Dear "6v6 better" deniers, you're wrong

[EDIT: I suggest you find my latest post about 6v6, it’s much more simple to comprehend]

You see, every time you bring a point about 6v6 not working,

usually more or less it correlates with a certain problem that wasn’t even caused by the 6v6 dynamic, but by something else. (character, balance change)

Or X + Y tank being picked all the time, that one wasn’t really an issue, nor it was something out of necessity to pick these tanks because they were strong.

The more I think about it, the more I realize people don’t have 6v6 for imbalance, but for how consistent it was, because for some reason, consistency gets a lot of hate in Overwatch, many Heroes in OW receive one of the biggest hates, and 90% of the times these heroes are just simply consistent at what they do, and mostly not even overpowered either…

Another thing people forget about 6v6 is that the Tank role was by base design less fun to play like it is now, because the tank pool was simply low, there were 3 DPS for every single tank just like there were 3 DPS for every single support.

Still, this “brothers-in-arms” consistent gameplay tanks had in 6v6 was far better than this “almost raid boss but not quite” shenanigans we have now in 5v5…

People also hate on double shield, which I personally didn’t find that terrible,
you can call all your calls you want on my reasoning why I think that is, you can say “oh it was different in high ranks so you wouldn’t know”, or I don’t know,
However that doesn’t really explain anything, double shield wasn’t blatantly overpowered, it was just consistent,
there were ways to beat double shield, there were ways to play around it.

Now let me call the players who hated double shield out,
you guys simply hate having unique dynamics in a game do you?
“Oh no I can’t click head because it hide behind transparent HP blob”
Yeah that head is hiding behind a transparent HP blob, so what?
Are you just going to throw a tantrum because there’s a systematic requirement to reach the enemy?
Would a tank that is simply for example, let me quote a meme: “too angry to die”, be a more fun to play against?

This is a class based shooter, and you guys seriously complain about one of the classes doing their job, are you serious?

Also apparently 6v6 was hard to balance, -no it wasn’t, the devs just started going ADHD with the balance changes the older the game became, or made more subtle changes, or something inbetween.

And let me just go back to the tank vs DPS discrepancy again, that is the main reason Tank was boring to play,
why should you play boring Reinhardt if none of your teammates bothered to use it as cover to shoot the enemy in safety?

  • instead you could play a cool cyborg ninja, a Time Rewind blink girl, a Freezing nightmare, a literal Reaper, a Soldier, a funny Explosion guy, cool sniper that felt good and rewarding to headshot, it’s hiiiigh nooon, a guy with a bow, robot that transforms into stationary A-10 Thunderbolt, Mortal Kombat character, flying girl with RocketLauncher, Hacker Girl that’s invisible and annoying, TF2 Engineer, TF2 Engineer v2 with teleporter

That’s a variety, before you finish rotating DPS Heroes, the first one already isn’t boring to play again…
Tanks on the other hand…

6v6 was just better, and if you disagree you’re just wrong.

EDIT: I stand corrected, 6v6 is just better, there’s 0 argue about it, only denial and cope.


6v6 wasn’t objectively better than 5v5. Both have their merits, and it’s down to subjectivity as to which plays better. That said, there is no reason whatsoever not to have a 6v6 mode alongside 5v5. They did it for open vs role queue and they might as well do it here. I can guarantee it would increase the playerbase size.


The only way 6v6 would be better is if Brawl was buffed so much that Dive and poke would not be playable on any map.

Anything else is miserable in a 6v6 format.



yes it was,

blanket argument that avoids having to explain it

wrong, if you just like playing one archetype of tank combo/playstyle ur just bad,

why can’t people play Poke or Dive? why Brawl?

I can say Brawl is fun, but only Brawl being viable can make the game stale even if it’s arguably the most fun type of gameplay

huh? thanks weren’t even weak in 6v6, you were just bad


This video perfectly summarizes what happenned to ow:

The turkey is OW btw.


nah it wasn’t that quick


Whatever you say kid, 6v6 ain’t coming back to replace 5v5 so… not sure what you’re even trying to argue about here lol

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6v6 AiNt CoMiNg BaCk

ppl that say “5v5 better” because they have been hit in head with a brick clearly


That’s about the reply I expected.
I was there.
You are still wrong.


The problem you have, is that 5v5 was correct, it doesn’t matter what anyones says, they have more players now and all of them have access to the shop, for a business, 5v5 100% made sense - individual preference is irrelevant, for the company it was a good decision - could change, but it has worked so far

it isn’t lmao

but keep on making posts trying to argue which is better, it’s definitely going to get you somewhere lol

I mean it doesn’t matter if you played the older game, you can be bad regardless :upside_down_face:



so now you just shift it into “there’s nothing we can do”, I see


Math is math

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you and your flawed math again?

If they were to bring 6v6 back they need to delineate tanks into two types. Defensive and offensive tanks. This way we don’t have the double shield issue again.

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You can doubt all you want, the all time player count was from 25 to 50 million

I didn’ say this, at all, I said as a business, it was the correct decision, and Blizz is a business, so the odds of them going back a VERY small

it is, objectively, not. you don’t seem to know what ‘objective’ and ‘subjective’ mean.

Who said it was my math?

This is straight from the devs.


I’m gonna take your route on this and just say

I love these threads.