Dear "6v6 better" deniers, you're wrong

Based on my wait times, dropped the 2nd tank did help. That 15+ minute is now averaging 3 minutes and has been that way since the solo tank change. You state that it did not help, but personal experience refutes your claims.

Fine, it’s OW2 in 2024, but that large 2016 player base is gone, and we only have a small fraction of players remaining.

FYI, 6v6 is still here in private matches which I still play. Why do you think 6v6 will be better if you are not actively playing it?

Greyfalcon is right though. And we now know for certain that what most of us thought is actually true and confirmed by the devs.

This whole 6v6 or 5v5 argument is a moot point because there’s just not enough people clicking tank when they queue.

Now I personally think they should just make open queue 6v6 and leave role queue 5v5 and call it a day. It’s the best compromise I can think of.

Are you a tank player?

  • it did
  • i didnt
  • you didnt
  • yeah
  • no
  • no
  • yeah

If anything the only “problem” 6v6 had was just that they stopped adding new heroes. I can guarantee if we had all of the OW2 heroes that double shield wouldn’t be viable for sure and new metas would have arisen, maybe multiple for all we know, nobody knows for sure since we were denied the chance to find out. I am still of the mindset that we also didn’t need RQ so goats would have died by this point or turned into a different variation entirely.

Not that metas matter though. The majority of the player base never played dive, goat, double shield, etc. So when they make goofy format changes like 5v5 and RQ, it’s laughable because the majority is playing a different game entirely. All these changes do is disrupt the fun.

Or, we just nerf poke and buff brawl. Sounds like a win win

  1. Anecdotes are anecdotal after all
  2. Read what you quoted again. I did not say “it didn’t help at all”, I said queue times are still an issue. Maybe for you they aren’t, but even you admitted earlier that the higher ranks suffer from long queue times.

You do realize that this statement helps my point more than yours, right?

That fact that you think a custom game mode is comparable to the actual main game mode that the game is primarily balanced upon is wild…

I think this newest patch was aimed to rebalance the game for 5v5 (global HP increase), but it came a bit too late and added extra stuff that wasn’t tested first - or was and greenlit anyway.

There’s no harm to adding a 6v6 rebalanced arcade mode. I’d probably come back for it, but I think it would bring back some more people.

I’m not a tank player no

Then stop asking for 6v6. If you’d plays tank in 6v6 maybe we’d still have it. But because nobody played it it’s not sustainable so it went away. Poof. If people serious want it back then the community, not the devs need to prove it by increasing the tank population so much it destroys queues and justifies a second tank coming back. But let’s be real. That’ll never happen.

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Anecdotal to others yes, but for me, it’s first hand experience. As for queue times being an issue, this statement is so broad and ambiguous that it is deliberately inviting misinterpretation. And upper ELO’s will always have longer queue times since that population is very small compared to the rest of the OW2 player base.

How so? Please explain.

Who mentioned anything about balance? I’m just asking if you’ve even played the game mode you are advocating recently. I don’t know if you actually play 6v6 now, but I do, and despite the game being balanced for 5v5, 6v6 is not remarkably different.

Yeah, you just described anecdotal evidence…

You already admitted to it being the case…

OW1 = Bigger playerbase
OW2 = “Small fraction of players remaining”

This seems to indicate one is better than the other. I’ll let you guess which one


I played OW1, yes.

No we wouldn’t we don’t have it cause blizzard like likes to copy features from other games and and they happen to have had 5 v 5. They didnt know how to balance. The game around 6 v 6 and. Thought this might be better

No, I’m just stating that personal experience makes me disbelieve you. Nothing more, nothing less, and it does not apply to anyone else.

Lol wut?

Players move on from older games all the time. I had fun in OW1, but it is not coming back. OW2 still satisfies my PVP shooter itch, so that’s why I’m playing it now. It’s not the best, and it’s not the worse, but deriving entertainment from game titles is the objective.

Why does game balance even matter in unranked private matches? This is the only accessible 6v6 format now, and game play is not incredibly different from 5v5, so I’ve stopped nit-picking and just try to enjoy the game with friends.

So did I, since day 1 game launch. I do not miss all the crazy cc, double shields, GOATS, etc.

Feel free to reply, but it’s pretty obvious that we’re not going to see 6v6 until you can somehow convince the DEV’s that the extra wait time and user demand is worth a new patch. Who knows, you just might succeed.

Reading your comments literally hurts, I’m losing braincells reading them. There’s no logical foundation whatsoever…Just a bunch of made up crap, delusion, and bad taste. Seek help

Yeah, and I’m saying your experience cannot be applied to the general population.

Except OW2 was marketed as being a new game…

And also you have older games than OW that have a bigger player base.

We’re talking about the main game mode. Aka, not private and not unranked.

Ironic coming from a post that required 5 edits :skull:

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Sorry I didn’t want to be as harsh as my first comment came out, so I tried to get the point across (that you’re delusional with bad taste) without being too insulting

I honestly hope you seek help because you are clearly delusional and have some sort of mental block preventing you from seeing reason

I can accept that – platforms, ELO’s, ISP quality, and playing times all affect the available player pool, which in turn affects how long you have to wait between games.

OW2 is just a continuation of OW1 with very heavy emphasis on monetization and 5v5 format. It is largely the same game otherwise.

As for older games, I completely agree.

I’m happy with the game as is (not very picky here). And will quit once OW2 no longer satisfies my entertainment requirements. You are welcome to campaign the DEV’s for a return 6v6 queues if you so choose since they are the ones running the OW2 show.

Well yeah, it was, but the point is that it was marketed as a new game and did initially draw quite a lot of people to either come back or try the game out. Apparently, more people played OW2 at the start than at any other point in the game’s life.

OW2 had a very promising start, but when you go from that to “a small fraction of players remaining”, it’s pretty easy to tell that OW2 has done poorly.

I’m talking to you though

Here’s something I posted on Brownie’s thread that I think some here may be interested to think about.

And you can deny it all you want but streamers have a huge influence on the opinions of the community. Especially if they’re company ‘official’.