority target. This is why dive became meta in OW1 in the first place, and was only stopped by huge amounts of CC in the form of brig. Which then caused the meta to gradually shift towards one-shots. Because to win a fight, the supports have to die ASAP.
Also contrary to popular opinion this game has never had a slow ttk, this game is filled with oneshots and spammy skills, the only thing this game had was barriers and cc.
wasn’t role Q implemented so the devs could go
“if u dont like goats or 5 dps in your team, just play role Q”
there was only one period which had low ttk, but that was it…
And therin lies the issue with balancing this game when you force certain requirements in part of it and not in others
We all remember goats im sure
goats are possible in roleq?
Role Queue was implemented because you basically couldn’t balance roles to avoid Role Stacking, while having enough Tank players to avoid Matchmaker problems.
Although that also had similar problems with DoubleBarrier.
They didn’t have enough room to work with do buff Tanks and Supports without making compositions too durable.
In 5v5, that’s not a problem. They can buff Tanks and buff Supports, while making it straightforward to avoid compositions being too durable.
It was the worst time I had not counting ow2, but I wonder why they reverted that then they removed barriers after. This game would feel 2x better if they went back to that ttk atleast, not the same game but hey atleast we won’t have a seizure watching bullets fly everywhere.
They do not look like that in mid ranks.
You get OG Brig. Same solution as what happened last time.
Same problem, same arguments, same “not wanting to fix the underlaying issues” so Same damn solution.
That is the path we are on.
What happened last time? people said “man I wish we nerfed the dive heroes rather than do this” but we are getting the SAME arguments we had the first time around saying we can’t do that.
So OG Brig is how this will end. I’ve made my peace with that.
But for a bunch of people who REALLY hates where this road is leading, there is a whole lot of people who seem to want to get to it’s destination.
We KNOW where this road goes. We have been on it before.
Uh no? Im saying it was possible before said queue, hence why they put it in. But forcing people to play a certain limit of hero type is a bandaid fix to the reason why they do it.
Well the problem I see is that supports are getting bullied too much.
Everyone in the entire game is after them, so how do you stop this?
- All supports receive Zen’s melee knockback and slows the target for 2 seconds on hit.
This allows supports to control fights better and knockback divers. Especially effective on heroes like Genji and Tracer. It also gives them a chance to runaway.
- Supports now receive an overshield. Absorbs 1 instance of damage and regens after 10 seconds of not taking any damage.
The overshield makes it much more difficult to burst down supports. Snipers wouldn’t be able to 1-shot them while it is up and it would greatly increase the TTK it takes to kill them.
These changes would 100% make supports OP but I would be willing to roll with it for a while to see how it works out.
I’d prefer to just increase the base movement speed on Supports.
Which doesn’t add hard CC, or make Supports “Tanky”.
Especially since the main limiting factor on buffs is avoiding making compositions too durable.
Supports already have plenty of individual impact.
This already happened with the move to 5v5.
The removal of a tank massively benefitted Supports because it afforded them so much time to look for individual impact and do something other than pumping heals into the frontline.
Not only did tanks contribute more damage than they mitigated, but there’s also one less 600hp damage sponge that you need to keep healed up now.
Step 4 is exactly what they need to do right now.
People who haven’t adjusted to how Support is played in OW2 need to either adjust or quit. They don’t need to change, nor should they change the role to pander to these players.
I’ll just bottomline it for you.
Anything you say that doesn’t fix Matchmaking is wrong.
Look I’ll be real, everyone will always disagree on this stuff.if you really want a balanced game, do what other games have been doing. Becuase it works for them more.
-supports get some better cooldown or ability use
-dps get to heal to some health on their own
-tanks lose damage, gain tankyness, thus really being tanks
There, everyone is happy, supports survive more, dps dont beg for healing as much and dont need to focus them, tanks survive and do things without being beefy dps bois.
This works for other games. You can disagree with this idea but theres nothing that will make everyone happy anyway
Yes? That’s kind of the point is giving supports opportunities to leave. Through the mechanical method we are already using for other heroes. Because positioning is important. They would just have the same tools but far less than the other two roles have I don’t see why you have a problem with this. Especially when DPS, the problem supports mainly have, have far more tools and uptime on these abilities.
strangely I never found double barrier as a problem, but I might have been “too low ranked to understand” or something…
yet the balance changes became slower, less frequent and impactful…
20 minutes?
anyways what’s your point again?
“oh no too much cc, blizz pls remove”
rip snipers
I see, more commited than devs already
perhaps I’m too tired
I don’t want the game to be any faster, also super problematic on heroes that rely on getting within range.
Winston, Reinhardt and D’va would most likely completely suck due to there effective ranges being super short.