Dear "6v6 better" deniers, you're wrong

This is normally the case for any shiny new game – a good initial turnout until players start discovering the tarnish under the hood. Also, all game eventually see a player exodus as they age, and the OW1 and 2 variants are no exception.

I can only provide minor banter, not actual change that will move 6v6 back into OW2’s queues. Like I said, I’m happy with the game as is because I’m not expecting too much from it other than online fun with friends. And that is enough for me.

It’s a proof of concept that the roles in 5v5 are within range of having equal queue times.

And it’s a heck of a lot easier to get 20% more Tank players than it is to get 100%, plus probably another 50% after Tanks get hard nerfed to accommodate for 6v6.

For example, give Tanks 30% Resistance to the effect/duration on negative status effects, and 30% Resistance to all forms of CC including stuns, and 30% Resistance to headshots. (Then nerf down Tank survival to roughly where it is now)

And you would get a ton more Tank players in 5v5.

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You aren’t seeing the point.

A sharp decline is normal after a new game releases, yes. However, OW2 started with more people but has now ended up near amount of people or interest as OW1 did when it had a 2 year content drought after less than 2 years.

What OW1 accomplished in 6, OW2 accomplished I less than 2.


Maybe near the beginning but now tank are back to being the lowest played Role and queue times will likely keep increasing since 5v5 fundamentally ruins tanking.

Which is easy to fix.

Give Tanks 30% Resistance to the effect/duration on negative status effects, and 30% Resistance to all forms of CC including stuns, and 30% Resistance to headshots. (Then nerf down Tank survival to roughly where it is now)

And you would get a ton more Tank players in 5v5.

This was an obvious issue before 5v5 was even announced.

✅ Next Experiment: 1-2-2 SoloTank

Much less, before OW2 PVP Alpha was announced.

[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

Yeah, by going back to 6v6

  1. CC got heavily reduced already and people still dislike tanking if not more than they did, so I don’t see this doing anything
  2. Doesn’t fix the fundamental issues with tanking.

For someone with so many posts you sure are out of touch with the community…

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Not AntiNade.

Much less headshots that are easier to land.

And what would those be?

That AntiNade and Discord are too strong?

Or Widow/Sojourn/Hanzo/Bastion have too much AntiTank?

Fun fact, tanking sucks even if there isn’t an Ana on the enemy team. That’s a 100% reduction of antinade and it still sucks.

Granted, anti made is a pain in the butt when tanking, but such a change doesn’t require 5v5. Same with headshots or whatever

That the lack of a second tank significantly reduced the amount of variety and depth of gameplay available to tanks, and also puts all of the pressure of being the team “leader”, so to say, onto one person where one mistake can ruin an entire team fight

You can point at various potential grievances, but no matter what you do, you can’t reasonably make up for what tanks inherently lose in the 5v5 format

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That is because OW is still an 8 year old game despite the sales pitches and rebranding. Players were are not easily fooled because in the end, the action was largely the same. I’m also certain that the additional monetization chased other players away.

This is IRONIC lmfao… the pot calling the kettle black

You are the out of touch one Socrates… and with a name like that you should know better

OW2 brought in new players, as shown by Aaron’s statement that it was the most active players in the game’s history.

And then, shortly after, it lost more players from the initial release in less than 2 years han OW1 did in 6.

You can say people weren’t fooled or whatever, which can’t exactly be proven, but regardless there were people that started the game for the first time that also left without the previous 6 years of experience to influence them.

You are oddly emotional for someone on an online forum for a video game :skull:

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OW2 did bring in new players, but in the end, a pig with lipstick is still a pig. Same characters, same game play, slightly newer format, and a very expensive cosmetics shop. I don’t really consider OW2 a brand new game since Blizz decommissioned OW1 to avoid splitting the player base. I had friends who had no intention of migrating to OW2, but Blizz pulled the rug out from under them.

This a pretty wild take. Though I don’t disagree with you. The majority consensus before 5v5 was double shield was bad.

I think the problem is not NvN. It is more like a character design/role problem, esp. tanks. The devs just copied the roles from WoW and it seems they didn’t think much about the division of labour. In classic PvE MMORPG, all roles had their own duty. DPS damage, healers heal and tanks aggro control. But the tanks lose their primary job when it comes to PvP, b/c taunt ability against a player is a lil bit wild. (Space holding/creation was coined much later in OW but it is actually too vague as a primary job, b/c there are no tank-specific abilities directly related to that like healing from support. Also, widowmaker or decently positioned S76 on the highgrounds could make space easily.)

So, the devs just brought the high HP(b/c they’re called tanks?), but it wasn’t enough b/c real people won’t attack them when they’re not a threat. So they received decent damage and powerful … supporting utilities. It didn’t stop there. No aggro control means the combat will be highly unorganized. That means, everyone should have either sorta 1v1 capability or a decent escaping ability. So received (some) supps decent sustain damage.

Tanks lost their primary job after all. That resulted in that tanks get smth from dps role and support role. Support also gets smth from dps role. All roles intrude the area of DPS, and all roles become sustain DPS plus something more. So became DPS a surplus role.

Tank role should have been smth else. It should have had its own duty. It should have been designed for fun and popular. Only that would be the real solution. RQ and 5v5 all are just bandaid solutions which transform the existing problem into a new problem.

I didn’t know why they copied WoW roles stubbornly even if they knew it doesn’t suit, till Aaron said PvE MMOFPS was the actual goal of the game. All in all, the game, the characters were not designed as competitive FPS, and that was also the reason why this game is somewhat too much creative for a competitive FPS sacrificing balance and/or fairness.

Bring back 6vs6… We want our game back… keep OW2 for the woke crowd


yk whats funny

Is not only is 6v6 never coming back

But most of us “6v6 better deniers” just perfer 5v5. I played both, I like 5v5 more, Its not that 6v6 was bad, Its just an opinion thing, and those can fluctuate.

6v6 was better yes yes yes yes yes


actually, 6v6 will come back when and if Blizzard says it is coming back, no matter how many forum members declare it cant or wont ever come back

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the point I made was basically that forum members have no legitimate way to make the statement that was made, as they lack the knowledge and/or authority to make said statement legitimately

in any case, no, 6v6 does not necessarily result in longer queues.

The queue times are plenty long in the pay to win 5v5 game we now have

doesnt mean they arent thinking about it or working on it without announcing that they are doing so

not at all

there is nothing resembling wishful thinking in the post I made

if one mode were to go to the arcade, I and many others would prefer that it be the 5v5 game

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Well there is a saying I heard somewhere “If you have to constantly claim you are the King … you are no King”. It applies to 6v6 posts like a glove.

Facts are not changing though, 5v5 is closer to an FPS than 6v6 and people wanting the latter just want the game to be slower and more forgiving. Thats fine, but its really dishonest to pretend its “better” when it isn’t really.

If 6v6 came back, it would have at least equal or more issues than the current format so yeah, nah.