Damage Creep is NOT a Problem [for the Devs]

I think it needs to be zen , or Ana needs a massive shift from heals because people already figured out how to use Ana to heal and rely on safe heal immortality in engagements.

Depends on how much they try to force dive. If ONLY dive heroes are left which are playable, you will get dive regardless.

Ana is a HARDER target to make dive work with, but, Zen would need CRAZY discord buffs to make him work for it.

If we see crazy crazy discord buffs soon, then, I guess they have changed their target.

genji I think is an outlier because his buffs were too severe, he is very easy to play and get immense value from now. In this way I completely agree about the current state, of perhaps the last week of OW. In combination with the brig nerfs, he might be able to reach must pick status and have the impact on dps viability that you say. I still don’t think in the past month that we have been limited to 5 or 6 viable dps tho, that’s my only disagreement . With the exception of ashe who was overtuned, dps players have enjoyed in the past month one of the most balanced periods we’ve ever had in the game’s history

I think a lot could come with inherent game changes


If they make shields a second health pool to bring up “sustain damage” , and kills widow and doomfist…much favoring tracer

Or making shields Regen faster

Or , as they’ve claimed they’d do: reverts.

Ana at her devestating 60 dps

Or Zen buffed via the jonak nerf revert

They have options.

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Genji is not an outlier. He’s the recent recipient of buffs that completely ruin the game for 90% of the people playing it.

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at a high level ana is being experimented with in scrims with brig (altho not anymore since brig was hard nerfed). It was a variation of dive against the zen/brig dive meta. The ana variation looks to play slower and counter dive more, and win by extending the fights and out sustaining. I heard from a flex support player that in her tier2 scrims tho, she felt zen brig would beat out ana brig when truly optimised.

Interesting tho, ana dive could feel quite nice for the community since they love playing her. We’ve had lots of different dive concepts in the past, from winston zarya, to ball dva, to hybrid comps, to moira+ mercy dive, so anything’s possible.

I imagine dive would be zen, because discord was reverted to 30%, and then whoever can keep zen alive the best. So one of either brig, lucio, bap, or mercy. The thing is tho, if bap can keep zen alive with the help of orisa sigma, then dive fails and wont become meta. Rein and moira are still pretty strong… we could even go back to a hybrid brawl comp with rein/dva, who knows.

Id personally love to see mercy/ana/zen/lucio be support meta, with ball/dva/winston/zarya for tanks

He’s an outlier because besides from him the state of dps balance is better than it has ever been before, and the buffs were recent and from left field and drastic. I think he’s the only hero who could approach musts pick status in the next month or so of ladder, because echo is too hard for most people.

so in the context of what I said, that you’re replying to, he is an outlier

Yeah, discord is super strong in any case where you have good focus fire.

I’m an old Zen main from OG dive. I since moved off supports, but I remember those days well.


I wouldn’t mind it at all.


the jonak revert I wouldn’t be surprised if its on the table actually, since so many people are asking for zen buffs, they want to force dive meta, and they don’t want to destabilise his balance too hard for most of the playerbase

I VERY much suspect it will happen. My only surprise is it hasn’t happened already.

Ana already was being used in dive towards the end because of her high dps.

But since then, her sustain has become cemented in how she’s played. Like you said

She would need a power shift to force sustain fights to be impossible.

Omg… Hiiiii!!!

I played with a group so I was og Lucio but when our Zen was out or I solod… I was the zenny!!!

I agree. The jonak nerf was really only a meta thing. Not a ladder thing.


In terms of the history of the game, this is far from the first time this has happened where they buff a hero that didn’t need it since they weren’t trash for most of us. but because they weren’t allegedly seeing as much play as some people wanted in the top ranks they got very unneeded buffs that didn’t change anything for the top ranks but made things far wore for everyone else. The irony of the Genji changes is that the top ranks will likely see MORE Moira and Brig to deal with him most likely as well as anything that shuts him out of play.

Yeah, my overwatch history was Mercy for like… 600 hours or so. Then I branched out to Lucio / Zen.

Then partially due to a total lack of other options I ended up in a team as their Zen in the open, and we did ok, far enough to be playing on a pro account, and getting paid, but, honestly I was still trash.

To this day I can’t position closer than Winstons jump range to the front of the match without it feeling ALL WRONG.

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Personally I’ve been feeling that eventually they will remove Tank and Support and just have DPS characters. The trinity system can work but it’s a lot harder then they are willing to put the effort.

There is only so many nerfs to a role that a person can take before moving to either another role or away from the game entirely. Like eating crackers for months while looking over your shoulder at someone eating a fancy steak.

And yet, you could at any time, go and eat steak with them, but you feel obligated to keep stuffing those crackers in your mouth.

I’m an ex support if you haven’t worked it out :wink: - I like steak, and those crackers got worse every god damn day.

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I’ve been more or less at a different restaurant to be honest.


I never said it wasn’t, I just said on the whole the dps balance has been better in the past month than it has probably ever been
sry I’m really tired I’m probably just not understanding you properly because I feel like you’re not reading my replies :joy:

not necessarily…if nanoblade becomes virtually undisruputble then ana will become meta. Its possible we could develop a supportmeta where they dont even try to kill genji or shut down blade win con, but instead maximise their own genji in the mirror. For example, winston/dva, genji/echo, ana/mercy

where you wipe to enemy nano blade and wipe them with yours, but whoever can get nano blade and dupe the most often wins, unless ana hits every sleep

Moira cant 1v1 genji that well, or stop his blade, or outheal his combo very well. She’s not that good in higher ranks vs genji

Brig, she could probably do a lot of work even without the overheal because she can still solo blade when she has rally and bash and whipshot :joy:

Well put. I’m been eating at No Mans Sky lately, and suspect I’ll go eat at Prey 2018 again soon. The food was good there, and I am getting a hankering to see if it is still just as good now.

I’ll still be eating at Overwatch Cafe - The food is pretty damn dicey, but on the days where is it good, it is world class.

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I doubt they’ll remove the roles, but they are trying to compress them with balance and reworks. Tanks and supports becoming more like dps makes the game feel better to a lot of people (not everyone). Its probably less complex to balance too

If open q does really well now that its more recognized, I wouldn’t be surprised if they revert role lock down the line. Goats probably wouldnt be meta again with pharah’s buffs and the introduction of echo… Im not sure why they would be hard buffing dps so much otherwise honestly

Altho it makes sense in a way. All of the tanks bar dva have been actually good recently, and they wouldn’t want to be tooooo heavyhanded forcing dive by just monster buffing her… so they do it to genji instead LMAO

Imo… It does work. But what doesn’t work is mass appeal…for anything.

You have to take a stand to what you are willing to do or not do.

Even McDonald’s isn’t going to lie and say their fries are healthy.

It’s trash…we know it. And a lot of people like it. If ya don’t…you deal .

But you have this majority that seems to demand everyone like the fries. And people who like apple slices are being told…

“You’re ruining McDonald’s”

Only instead of backing up slices…blizzard is making apple slices less and less appealing

I’ve been a dirty dirty fortnite ho :joy::joy: